Black People Politics : White (Nationalist) Riot

I know a lot of people scared as hell, the best you can do is protect yourself, no matter what you do trouble will soon be coming, smh forcing our hand like this, the people stirring all this sh*t up probably in another country drinking wine, letting america, and the rest of the clueless world, do their dirty work

Right, exactly, "strong men" around the globe are rising up pushing their white nationalism at every turn. Survival of the fittest is the order of the day for all people of color against the White Riot.

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How about a little something different…

Radical right has always been Republican up to a point. Why up to a point? Because the difference is the Republican party doesn't go far enough for radicals. They want conservative government, but by their strict limitations. They want order but, not by law like Republicans, but by mandate. Since they have not got the power or the numbers, they'll take what they can get, and since Trump wants to live by the laws that are already on the books and to vet for possible ISIS and that ilk from the same Muslim states that Obama marked as suspect by the way, Alt right will back Trump. Radicals will take what ever is not the new Democrat Socialism. The Democratic party is now, also a noticeable neo
Marxist Party. You can thank the Marxist professors and literary writers in the colleges for that one.

On the other hand, Alt left Democrats want to open our borders to everyone. With this Dems are willing to gamble 30 to 500 American lives against 100,000 more Syrians, already having 800,000 here, already having added up to a variety of attacks and deaths. With the towers that adds up to about 3,500 wounded and killed. Also what comes into our culture is a patchwork gradation of anti-female ideology. There have been three honor murders of teen daughters. The one daughter I know was beat up on the stairs, knocked down, her bracelets broken into her arm. She was 20 years old, but she had no rights, because she is a female. So why doesn't it seem reasonable to vet the people we let in who have already sworn, "Death to America?" Will they accept the culture of the America we have fought for? Is the Middle East theocracy one of liberty for all, or is there still loss of liberty 2017-- for females?"

Why isn't it reasonable to build that wall all the way that is possible across our lower border, where every organized crime against humanity comes in from Mexico there, including slave women and children robbed of their innocent lives sex trafficking
. To try and stop the cartels, organized murder of anyone who tries to stop them is headed for a mass grave.
How about a little something different…

Radical right has always been Republican up to a point. Why up to a point? Because the difference is the Republican party doesn't go far enough for radicals. They want conservative government, but by their strict limitations. They want order but, not by law like Republicans, but by mandate. Since they have not got the power or the numbers, they'll take what they can get, and since Trump wants to live by the laws that are already on the books and to vet for possible ISIS and that ilk from the same Muslim states that Obama marked as suspect by the way, Alt right will back Trump. Radicals will take what ever is not the new Democrat Socialism. The Democratic party is now, also a noticeable neo
Marxist Party. You can thank the Marxist professors and literary writers in the colleges for that one.

On the other hand, Alt left Democrats want to open our borders to everyone. With this Dems are willing to gamble 30 to 500 American lives against 100,000 more Syrians, already having 800,000 here, already having added up to a variety of attacks and deaths. With the towers that adds up to about 3,500 wounded and killed. Also what comes into our culture is a patchwork gradation of anti-female ideology. There have been three honor murders of teen daughters. The one daughter I know was beat up on the stairs, knocked down, her bracelets broken into her arm. She was 20 years old, but she had no rights, because she is a female. So why doesn't it seem reasonable to vet the people we let in who have already sworn, "Death to America?" Will they accept the culture of the America we have fought for? Is the Middle East theocracy one of liberty for all, or is there still loss of liberty 2017-- for females?"

Why isn't it reasonable to build that wall all the way that is possible across our lower border, where every organized crime against humanity comes in from Mexico there, including slave women and children robbed of their innocent lives sex trafficking
. To try and stop the cartels, organized murder of anyone who tries to stop them is headed for a mass grave?

You're doing trump speak, so I don't know what you're talking about. Seriously, are his supporters aware of his notorious lying, ways?
All the lies that his supporters pretend to support.
All organized crime does not come thru Mexico.
America has its own organized crime, which I believe don is a part of.
The rethugs are criminals. Your pres has at least 4,000 warrants to appear in court. Lil don is a con man, a lier and a crime boss.
We don't need to talk about the wall that will never be built.
con man
confidence man". One who gains the trust, or "confidence", of his victims (often called marks) in order to manipulate, steal from, or otherwise predate upon them. (U.S. slang, late 1800s)

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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