Black People : Why Conspiracy Theorists Call Everything A Hoax Or False Flag

I'll agree to disagree....this generation today wrapped up in social media are fodder for trends and sheep mentality....see it everyday....once something is latched onto, they have a hard time letting go, before the damage is beyond repair.

I can give endless examples.....but I hear you.......

Please do give an example ... i'd love to read it.

With so much information available, it's even more reason that all sides be presented - so the youth can at least have a chance at reading the truth, making informed decisions, etc. I do not think we should hide information from them, when the enemy is bombarding them with it.

Please do share an example.

Love You!


The above does not seem right ... so i did a quick search ..

Historically, the term "false flag" has its origins in naval warfare where the use of a flag other than the belligerent's true battle flag before (but not while) engaging the enemy has long been accepted as a permissible ruse de guerre; by contrast, flying a false flag while engaging the enemy constitutes perfidy.[1] -

It's older than Obama and the NRA.

Loving Us!



I said rearing its ugly head.....not started with Obama.......
No I mean I question everything until facts present themselves as such. I don't blindly follow anything, but what I don't mess with is the reality of a situation.

Simply put, once facts and research outweigh the tinfoil thought, then its back to reality.......instead of continued ignorance

Using the recent killings as an example ... we have no first hand knowledge of any of it.

All we know is what we have been told.

We can believe that or not believe it.

In most cases, that's all we have, is what we are told.

Are you referencing some first-hand knowledge and facts or what someone told you?


Using the recent killings as an example ... we have no first hand knowledge of any of it.

All we know is what we have been told.

We can believe that or not believe it.

In most cases, that's all we have, is what we are told.

Are you referencing some first-hand knowledge and facts or what someone told you?



Sister if you're going to outweigh the history of murderous interactions we've had with this race against a tinfoil hat parroted narrative that holds no weight, then I guess I have nothing else to say on this matter, as that is just absolutely ridiculus for any person to do........
Sister if you're going to outweigh the history of murderous interactions we've had with this race against a tinfoil hat parroted narrative that holds no weight, then I guess I have nothing else to say on this matter, as that is just absolutely ridiculus for any person to do........

If I am wrong, show me where I am wrong.

I said, and stand by - the fact that all we have is what we have been told.

I personally witnessed no one getting shot or killed. Have you witnessed it?

I'm not suggesting that the stories given to us are not true ... i am saying ... it's all we have.

We can choose to believe it or not.

What about the above is wrong?

Please show me.



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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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