Although most Christians either don’t know - or choose to ignore it - God strictly forbids the eating of swine flesh (pork) in the Holy Bible. This Biblical injunction and references to it can be found in the following verses: Leviticus 11:7-8; Deuteronomy 14:8; Isaiah 52:11, 65:4 and 66:17; and Ezekiel 4:14 and 44:31. And if you have a Bible that contains the Apocrypha, read 2nd Maccabees chapters 6 and 7 for a tragic and horrifying account of how those who refused to eat pork were tortured and killed by the invading Gentiles (or Europeans).
The very name of this foul animal contains an allusion to the prohibition of its flesh. In the Arabic language it is called “khinzir,” which is a combination of “khinz,” meaning “very foul,” and “ara,” meaning “I see.” So the Arabic word for swine – “khinzir” – means, “I see it very foul.” In India the swine is known by the Hindu name “su’ar,” which is pronounced like the English word “sewer.”
The flesh of swine has been proven to be injurious, not only to man’s physical health, but to his moral and spiritual health as well. The swine eats filth and takes delight in living in dirty places. It has indecent habits and possesses the evil trait of sex-perversion. Tapeworms, scrofula, cancer and encysted trichina (i.e., trichinosis) are known to be prevalent among pork-eating people. The following is a list of “foods” categorized as swine flesh and therefore forbidden by God in the Holy Bible:
bacon, baloney, barbecue ribs and/or shoulder, chitterlings (hog intestines), fatback, ham, ham hocks (hog knees), hoghead cheese, hog maws, mountain oysters (hog testicles), neckbones, pepperoni, pig ears, feet and tails, Polish sausage, pork loin, pork chops, pork skins, roast pork, salt pork, sausage and soucemeat (i.e., sow’s meat).
The flesh and blood of not only swine, but any dead animal as food is evidently injurious to man’s health. Most authorities recognize this fact on medicine. All foods that are inherently the products of violence (i.e., slaughtering and/or butchering) have a negative effect on the body’s metabolism. This is so because all flesh foods (beef, pork, lamb, fish and fowl) are the end result of murder...
Consider this profound poem re: eating pork by an anonymous author:
He was made a scavenger, and God says he’s unclean,
and what else can we find so filthy and mean?...
Eat not his flesh, not touch his dead carcass,
for with sin and disease it surely will mark us...
Oh yes, dear people, God’s word, it is just,
still we eat the ol’ greaser, yes eat him we must...
The dirtiest of all beasts, we will not be without,
so we eat the slop-eater, from his tail to his snout...
We would be much better off if we obeyed God’s command,
and ate the vegetables, fruits, and grains of the land.
We pray long and loud, we jump and we shout,
still we eat the ol’ greaser from his tail to his snout...
How we sing, “Oh Happy Day,” and talk of love all divine,
then like vultures we feast on the dirty ol’ swine...
We might shun many ills and diseases, no doubt,
by discarding the hog from his tail to his snout...
The very name of this foul animal contains an allusion to the prohibition of its flesh. In the Arabic language it is called “khinzir,” which is a combination of “khinz,” meaning “very foul,” and “ara,” meaning “I see.” So the Arabic word for swine – “khinzir” – means, “I see it very foul.” In India the swine is known by the Hindu name “su’ar,” which is pronounced like the English word “sewer.”
The flesh of swine has been proven to be injurious, not only to man’s physical health, but to his moral and spiritual health as well. The swine eats filth and takes delight in living in dirty places. It has indecent habits and possesses the evil trait of sex-perversion. Tapeworms, scrofula, cancer and encysted trichina (i.e., trichinosis) are known to be prevalent among pork-eating people. The following is a list of “foods” categorized as swine flesh and therefore forbidden by God in the Holy Bible:
bacon, baloney, barbecue ribs and/or shoulder, chitterlings (hog intestines), fatback, ham, ham hocks (hog knees), hoghead cheese, hog maws, mountain oysters (hog testicles), neckbones, pepperoni, pig ears, feet and tails, Polish sausage, pork loin, pork chops, pork skins, roast pork, salt pork, sausage and soucemeat (i.e., sow’s meat).
The flesh and blood of not only swine, but any dead animal as food is evidently injurious to man’s health. Most authorities recognize this fact on medicine. All foods that are inherently the products of violence (i.e., slaughtering and/or butchering) have a negative effect on the body’s metabolism. This is so because all flesh foods (beef, pork, lamb, fish and fowl) are the end result of murder...
Consider this profound poem re: eating pork by an anonymous author:
He was made a scavenger, and God says he’s unclean,
and what else can we find so filthy and mean?...
Eat not his flesh, not touch his dead carcass,
for with sin and disease it surely will mark us...
Oh yes, dear people, God’s word, it is just,
still we eat the ol’ greaser, yes eat him we must...
The dirtiest of all beasts, we will not be without,
so we eat the slop-eater, from his tail to his snout...
We would be much better off if we obeyed God’s command,
and ate the vegetables, fruits, and grains of the land.
We pray long and loud, we jump and we shout,
still we eat the ol’ greaser from his tail to his snout...
How we sing, “Oh Happy Day,” and talk of love all divine,
then like vultures we feast on the dirty ol’ swine...
We might shun many ills and diseases, no doubt,
by discarding the hog from his tail to his snout...