Black Spirituality Religion : Who Are "The Keepers of Truth?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
Media Designer

There are things in this world that some of us may never see, not because they do not exist, but because there are systems in place that depend on them staying hidden.

There is an African proverb that says "whoever tells the truth is chased out of nine villages." Is that not the case still? Those who speak the truth speak from what seems to be the most obvious to them, therefore the truth is often times within the minds of the smallest minority who are shunned, despised and even hated.

Still even these people are not the keepers of the truth, they are in most cases people who are seeking the truth and have uncovered pieces of the puzzle piece by piece code by code, brick by brick.

The real "Keepers of the Truth" are guardians appointed to protect the truth for being discovered. We live in a world where one group will say this is not true while another group will say this is true. What we must realize is that there are entire generational movements that are devoted to keeping secrets and they are highly efficient at it.

They have learned how to maneuver Human emotion and send the rational mind down a rabbit hole of life long goose chases. So even those who argue about what is true and what is not must realize that it's a mixed bag. Sometimes a rainbow does lead to a pot of gold, and sometimes it doesn't and never will. Because sometimes, just to prove a certain group wrong or to prove a certain group right- these secret forces will create an illusion to toy with the psyche.

A wise one said "only liars know the truth- everyone else is speculating."

And this is why so many of us have conspiracy theories. Once you realize what is possible when you have money, power and the ability to deceive the Human brain anything is possible. Humans are extraordinarily stupid when the overwhelming majority agrees.

If a Teenager in the home is having sex against the will of their parents, keeping that truth becomes as task of keeping their parents in the light about things that might distract them. If that child is doing good in school, doing their choirs- this is a good way to keep their Parents distracted. No- you don't want to keep them in the dark. Because all Mom and Dad would have to do is gather together in their child's bedroom when they are away and make sure the room is dark and the Ancestors would show them everything they need to know. This is another reason why it's so important for Teens to have their own room.

But it may serve some parent well to remain distracted. There are truths that deal with our personal development that is not for everyone to see or hear. Yet this Teenager is no different than the power that be themselves.

If it so that "only liars know the truth"- then our truths are mainly the things we lie to one another about. We lie about being able to love one person forever, when the truth is one person develops into many people over time and we have to learn how to continue falling in love with the different people the evolve into. We lie about loving all children equally, when in fact all parents have a favorite, that child that is most like them. We lie about knowing our God, our Jesus to the full extent, when the truth is because no one else knows anymore than we do no one can challenge our knowledge.

Worst of all, we lie about understanding things that are far too abstract to tie down and examine. We lie about our ability to make good decisions all the time when the truth is those afraid to fall cannot fly and on average most people make the choices that keep them comfortable.

In that regard, with the knowledge of our lies- then we are also "The Keepers of the Truth" -

Confession scene from the movie "Phone Booth"

Who are the main lairs keeping the truth from us? Are their orders and systems that hide ancient knowledge? Are their real "Men in Black" that cover up Alien visits to Earth? Are there really sock monsters that come out at night and hide your socks? These are all legitimate questions.

The truth is shrouded in darkness. Listen to the darkness, and especially listen to those who are yet to be blinded and deceived by the light.

The truth often slips out...
If you learn how to pay attention....

And now that you've had a good laugh.


There are things in this world that some of us may never see, not because they do not exist, but because there are systems in place that depend on them staying hidden.

There is an African proverb that says "whoever tells the truth is chased out of nine villages." Is that not the case still? Those who speak the truth speak from what seems to be the most obvious to them, therefore the truth is often times within the minds of the smallest minority who are shunned, despised and even hated.

Still even these people are not the keepers of the truth, they are in most cases people who are seeking the truth and have uncovered pieces of the puzzle piece by piece code by code, brick by brick.

The real "Keepers of the Truth" are guardians appointed to protect the truth for being discovered. We live in a world where one group will say this is not true while another group will say this is true. What we must realize is that there are entire generational movements that are devoted to keeping secrets and they are highly efficient at it.

They have learned how to maneuver Human emotion and send the rational mind down a rabbit hole of life long goose chases. So even those who argue about what is true and what is not must realize that it's a mixed bag. Sometimes a rainbow does lead to a pot of gold, and sometimes it doesn't and never will. Because sometimes, just to prove a certain group wrong or to prove a certain group right- these secret forces will create an illusion to toy with the psyche.

A wise one said "only liars know the truth- everyone else is speculating."

And this is why so many of us have conspiracy theories. Once you realize what is possible when you have money, power and the ability to deceive the Human brain anything is possible. Humans are extraordinarily stupid when the overwhelming majority agrees.

If a Teenager in the home is having sex against the will of their parents, keeping that truth becomes as task of keeping their parents in the light about things that might distract them. If that child is doing good in school, doing their choirs- this is a good way to keep their Parents distracted. No- you don't want to keep them in the dark. Because all Mom and Dad would have to do is gather together in their child's bedroom when they are away and make sure the room is dark and the Ancestors would show them everything they need to know. This is another reason why it's so important for Teens to have their own room.

But it may serve some parent well to remain distracted. There are truths that deal with our personal development that is not for everyone to see or hear. Yet this Teenager is no different than the power that be themselves.

If it so that "only liars know the truth"- then our truths are mainly the things we lie to one another about. We lie about being able to love one person forever, when the truth is one person develops into many people over time and we have to learn how to continue falling in love with the different people the evolve into. We lie about loving all children equally, when in fact all parents have a favorite, that child that is most like them. We lie about knowing our God, our Jesus to the full extent, when the truth is because no one else knows anymore than we do no one can challenge our knowledge.

Worst of all, we lie about understanding things that are far too abstract to tie down and examine. We lie about our ability to make good decisions all the time when the truth is those afraid to fall cannot fly and on average most people make the choices that keep them comfortable.

In that regard, with the knowledge of our lies- then we are also "The Keepers of the Truth" -

Confession scene from the movie "Phone Booth"

Who are the main lairs keeping the truth from us? Are their orders and systems that hide ancient knowledge? Are their real "Men in Black" that cover up Alien visits to Earth? Are there really sock monsters that come out at night and hide your socks? These are all legitimate questions.

The truth is shrouded in darkness. Listen to the darkness, and especially listen to those who are yet to be blinded and deceived by the light.

The truth often slips out...
If you learn how to pay attention....

And now that you've had a good laugh.

Excellent Write !!!!!

There are things in this world that some of us may never see, not because they do not exist, but because there are systems in place that depend on them staying hidden.

There is an African proverb that says "whoever tells the truth is chased out of nine villages." Is that not the case still? Those who speak the truth speak from what seems to be the most obvious to them, therefore the truth is often times within the minds of the smallest minority who are shunned, despised and even hated.

Still even these people are not the keepers of the truth, they are in most cases people who are seeking the truth and have uncovered pieces of the puzzle piece by piece code by code, brick by brick.

The real "Keepers of the Truth" are guardians appointed to protect the truth for being discovered. We live in a world where one group will say this is not true while another group will say this is true. What we must realize is that there are entire generational movements that are devoted to keeping secrets and they are highly efficient at it.

They have learned how to maneuver Human emotion and send the rational mind down a rabbit hole of life long goose chases. So even those who argue about what is true and what is not must realize that it's a mixed bag. Sometimes a rainbow does lead to a pot of gold, and sometimes it doesn't and never will. Because sometimes, just to prove a certain group wrong or to prove a certain group right- these secret forces will create an illusion to toy with the psyche.

A wise one said "only liars know the truth- everyone else is speculating."

And this is why so many of us have conspiracy theories. Once you realize what is possible when you have money, power and the ability to deceive the Human brain anything is possible. Humans are extraordinarily stupid when the overwhelming majority agrees.

If a Teenager in the home is having sex against the will of their parents, keeping that truth becomes as task of keeping their parents in the light about things that might distract them. If that child is doing good in school, doing their choirs- this is a good way to keep their Parents distracted. No- you don't want to keep them in the dark. Because all Mom and Dad would have to do is gather together in their child's bedroom when they are away and make sure the room is dark and the Ancestors would show them everything they need to know. This is another reason why it's so important for Teens to have their own room.

But it may serve some parent well to remain distracted. There are truths that deal with our personal development that is not for everyone to see or hear. Yet this Teenager is no different than the power that be themselves.

If it so that "only liars know the truth"- then our truths are mainly the things we lie to one another about. We lie about being able to love one person forever, when the truth is one person develops into many people over time and we have to learn how to continue falling in love with the different people the evolve into. We lie about loving all children equally, when in fact all parents have a favorite, that child that is most like them. We lie about knowing our God, our Jesus to the full extent, when the truth is because no one else knows anymore than we do no one can challenge our knowledge.

Worst of all, we lie about understanding things that are far too abstract to tie down and examine. We lie about our ability to make good decisions all the time when the truth is those afraid to fall cannot fly and on average most people make the choices that keep them comfortable.

In that regard, with the knowledge of our lies- then we are also "The Keepers of the Truth" -

Confession scene from the movie "Phone Booth"

Who are the main lairs keeping the truth from us? Are their orders and systems that hide ancient knowledge? Are their real "Men in Black" that cover up Alien visits to Earth? Are there really sock monsters that come out at night and hide your socks? These are all legitimate questions.

The truth is shrouded in darkness. Listen to the darkness, and especially listen to those who are yet to be blinded and deceived by the light.

The truth often slips out...
If you learn how to pay attention....

And now that you've had a good laugh.

You know I really don't care how I sound right now ...

We need to get the .... out of this country or wake up and ended this child play that we are being victimized to; PERIOD!!! Its time that we create our own or take what already belongs to us. They have many more waves of destruction for us African Americans and the sad part of this mess is that we don't know where and who its going to happen to next.

California, New York, Down South, etc ... what's next Shy-town, Detroit? We are living in a whole different world while living in America. That is why I'm an active member of the I.A.A.C (International African American Caucus) which soul purpose is to get us the .... out of here. That last video pissed me smooth off. I can't understand for the life of me why we choose to stay here as though this is the best place on this planet. We've been told this and so many of our comedians spew out this b/s during there comedy acts and we listen. This place is only good to those who have the right I.D. (white).

Did you here what that lady said? She said white people were taken out first. Man many of those military men were black! They have brainwashed us that much were even the military staff that is black turned on their own people.

I have a god brotha who was their when that happened and he was telling me that there were snake swallowing babies and there were alligators snatching peoples off of their roofs. These are things that were happening that many of us who weren't there don't know about.

We are still their property and they can do with us as they please and have done. We willfully give up our rights as gods when we allow ourselves to be treated as men.

This is what happens when we give up our birth rights ... we die like animals, we are no different from the animals in the slaughter house. They grow the animals for the slaughter, just to use them for food. They allow us to grow in their nation just to feed off of our energy and then they slaughter us with AIDS, heart diseases, poverty, prisons.

I'm fed up with this b/s which is why my family and I have been looking for a good country in Africa to move to until we as a people unite to build our own.

There are 2400 species that die on this planet each day ... don't think that we are above being one to die because we are gods. If we don't exert our godly powers then we are no more gods but dead things buried. There are no spells collectively that can save us. If spells worked then our priestess & priest would have foreseen this terror that has befallen us and they should have been strong enough to stop this from happening to us with their potions. There are no formulas that can be concocted to get us out of this mess - these are physical things that work on small levels (physical). I sometimes laugh at our ignorance but break down in tears for our weakness.

Its time that we get back to our original state which is the power of energy bending, element commanding spiritual masters or our ultimate end is death. These being are not playing with us and they have to activate their full plane before we wake up as a unit. Terror is theirs and so the annihilation of our people must come swiftly and silently before the sleeping giant (use) re-awaken. I'm calling all spiritual masters our spiritual masters to wake up and exert your, my spiritual power.

You know who you are!!!
Bro. Ru2Religious- I salute you good Brotha!

There are 2400 species that die on this planet each day ... don't think that we are above being one to die because we are gods. If we don't exert our godly powers then we are no more gods but dead things buried. There are no spells collectively that can save us. If spells worked then our priestess & priest would have foreseen this terror that has befallen us and they should have been strong enough to stop this from happening to us with their potions. There are no formulas that can be concocted to get us out of this mess - these are physical things that work on small levels (physical). I sometimes laugh at our ignorance but break down in tears for our weakness.

That last video had me thinking some things also that I cannot post here. So many of us can't imagine what happened during Katrina because we weren't there. And even more of us look at them as if they are exaggerating the truth and lying. And then when you look at it for what it say wait a minute. We experienced a terrible holocaust in this country- within our lifetime, and we are still here? You know what. I would even go as far and say a potential Black President wouldn't have a chance without the Katrina Holocaust. Which means it's possible that White guilt is at it's all time high because of it. And if so then what our Brothas and Sisters are saying happened did happen.

I couldn't begin to imagine the feeling of helplessness and watching babies laying on the ground dying. We ask about our potential re-enslavement, what we fail to realize is that the type of enslavement our Ancestors experienced was a way for them to build a system that kept them in power. We are still hens in their chicken coop. We are slaves behind the glass. In case of emergency-break glass. We hear these stories from Katrina and we lie to ourselves saying no, it couldn't happen in America. They would never go that far. That's illegal and they would never do it.

All these people need is a smoke screen to do what they need to do, that's all. They'll use these weather patterns to clean house.

But we must face monsters head on, because they have systems in place all over the planet and they are not dealt with here their forces all over the globe will only grow stronger. Unfortunately too many of us will have to die in order to really deal with them at the level where we are the most powerful.

I starting to understand why Ancient Africans are shown holding ankhs in their hands also. I feel as though it was a way to prevent certain type of weapons to be used against them, the ankh was a deflector.

We really need to get up on some hightec weaponry. study this. Search using the following: "Turn a flashlight into a handheld burning laser"
what you'd be looking at is a real "lightsaber" that anyone can build.

Look at the information behind that and consider what types of technology the military is using. I'm only saying that we have the potential for something even more advanced.
What is Scalar Technology?

Scalar Energy - A Completely
New World Is Possible

The greatest scientific discovery in the history of the world has happened over the last few decades and it has gone largely unnoticed because of the great secrecy with which it has been held by all who know of it. It is the discovery of a completely new kind of electomagnetic waves which exist only in the vacuum of empty space, the empty space between the atoms of our bodies as well as the empty space we see in sky at night. All of empty space.


Also called "zero-point" energy- what we are looking at here is scientific truth that will be called pseudo-science and lies while they are working on advanced weaponry to rid the world of "useless eaters" to bring about a newer world order of high technological systems of control.

But when some people talk about Haarp- weather modification, electro-magnetic weaponry- it sounds too far fetched to be true. Just like the stories we hear from Katrina right? And why would these people create earthquakes? For what? Why Hurricanes, why tornadoes? Too much time on their hands perhaps. Or maybe just too much power.

Let's take it down a notch. What causes a stroke?

A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that brings oxygen and nutrients to the brain either bursts (hemorrhagic stroke) or is clogged by a blood clot or some other mass (ischemic stroke). When a rupture or blockage occurs, parts of the brain don't get the blood and oxygen they need. Without oxygen, nerve cells in the affected area of the brain can't work properly, and die within minutes. And when nerve cells can't work, the part of the body they control can't work either. The devastating effects of a severe stroke are often permanent because dead brain cells aren't replaced.

Khalid Muhammad died from a stroke. Who else died from a stroke?
Phil Schneider mentioned in the video.

Schneider claimed to have been working especially with the construction of military underground bases, using technologies which were deliberately being held back from the public, along with other classified technologies including alien spacecraft technology, and that he'd encountered alien life while working underground. He described a subterranean network of vast bases, several of which were many cubic miles in volume and several miles below ground, and that they all were linked in a supersonic railway network. Furthermore, he claimed that all world politics are dictated by a secret, "higher" government, or the New World Order as he called them, which has complete control over all the militaries, economies, governments, and politics of every country in the world. And this higher governmental entity is taking orders from an extraterrestrial "non-human" source which has sinister intent.

A stroke can be produced by high frequency emitters, directed at the heart or brain. Even by certain drugs fed to the patient that go undetected. A stroke is one of the easiest ways for them to get away with murder.

We still cannot say if these things are true, but by evidence we know at least that it's possible, it can be done.

The keepers of the truth always want to kill those who reveal the truth, or even those who speak too loudly about getting the truth that the people become inspired to do so.

Even poor whites who are not concerned at all with our agendas speak their truths for their own reasons. Dr. Kamau Rashidi Kamboon sat up at Howard University Law School on October 14, 2005 and told us what he believed was his truth concerning all that happened during Katrina.

"They have retina scans, they have what they call racial profiling, DNA banks, and they’re monitoring our people to try to prevent the one person from coming up with the one idea. And the one idea is, how we are going to exterminate white people because that, in my estimation, is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet to solve this problem,"

His words may not be yours or mine, but as he said- that he the only conclusion he has come up with. Yet many of the same have said it goes deeper than white people- but white thought in general, thoughts that can occupy the minds of all races that have them programmed to believe whites are superior to them all, therefore- they and those like them deserve to die.

Our problem? Tupac & Jordan Maxwell mentioned it here.

"The only messiah you've got is in you with that divine force in the universe that makes you who you are; you give that up, you give it to someone else, then you don't have nothing."


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YAAAAAAAAAAY @Cindy ... :love:
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