The oligarchy uses the term terrorism freely to pimp it's agenda of hatred to 3rd world peoples to steal their oil or destroy their land in order to make oil pipelines
in the 60s and 70s they actually employed terrorism against African poeple seeking liberation and freedom from corprorate recolonization, and union busting
(see John Stockwell;the War Aginst 3rd World People, youtube, googlevideo)
However terrorism is something a person cannot ignore
like the corparate EU and US terrorism of the Congo for Coltan and Lithium,
the millions there are unable to ignore the death rape and mutilation of their children and the disenfrachisement of their nation, while any protest or outcry is met be the murder of ones extended family
yet there seems to be little discussion of this or the corporate terrorism of the Black community right here in the United States
by Wall street,
that cannot be ignored,
as schools close to become luxury condominiums for regentrification, Black financila institutions are destroyed and Black farmers disenfranchised and disciriminated as much as they were durimg the time of Jim Crow, as well as milions still loosing jobs due to outsourceing of manufacturing and white collar mid level jobs
So when an internet message can be erased or ignored
how does it compare to the real hell that Africans are facin each day??
A computer is something that can be turned on or off,
but no parent in the DRC can turn off, terrorists at night seeking to kill the father rape the mother and steal the child to mine Coltan for White Supremists global exploitation