Bear with me but here's my "Twilight Zone" take on this. Out the gate it's Hillary in the lead, Ted Cruz rears his stupid head gaining with his Ivy League image, Barry Soetoro get's a call from George Soros & he backs her play even though she excoriated him in 2008, the Benghazi issue get's back door help from of all people Vladimir Putin, Trump whistles Dixie while Comey get's bought off, Hillary starts going full balls to the wall with the Black women, Trump counters with the black men of the cloth, Hillary get's her first serious slam with the resurgence of the WikiLeaks e-mail scandal again, Hispanic gays get blasted in Orlando of all places (Sorta like the movie: Wag The Dog which was a parody on Bill invading Iraq to deflect his upcoming impeachment hearings) Now that was convenient, all is good now Donald & Hillary are trading barbs like their very lives depend on it. All is good with the world since Donald's saying some socially unacceptable things & Hillary's numbers are rising, uh oh that old skull injury's reacting to the stress of extreme paced campaigning, seizures, seizures,'s her allergies, two weeks later, it's pneumonia.....what special sunglasses that epileptics wear? what huge lady slightly to the rear of Hillary? Plan B: Bombs & knifings, yes that's the ticket, serious deflection this time....better work, yep that medication has finally calmed her down, you're doing good Hillary, just focus those valium dilated eyes & read the Telapromter....good girl, back to bed with you........ring ring ring....WHAAAAAAAAT??? That dirtbag got caught sleeping like some homeless bum in the alley of a Jersey bar? Hey Bill this is a bad one, no way can we make this guy die in jail & make it look like suicide, best we can do is push Hillary through the electoral college & let her step down & we just run America through our Gorge Soros approved VP puppet....what's her running mates name again?
Fade to black.
I've never been a conspiracy theorist & have always prided myself in defending American government, law enforcement & private enterprise because I was taught that it was the right thing to do because our government provides us with a much higher standard of living that citizens of other countries could only dream of. I now know that there never was a two party system. So what's really going on with this three ring circus?
Ring #1: Donald John Trump
Ring #2: Hillary Rodham Clinton
Ring #3: We the people