- Jan 3, 2002
- 1,591
- 172
Who Are The Real Terrorists Among Black People?
By Chief Elder Osiris
When it come to Black People, White people of power would not have the effect that they have in persecuting, suppressing, and oppressing Black people, if it were not for those Black people who choose to be agents for Lucifer plan, which is to keep Black people dumb about who we are and fearful of that we know nothing about.
Among the Terrorist Arsenal, the greatest and most powerful weapon the Terrorist use is Fear, Lies, and Deception, with Fear being the weapon of mass destruction, and since the target is Black People the terrorist focus upon, even when it might not seem to be the case, the world of terrorist never lose focus of the Black Afrikan Nation and the potential they represent to the terrorist world.
So the question is, Who Are The Real Terrorists Among Black People?
The Answer is unequivocal the sower of Religious doctrine, the agents of Religion, they are known to be Ministers, Preachers, Reverends, Priests, Imam, and Father in Religion, as they are accepted to be Holy Representative of God, as they spread all of the religious lies with purpose to deceive Black people, my primary focus here is Black Afrikan People.
Now, you also have among us those in organizational role as leaders as community activist, they also are contributors to the act of terrorism against Black people, every time that they are before Black people, be it on radio, TV, commercial or Internet, all form of literary communication, Black professional, entertainers, political leaders, they all telling lies and deceiving Black people, claiming to be telling Black people the Truth and is working to achieve the Greater Good for Black People.
Listen Beloved, any Black so call Afrikan who have wormed their way into being an influence to you and is telling you nothing but lies, deceiving you about what you need to do to make your life more secure, peaceful, and joyful, and plays upon your emotion, generating fear in your life, they beloved, are your terrorist.
Religion is the Al Quidia organization among Black People, religion is the most dangerous organization of terrorism against the Black Afrikan Nation, so anyone who come before you spreading religious lies and deception, using the religious doctrine of the Devil, Satan, Lucifer,spreading lies about Heaven and Hell, to spread lies and to be deceiving to you and to conjure up Fear in the name of religion in your life, is a lying and deceiving Terrorist, using fear to conquer the mind of the Black Afrikan people.
It does not matter what the topic happen to be, coming before Black people, if the Divine Truth is not being told about those topics that has a lasting and deep effect upon the life of Black Afrikan People and is being told and discussed with Black people by those whom Black people hold up to high esteem, they playing on the fears of Black people, coming from the lies and acts of deception acted out by those claiming to be leaders in all capacity of the life of Black people, such as Education, economic, entertaining, professional, political, and the most of all, Religious portrayal, then there you have the terrorist among Black people.
Those are the people who represent those life style of action among Black people, they are those who serve to be the greatest danger to the lives of Black people, because there is no more of a potent weapon used to conquer a people mind than FEAR, LIES, AND DECEPTION!!!
Can You Understand That, Beloved?
The reason why Black people lives are in the condition it is in today and the reason why Black people appear to be calm in the midst of our lives turmoil and suffering, is because of the terrorist act being committed against Black people, Black people constantly being attacked with the use of the weapon of Religion, Lies, and acts of deception, dying from the fear it all bring into the Mind conscious of Black Afrikan People.
Religion is the strong hold, the caves out from which the terrorist launch their attack upon the mind of Black Afrikan people and when you are dealing with such a terrorist weapon, you make no distinction in the brand of weapon being used.
So all religion that influence Black people to believe that God come in Gender Form, requiring you to be a believer in its doctrine of philosophy of Fear, Lies, and deception, misleading you to look away from your self, from which all of your life help must come, having you to believe that God is looking down upon you, requiring that you offer up prayer to"HIM".
Having you Black people to believe that your Soul is in need of being saved, yet is not able to identify that soul nor your Spirit, which is being identified as being some ethereal entity floating around in and outside of you.
Religion having you to believe that a White Man, any kind of man claim to have gone up in the sky to be with God the Father and is Soon to come out from the Sky and save your Black Behind from what you need to be saving your self from, which is the Fear, Lies, and Deception, that beloved, is terrorism.
It is Religion that keep your Black Life all wrapped up, entwined in Fear, Lies, and Deception about The Divine Essence, whom you refer to as GOD, "He" Being A God Of Egotistical Vengeance, that is if you do not obey "HIS" commands.
There is no Greater act of terrorism that come out of the bowls of Religion, attacking your life with Fear tactics and with method of lying and deceiving you Black Afrikan People, today, yhan religion.
You Black people who have learned to accept your suffering as a form of religious obedience, which serve as a Divine sign that something drastically has happen to the Mind of the Black Afrikan People, you who live now constantly under the fear of terrorism, which is what keep you bounded to Religion.
The terror of your fear, now have you not knowing What the Divine Essence (GOD) is, you no longer relate to the Universe, both of it, and you have no knowledge of Thyself, which is the life ingredients qualified to conquer a once mighty Divine Black Cosmic Nation, you who once walked upon the planet Terra.(Earth)
Beloved, Even When you Attempt To Do Good, Evil Is Always Present In The Environment Of Religion!!! The Terrorist Of Your Black Life.
Here is the thing about Black people and Religion, we are in such a state of denial about the injury Religion has and is causing to Black People, until we now religiously defend the very terrorist weapon that keep Black people away from our Ancient Cosmic First Way Ancestors Mind.
Black people are more interested in maintaining a Cultural Tradition, Religion, than in knowing and understanding the Divine Truth about what cause us to be in the life predicament we are in today.
You have some of us defending the cause of our oppression, the weapon that brought about the Fall of the Divine Thinking of Black People, meaning Black people have become addicted to being oppressed, as we defend the weapon that cause our depression, Religion.
Black folks claiming that religion is our sacred ground and must be protected from scrutiny and from ridicule by Black People, we now the protector of the David ( religion) that slayed the Giant. ( The Black Afrikan Nation)
Can You Understand That,Beloved?
Be Kind To Your Self, Beloved.
Chief Elder
By Chief Elder Osiris
When it come to Black People, White people of power would not have the effect that they have in persecuting, suppressing, and oppressing Black people, if it were not for those Black people who choose to be agents for Lucifer plan, which is to keep Black people dumb about who we are and fearful of that we know nothing about.
Among the Terrorist Arsenal, the greatest and most powerful weapon the Terrorist use is Fear, Lies, and Deception, with Fear being the weapon of mass destruction, and since the target is Black People the terrorist focus upon, even when it might not seem to be the case, the world of terrorist never lose focus of the Black Afrikan Nation and the potential they represent to the terrorist world.
So the question is, Who Are The Real Terrorists Among Black People?
The Answer is unequivocal the sower of Religious doctrine, the agents of Religion, they are known to be Ministers, Preachers, Reverends, Priests, Imam, and Father in Religion, as they are accepted to be Holy Representative of God, as they spread all of the religious lies with purpose to deceive Black people, my primary focus here is Black Afrikan People.
Now, you also have among us those in organizational role as leaders as community activist, they also are contributors to the act of terrorism against Black people, every time that they are before Black people, be it on radio, TV, commercial or Internet, all form of literary communication, Black professional, entertainers, political leaders, they all telling lies and deceiving Black people, claiming to be telling Black people the Truth and is working to achieve the Greater Good for Black People.
Listen Beloved, any Black so call Afrikan who have wormed their way into being an influence to you and is telling you nothing but lies, deceiving you about what you need to do to make your life more secure, peaceful, and joyful, and plays upon your emotion, generating fear in your life, they beloved, are your terrorist.
Religion is the Al Quidia organization among Black People, religion is the most dangerous organization of terrorism against the Black Afrikan Nation, so anyone who come before you spreading religious lies and deception, using the religious doctrine of the Devil, Satan, Lucifer,spreading lies about Heaven and Hell, to spread lies and to be deceiving to you and to conjure up Fear in the name of religion in your life, is a lying and deceiving Terrorist, using fear to conquer the mind of the Black Afrikan people.
It does not matter what the topic happen to be, coming before Black people, if the Divine Truth is not being told about those topics that has a lasting and deep effect upon the life of Black Afrikan People and is being told and discussed with Black people by those whom Black people hold up to high esteem, they playing on the fears of Black people, coming from the lies and acts of deception acted out by those claiming to be leaders in all capacity of the life of Black people, such as Education, economic, entertaining, professional, political, and the most of all, Religious portrayal, then there you have the terrorist among Black people.
Those are the people who represent those life style of action among Black people, they are those who serve to be the greatest danger to the lives of Black people, because there is no more of a potent weapon used to conquer a people mind than FEAR, LIES, AND DECEPTION!!!
Can You Understand That, Beloved?
The reason why Black people lives are in the condition it is in today and the reason why Black people appear to be calm in the midst of our lives turmoil and suffering, is because of the terrorist act being committed against Black people, Black people constantly being attacked with the use of the weapon of Religion, Lies, and acts of deception, dying from the fear it all bring into the Mind conscious of Black Afrikan People.
Religion is the strong hold, the caves out from which the terrorist launch their attack upon the mind of Black Afrikan people and when you are dealing with such a terrorist weapon, you make no distinction in the brand of weapon being used.
So all religion that influence Black people to believe that God come in Gender Form, requiring you to be a believer in its doctrine of philosophy of Fear, Lies, and deception, misleading you to look away from your self, from which all of your life help must come, having you to believe that God is looking down upon you, requiring that you offer up prayer to"HIM".
Having you Black people to believe that your Soul is in need of being saved, yet is not able to identify that soul nor your Spirit, which is being identified as being some ethereal entity floating around in and outside of you.
Religion having you to believe that a White Man, any kind of man claim to have gone up in the sky to be with God the Father and is Soon to come out from the Sky and save your Black Behind from what you need to be saving your self from, which is the Fear, Lies, and Deception, that beloved, is terrorism.
It is Religion that keep your Black Life all wrapped up, entwined in Fear, Lies, and Deception about The Divine Essence, whom you refer to as GOD, "He" Being A God Of Egotistical Vengeance, that is if you do not obey "HIS" commands.
There is no Greater act of terrorism that come out of the bowls of Religion, attacking your life with Fear tactics and with method of lying and deceiving you Black Afrikan People, today, yhan religion.
You Black people who have learned to accept your suffering as a form of religious obedience, which serve as a Divine sign that something drastically has happen to the Mind of the Black Afrikan People, you who live now constantly under the fear of terrorism, which is what keep you bounded to Religion.
The terror of your fear, now have you not knowing What the Divine Essence (GOD) is, you no longer relate to the Universe, both of it, and you have no knowledge of Thyself, which is the life ingredients qualified to conquer a once mighty Divine Black Cosmic Nation, you who once walked upon the planet Terra.(Earth)
Beloved, Even When you Attempt To Do Good, Evil Is Always Present In The Environment Of Religion!!! The Terrorist Of Your Black Life.
Here is the thing about Black people and Religion, we are in such a state of denial about the injury Religion has and is causing to Black People, until we now religiously defend the very terrorist weapon that keep Black people away from our Ancient Cosmic First Way Ancestors Mind.
Black people are more interested in maintaining a Cultural Tradition, Religion, than in knowing and understanding the Divine Truth about what cause us to be in the life predicament we are in today.
You have some of us defending the cause of our oppression, the weapon that brought about the Fall of the Divine Thinking of Black People, meaning Black people have become addicted to being oppressed, as we defend the weapon that cause our depression, Religion.
Black folks claiming that religion is our sacred ground and must be protected from scrutiny and from ridicule by Black People, we now the protector of the David ( religion) that slayed the Giant. ( The Black Afrikan Nation)
Can You Understand That,Beloved?
Be Kind To Your Self, Beloved.
Chief Elder