okay is it my turn?
Amun-ra you have opened a much needed can of worms here,
Now if we look at the many cultures, religions and beliefs, we will find that the most divisive and genocidal belief is that of Christianity. Why? Because the consensus is that if one group of Christians does not believe what we believe then they are not welcome into what is believed to be truth. On almost every corner in America you will find churches sitting across from each other: Missionary Baptist on one side, Full Gospel Baptist on the other, Catholic on the left and Methodist on the right while in the center are the drug dealers, addicts, thieves and every criminal possibility around. This goes against what true Christianity is: to love people that way Christ loved us. To go out and share the good news with those who have not heard.
Before I go any further I want to clear up something. First, we are talking about Christology in this thread because Theology is the study of God’s way, which is not in question here. It is safe to say that the majority of the world believes there is a GOD and most of them call out to HIM in some form or manner. The Islamic religion believes in ALLAH, the Arabic name for GOD. Christians believe in JEHOVAH, the Hebrew name for GOD and a whole assortment of different names. But what is in question here is how Christians who study the beliefs of Christ are so hypocritical in their stance, especially in the African American realm. Well, the reason being is that every generation since Christ walked the Earth, our society has taken a softer stance on basic biblical principles of life. Now 2000 years later, the stance is so soft that it is no longer important. In the time of Christ, committing a crime meant being crucified stoned impaled or whatever tactic used to cause death. Today, it means jail time and in some situations a slap on the wrist. It comes from not abiding by what the bible instructs us for living in this world. We will wear the WWJD wristbands as we walk past the needy, helpless, sick on our way to our girlfriend’s house while taking the wedding band off. It comes down to punishment of the deed. The right punishment instills greater discipline. No punishment, no discipline.
Now on the subject of practice what we preach. It is hard to practice this if we don't live it in our lives. Christianity requires a higher level of integrity for once you label yourself as such that means you cannot do what you used to do. Sin should bring forth a level of conviction so great that stepping into that place would cause great pain and yet Theologians (Luther, Aquinas, Kierkegaard, Tillich, Stoic, Socrates, and many more) have taken so much time into study the truth in the bible that they have created a level of confusion in the body of Christ. Then with a new era of more highly educated preachers, the level of preaching today is working not only to educate the believer but to help them clear up some generational beliefs about Christ that are not even written in the Bible.
Unending grace had given Christians a license to continue committing sin and immoral acts because they know that "God will forgive them" but the word tells us that after salvation any sin commit will receive a greater punishment. This is due to the fact that we are aware of right and wrong in Christ whereas before we were considered ignorant of HIS ways. This concept of "greater punishment" is never talked about and never embraced because it leaves an open door policy for anyone who doesn't feel like following Christ today. The level of discipline, coupled with accountability, is needed in order for us to "practice what we preach".
Religion in itself will not change the lives of anyone for religion is simply the devotion and discipline to follow something. People watching television all day long because they know nothing else to do is religion. The love of flashy items is religion. The desire to follow Christ teachings is religion, but the true change in one's life comes from the discipline. The discipline to know what is needed and to abide in it. The discipline to read the bible and follow its ways. The discipline to prayer and a "mustard seed" faith system will create change. Anything less will create anarchy.
Watchman Nee once spoke of a process in Christians called brokenness, which is the breaking down of one’s, will in order to allow GOD to fully work in our lives. This means to do away with out thinking and seeking GOD in a way that nothing can come between you and him. This is a hard place to be and the majority of the Body of Christ has never experienced this process. This lack of brokenness if the reason for the gap between believing and behaving.
Ra, I am in the process of finding any statistics relating the levels of crime and disparity in the black community to the degree of faith based living in the home. Although many can say that it even happens in the homes of religious leaders, one must ask how strong is their faith and how well do they stand on the scripture that says, "as for me and my house we shall worship the LORD." Housecleaning must be done before going out to offer a cleaning service to someone else.
Now, pertaining to Jesse Jackson and the fact that clergy are not immune to human behavior...
Just because they are in ministry does not mean that they are not tempted. I find it unfortunate that, at many times when I have been in the pulpit and assisting leaders, people of both sexes have no problem trying to tempt the men and women of GOD. Many times have I seen pastors have ushers to bring cloths to the ladies on the front pew because one in particular is fanning her legs at the pastor and winking at him. I have seen people who come up for prayer attempt to fondle the man or woman of GOD. There are certain things that can be done to avoid this but it takes an understanding that the leaders and human also and tempting them should not occur. But, it comes down to believing "if I marry a preacher then I get a free pass into heaven". It doesn't work like that. We all have our own particular walk with GOD. It is specific for us and us only and in the midst of that walk we are faced with the perils of society, the politics of the world and keeping our family in a place of safety from it.
Christianity is not a label you can buy on a wristband or a T-shirt. It's not gold cross-worn around the neck nor a tattoo on the arm. It is a way of life, a discipline that all should strive for but very few seek. Instead of preaching about how we are going to go to hell if we don't do what is right, we must teach the right way to live. Move away from the emotional side of religion and get down to the practical side for Christianity is with us no matter where we go. Wearing it like a badge of honor is actually a way of avoiding the issue without realizing that bringing self-promotions of your religious beliefs can at most times backfire if you don't walk in the true teachings of Christ. It can bring you an unnecessary amount of criticism and suffering because of it. We must walk in integrity and in complete submission to GOD.
A greater testimony is not the battles you've won but the discipline you've acquired. When someone sees you can't be moved then this is when CHRIST, GOD and the HOLY SPIRIT gets the true glory. This reminds me of a testimony someone spoke to me. They were troubled about evangelizing to a group of addicts and ex-cons. They said they didn't know what to tell them because they followed CHRIST so diligently that they have rarely gone through what the people went through. They were never faced with such temptations. I told them that that is there testimony and to share it....
I look forward to your next can of worms my friend.