Chief Elder Osiris : " Why Can't Blacks Work Together "

black people can work together

every advance in the black situation in this country has been the fruit of black people working together.
also, there are entire black countries. surely they must work together or they would not exist.
now there are always some blacks who will not work with the others.
these need to be deprogrammed and brought on line.
we have done it before and we can do it again.
We have always worked together but in ancient time even more so*

jamesfrmphilly said:
every advance in the black situation in this country has been the fruit of black people working together.
also, there are entire black countries. surely they must work together or they would not exist.
now there are always some blacks who will not work with the others.
these need to be deprogrammed and brought on line.
we have done it before and we can do it again.


The deviation we find ourself in today is not "Normal" for us and it is plain to see that we are out of the Natural Order of Things and into a Ab-Normal way of life leaving "Us" with a great need to be "Liberated" from a system of pathological sanctified white racism and preversion from the "Truth" of the knowledge of our Kemetic (African) ancistors and Spirituality...finding us in a state of "Negrodom" and all that goes with it. Even though we find our selves in a pitiful state and condition today...the sistuation is not hopless because "We" know that what is created to be is going to be that in the "End" no matter how long it takes. This sistation we find ourselves in today is only a minor set back at best and due to the "Loss" of our knowledge of self and time we become "Flustrated" in our state of ignorance only wanting to see, feel and know a return to "Balance". The time is now...and we are make-ing a swift return to our "Sanity" as a people...and is only a matter of "Time" that we will make the "Ultimate" re-discovery that we must be a "Unified" people to regain our true "Balance" and "Identity" as we are "Created" to "Be". Our work is to teach the un-civilized so that they will know who they really are through MAAT and M`TAM or our traditional so-called African Spirituality. Step by step by step we will "Win". We are very, very, very "Old" and time is on our side...but we don't have time to waste.


Note: "We" the "Earth" must return to "Balance"...this is our Spirituality and our devine Destiny in Time and Space.
Moorfius said:
Our work is to teach the un-civilized so that they will know who they really are through MAAT and M`TAM or our traditional so-called African Spirituality.
this is the way i see it. each one teach one. i was once quite programmed, now i am less so.
those who are not with it will need to be deprogrammed.
no blackman left behind.
jamesfrmphilly said:
this is the way i see it. each one teach one. i was once quite programmed, now i am less so.
those who are not with it will need to be deprogrammed.
no blackman left behind.

I understand this sentiment. However, this makes the assumption that people are motivated purely by ignorance....where does free will fit in? I go and destroy another Black person for less than honorable reasons, and somewhere I shouldn't be held accountable for my actions? The universe doesn't stop rolling to account for 'ignorance'.

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