- Jan 3, 2002
- 1,591
- 172
By Chief Elder Osiris:
This is a reality that plague all Americans, regardless of their ethnic affiliation, which most certainly include the Black so call Afrikan Americans, they who have grown to become the biggest Liars and Pretenders concerning Race, in America, and now has spread to the vanguard Of Black so call Afrikan unquestionable dense concentration, Afrika.
Can you imagine Race as an issue being not permitted to be discussed Divinely in Afrika amongst the Black so call Afrikans, and such a reality does not cause you to wonder why ?
So I ask, why is it that Black so call Afrikans are more sensitized toward the Race issue in America than those people that created the cause for such Hypocrisy, when the issue of Race seem to Rise.
Geraldine Ferraro was Silenced from the Clinton Campaign for speaking the Truth about Race, which leave the implication that Race is not to ever be discussed in earnest in America, Why ? because the major participants to rise in such a discussion, seem to be between and about, Black and White People, and that is an issue of reality that White Racist Americans, will not allow rank and file white people and Distorted Minded Black so call Afrikans, not to be permitted to discuss.
So the question become a valid one and if you Black Folks ever notice, the Racist Prejudice America Media, will not take up the Race issue for discussion, not with a serious Black Nationalist, Why, because they know that there is no Profound Rational explanation for the reason Black Folks are in America, those did not come to America with the statue of Liberty waving Black Folks to America, I am speaking about our Enslaved Ancestors and now about their Children, many of whom have gone completely Blind and now can not see their Blackness, which cause the so call Afrikan Anerican to become ignorant of their Black Selves, and such blindness come from the so call Afrikan Americans, they who are the victims of Americans Influence, the Americans that carry the seed Genes of their parents, they that did in fact Enslaved our Afrikan Ancestors, because of their Race, which White Folks have labeled to be Black, and now we Divine Beings and the world, have accepted such a term, created by white folks, which identify us as being Black, a term adopted by the white Racist World and now today is attempting to pretend that the issue of Race should not be discussed seriously in America, what Lying Hypocrites that they are, both White and Black People.
Here is that question again, why does America run from and distort the issue of Race and is not comfortable in raising such a Mighty and Powerful Issue, it being with enough energy capably of blowing off the lid of injustice in America and the World, now, why do I say that, well because if ever Race is seriously discussed in America, it will lead all that do righ,t to the door step of our Enslaved Ancestors in America, and the Sacred Ark of Reparation, will rise on the River of justice for our Enslaved Afrikan Ancestors.
Tell me beloved, what do you believe is the reason you hear White folks and some Afrikan Americans, making such statement as, " I am so sick and tired of hearing all of this talk about Race in America " ?
As if Race has ever been seriously discussed in America, when in fact Race has not been seriously discussed by white folks, since the Enslavement of our Afrikan Ancestors, yet the Racist Prejudice America Media, continue to march these high quality Uncle Toms and Aunt Jamima, before Black people and low rank White People and other Ethnics, when Race become a momentary brief deceiving issue, never a Staunch Gaveyite Black Nationalist to be invited to participate in such a Discussion.
Even if America Racist Prejudice Media, consent to air a discussion on Race, you will not see True Garveyites invited to join in such a Discussion, not in portion to the number of Afrikan Americans that will be invited.
The issue of Race condemn all that America has been able to Lie its way about, in order to be considered to be the Country of Freedom and opportunity, when in fact, America is a very Suppressive Country and the issue of Race has up to now, been suppressed, because Race is the arrow capable of piercing America Achilles Heel.
The Afrikan Americans are so depressing disgusting, when it come to Creative Profound Divine Thinking, which we are not interesting in such a Mental performance any more, and as long as the Afrikan with the Human Being mind, is allowed to rise in America, and to be the Spoke person for Black People in America, who are here by way of the Middle Passage, then America will remain to be the Hypocrite masquerading around as being the Vanguard of Justice for all in America and the World, without consideration of Race, and I am here to share with you, whether you like it or not, that there is no greater Lie told about America than that.
Under the weigh of Americans Prejudice, America will not be honest about Race and will not bring it to the forefront in America, as America now mislead you who do not Think, to believe what Racism is about, and who it is that qualify to be the Evil performer of Racism, you can not expect a Racist to teach you the Divine Truth about Racism, and what constitute Racism, only a Fool would expect such from a Racist America and the World.
Here is the situation that is rising in America, you have Two White Faction in America, each vying for pseudo power in America, One side is determine to bring the issue of Race to the forefront, because they view that issue to be their weapon equal to the power of the Hydrogen Bomb and you have the other faction that is intent to keep the cover over the issue of Race, because they see such an accomplishment as being equivalent to keeping in their possession the trigger to that Bomb.
Listen Black Folks, why are you sitting around allowing those uncle Toms to pretend that they represent your Nationalist View about Race, you should be bombarding that Racist Prejudice News Media, letting them know that you see their Hypocrisy, in that regard, and that those Uncle Toms do not voice your sentiment on Race, and you should let them know that they will no more send suggestions to Black folks in how to respond in this election year, for President.
Here Is Lovingly Thinking Of you
Chief Elder
The First Way Institute Of Black ( Afrikan ) Mysticism/Repatriation/Reparation
By Chief Elder Osiris:
This is a reality that plague all Americans, regardless of their ethnic affiliation, which most certainly include the Black so call Afrikan Americans, they who have grown to become the biggest Liars and Pretenders concerning Race, in America, and now has spread to the vanguard Of Black so call Afrikan unquestionable dense concentration, Afrika.
Can you imagine Race as an issue being not permitted to be discussed Divinely in Afrika amongst the Black so call Afrikans, and such a reality does not cause you to wonder why ?
So I ask, why is it that Black so call Afrikans are more sensitized toward the Race issue in America than those people that created the cause for such Hypocrisy, when the issue of Race seem to Rise.
Geraldine Ferraro was Silenced from the Clinton Campaign for speaking the Truth about Race, which leave the implication that Race is not to ever be discussed in earnest in America, Why ? because the major participants to rise in such a discussion, seem to be between and about, Black and White People, and that is an issue of reality that White Racist Americans, will not allow rank and file white people and Distorted Minded Black so call Afrikans, not to be permitted to discuss.
So the question become a valid one and if you Black Folks ever notice, the Racist Prejudice America Media, will not take up the Race issue for discussion, not with a serious Black Nationalist, Why, because they know that there is no Profound Rational explanation for the reason Black Folks are in America, those did not come to America with the statue of Liberty waving Black Folks to America, I am speaking about our Enslaved Ancestors and now about their Children, many of whom have gone completely Blind and now can not see their Blackness, which cause the so call Afrikan Anerican to become ignorant of their Black Selves, and such blindness come from the so call Afrikan Americans, they who are the victims of Americans Influence, the Americans that carry the seed Genes of their parents, they that did in fact Enslaved our Afrikan Ancestors, because of their Race, which White Folks have labeled to be Black, and now we Divine Beings and the world, have accepted such a term, created by white folks, which identify us as being Black, a term adopted by the white Racist World and now today is attempting to pretend that the issue of Race should not be discussed seriously in America, what Lying Hypocrites that they are, both White and Black People.
Here is that question again, why does America run from and distort the issue of Race and is not comfortable in raising such a Mighty and Powerful Issue, it being with enough energy capably of blowing off the lid of injustice in America and the World, now, why do I say that, well because if ever Race is seriously discussed in America, it will lead all that do righ,t to the door step of our Enslaved Ancestors in America, and the Sacred Ark of Reparation, will rise on the River of justice for our Enslaved Afrikan Ancestors.
Tell me beloved, what do you believe is the reason you hear White folks and some Afrikan Americans, making such statement as, " I am so sick and tired of hearing all of this talk about Race in America " ?
As if Race has ever been seriously discussed in America, when in fact Race has not been seriously discussed by white folks, since the Enslavement of our Afrikan Ancestors, yet the Racist Prejudice America Media, continue to march these high quality Uncle Toms and Aunt Jamima, before Black people and low rank White People and other Ethnics, when Race become a momentary brief deceiving issue, never a Staunch Gaveyite Black Nationalist to be invited to participate in such a Discussion.
Even if America Racist Prejudice Media, consent to air a discussion on Race, you will not see True Garveyites invited to join in such a Discussion, not in portion to the number of Afrikan Americans that will be invited.
The issue of Race condemn all that America has been able to Lie its way about, in order to be considered to be the Country of Freedom and opportunity, when in fact, America is a very Suppressive Country and the issue of Race has up to now, been suppressed, because Race is the arrow capable of piercing America Achilles Heel.
The Afrikan Americans are so depressing disgusting, when it come to Creative Profound Divine Thinking, which we are not interesting in such a Mental performance any more, and as long as the Afrikan with the Human Being mind, is allowed to rise in America, and to be the Spoke person for Black People in America, who are here by way of the Middle Passage, then America will remain to be the Hypocrite masquerading around as being the Vanguard of Justice for all in America and the World, without consideration of Race, and I am here to share with you, whether you like it or not, that there is no greater Lie told about America than that.
Under the weigh of Americans Prejudice, America will not be honest about Race and will not bring it to the forefront in America, as America now mislead you who do not Think, to believe what Racism is about, and who it is that qualify to be the Evil performer of Racism, you can not expect a Racist to teach you the Divine Truth about Racism, and what constitute Racism, only a Fool would expect such from a Racist America and the World.
Here is the situation that is rising in America, you have Two White Faction in America, each vying for pseudo power in America, One side is determine to bring the issue of Race to the forefront, because they view that issue to be their weapon equal to the power of the Hydrogen Bomb and you have the other faction that is intent to keep the cover over the issue of Race, because they see such an accomplishment as being equivalent to keeping in their possession the trigger to that Bomb.
Listen Black Folks, why are you sitting around allowing those uncle Toms to pretend that they represent your Nationalist View about Race, you should be bombarding that Racist Prejudice News Media, letting them know that you see their Hypocrisy, in that regard, and that those Uncle Toms do not voice your sentiment on Race, and you should let them know that they will no more send suggestions to Black folks in how to respond in this election year, for President.
Here Is Lovingly Thinking Of you
Chief Elder
The First Way Institute Of Black ( Afrikan ) Mysticism/Repatriation/Reparation