Black Spirituality Religion : Where In The Quran Does Allah Command Muslims To Worship Wall's ? Aqil

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IssaEl21 said:
Ques ; If God Is The First And The Last , Who Established His Time Zone & What Was It Based Upon ?
Ans ; To Address It Based On The Alpha Omega Theory , If Believer Believe Their God , Jehovah , Theos , By WhatEver The Christian Call Him Or Her , To Be The First And The Last , This Would Be The Foundation For Their Laws Of Time , Even Though Their Holy Book Establishes Time After Thier God Was Already Here When It States In Genesis 1 ; 14 And I Quote ; <> And God said , Let there be light in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night ; and let them be for signs and for season for days and years . ;... At This Point In The Bible . Time Is Being Established By Lights In The Firmament . The Hebrew Word Used For Firmament Is Raqeeya / Raw - Kee - Ah - Meaning '' The Kies '' They Are Talking About What All Astronomers Know As The Sun , The Moon , And The Stars , As It States In Genesis 1 ; 16 And I Quote <> And God made two great lights the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night ; he made the stars also . ;... So It Is Plain To See That Time Exist Before The Creation Of Time In The Bible , And Even Genesis 4 ;3 And I Quote <> And in process of time it cameto pass , that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord ;.. Adds The Word Time When In Fact In The Hebrew, The Word Yowm Is There For Day . What I Am Saying Is Based On The Bible There Is No Accurate Calculation Of Time .
This Post Is Not To Be Mistake As A Racial Post OverStand ???

Music Producer said:

I See That Question Was Way Over Your Liitle Head . But Let's Try Something Easy
Nubians / Black People EveryWhere Called '' Kingu '' '' The Hypnotic Spell Of Sleep '' '' Or What Is Commoly Known As '' The Spell Of Leviathan '' Our People Have Been In A Coma State For 6,000 Years , Of The Conscious Mind , Making You Forget Your True Identity Of Self In Ancient Tama - Re '' Egipt '' We Called It Amam . This Spell Of Aman Is Enforced Through The Media And Religion Propaganda That Promotes Scriptures , Such As The English Translation Of The Bible And The English Translation Of The Quraan '' 'Koran' That Consists Of Blind Faith And Belief With No Facts Or Confirmation ; Out Right Ignorance To Who They Are . The Power Of Amam '' Leviathan '' Are Actually Enforced By These Fake Religious Book , And White Supremacy Propaganda , Which I Call White Magic In Their Original Tongue And Form , The Purpose Of These Religious Book Were For Guidance . Until Disagreeable Forces Altered Them Into TheForm You Have Today Which Has You Living Off Of Blind Faith . You Shall Know The Truth John 8 ; 32 . Do Not Believe In The Truth . Know It Through Confirmation ! Also A Scripture Written In Hebrew Or Arabic Does Not Make Them True . Both The Hebrew Torah '' Bible '' And The Arabic Quran '' Koran '' Have Mistake In Them , And God Or Allah Could Not Make Mistakes . Not To Mention . The Original Scriptures Were Destroyed . They Don't Have Them . They Only Have Replicas . These ReligionsThemselves , Mosesism '' Judaism '' Christian '' Christianity '' Muhammadism '' Al Islaam '' Are Spell . How ? RELIGION IS A SPELL , Because It Keeo You Thinking That Someone Or Something Is Going To Save You . WHEN THE HELPING HAND THAT YOU'RE LQQKING FOR IS AT THE END OF YOUR ARM . RELIGION IS A SPELL . Because It Has You Believeing That You Can't Have Anything Of Worth Until After You Die . And Go Up Somewhere In A Heaven Or Garden , When All You Have To Do Is Work For It . They Don't Describe Anything In Heaven , You Or A Millionaire Can't Get Right Here On Earth , RELIGION IS A SPELL , Because It Condones People Turning Into Bums , Dropouts And Failurs Of Society . When A Steady Income Could Sove Most Of Your Problems. RELIGION IS A SPELL , Because It Has You Believe In Spooks And Ghost . However Those Whom You Were Made In The Image And Likeness Of . Were Physical Being Of Tama - Re , '' Egipt '' Your Neteru , Or Neteraat '' Supreme Being '' Called God , Were Are Are Real . Neter '' Supreme Being '' The Father , Asaru '' Osiris '' , Neter '' Supreme Being '' The Son . Haru '' Horus '' And The Mother , The Netert '' Supreme Being '' Aset '' Isis '' Are Real People . In Fact . They Are Making Themselves Known . The Tombs Of Asaru '' Osiris '' And Aset '' Isis '' Have Recently Been Unearth , So They Are No Longer A Myth . The Spell Of AMAM '' Leviathan '' Is Also Enforced Through Pa Tama - Hu , Man Or Ghost Man's Media By Establishing How You As Nubians / Blacks Should LQQK ,What You Shoud Wear , How You Should Feel . Where You Should Go , Where You Should Work , How You Should Spend Your Money And What You Should Eat . The Tama - Hu Man Tries To Controly Your Mind And All Your Feelings To Make You Work Against Yourself And Kind . The Spell Of AMAM Is Also Enforced Through The Public School System By Instilling In You Since Childood , The Concept Of 1, 2 , 3 , Everything Is Taught To You In Threes , Your
A . B .C . ; Your 1 , 2 . 3 . Your Nouns , Person , Places , And Things ; The 3 . Little Pigs , The 3 . Bears , Etc ... The Spell Of AMAM ''Levisthan '' Is In The Mode Of 1 . 2 . 3 . '' Or Persons , Places , And Things '' Locked Within The Dimensions And There Is Nothing You Can Conceive That Does Not Fit In Either Of Those Categories . EveryThing Is In SomeWay Based On The Number '' 3 '' For Example .
( A ) . The Three R 's = 1 . Reading , 2 . WRiting , 3 . Arithmetic
( B ) . The Trinity = 1 . The Father , 2 . The Son , 3 . The Holy Ghost
( C ) . The Bible = Based On ; 1 . God . 2 . Devil . 3 . Humanity
( D ) . Lifestyle Concept = 1 . Home . 2 . Job . 3 . Money In The Bank .
With These Three Methods . Religion , Media , And School '' ( Or Sheow ) Meaning '' Hell '' In The Aramic ( Hebrew ) Language You Have Been Programmed From A Very Young Age , Even In Something As Simple As Being Taught To Say Hell - o Or '' Hell Is Low . In All Their Religions . They Worship Hades ( The UnderWorld ) . Which Is The Greek Word For Hell . That's Why They Greet With Hell - O , And Their Ancient Greek Religion And Way Of Life Culture And Language Are All Based On The Prefix Hell .
IssaEl21 said:
I See That Question Was Way Over Your Liitle Head . But Let's Try Something Easy
Nubians / Black People EveryWhere Called '' Kingu '' '' The Hypnotic Spell Of Sleep '' '' Or What Is Commoly Known As '' The Spell Of Leviathan '' Our People Have Been In A Coma State For 6,000 Years , Of The Conscious Mind , Making You Forget Your True Identity Of Self In Ancient Tama - Re '' Egipt '' We Called It Amam . This Spell Of Aman Is Enforced Through The Media And Religion Propaganda That Promotes Scriptures , Such As The English Translation Of The Bible And The English Translation Of The Quraan '' 'Koran' That Consists Of Blind Faith And Belief With No Facts Or Confirmation ; Out Right Ignorance To Who They Are . The Power Of Amam '' Leviathan '' Are Actually Enforced By These Fake Religious Book , And White Supremacy Propaganda , Which I Call White Magic In Their Original Tongue And Form , The Purpose Of These Religious Book Were For Guidance . Until Disagreeable Forces Altered Them Into TheForm You Have Today Which Has You Living Off Of Blind Faith . You Shall Know The Truth John 8 ; 32 . Do Not Believe In The Truth . Know It Through Confirmation ! Also A Scripture Written In Hebrew Or Arabic Does Not Make Them True . Both The Hebrew Torah '' Bible '' And The Arabic Quran '' Koran '' Have Mistake In Them , And God Or Allah Could Not Make Mistakes . Not To Mention . The Original Scriptures Were Destroyed . They Don't Have Them . They Only Have Replicas . These ReligionsThemselves , Mosesism '' Judaism '' Christian '' Christianity '' Muhammadism '' Al Islaam '' Are Spell . How ? RELIGION IS A SPELL , Because It Keeo You Thinking That Someone Or Something Is Going To Save You . WHEN THE HELPING HAND THAT YOU'RE LQQKING FOR IS AT THE END OF YOUR ARM . RELIGION IS A SPELL . Because It Has You Believeing That You Can't Have Anything Of Worth Until After You Die . And Go Up Somewhere In A Heaven Or Garden , When All You Have To Do Is Work For It . They Don't Describe Anything In Heaven , You Or A Millionaire Can't Get Right Here On Earth , RELIGION IS A SPELL , Because It Condones People Turning Into Bums , Dropouts And Failurs Of Society . When A Steady Income Could Sove Most Of Your Problems. RELIGION IS A SPELL , Because It Has You Believe In Spooks And Ghost . However Those Whom You Were Made In The Image And Likeness Of . Were Physical Being Of Tama - Re , '' Egipt '' Your Neteru , Or Neteraat '' Supreme Being '' Called God , Were Are Are Real . Neter '' Supreme Being '' The Father , Asaru '' Osiris '' , Neter '' Supreme Being '' The Son . Haru '' Horus '' And The Mother , The Netert '' Supreme Being '' Aset '' Isis '' Are Real People . In Fact . They Are Making Themselves Known . The Tombs Of Asaru '' Osiris '' And Aset '' Isis '' Have Recently Been Unearth , So They Are No Longer A Myth . The Spell Of AMAM '' Leviathan '' Is Also Enforced Through Pa Tama - Hu , Man Or Ghost Man's Media By Establishing How You As Nubians / Blacks Should LQQK ,What You Shoud Wear , How You Should Feel . Where You Should Go , Where You Should Work , How You Should Spend Your Money And What You Should Eat . The Tama - Hu Man Tries To Controly Your Mind And All Your Feelings To Make You Work Against Yourself And Kind . The Spell Of AMAM Is Also Enforced Through The Public School System By Instilling In You Since Childood , The Concept Of 1, 2 , 3 , Everything Is Taught To You In Threes , Your
A . B .C . ; Your 1 , 2 . 3 . Your Nouns , Person , Places , And Things ; The 3 . Little Pigs , The 3 . Bears , Etc ... The Spell Of AMAM ''Levisthan '' Is In The Mode Of 1 . 2 . 3 . '' Or Persons , Places , And Things '' Locked Within The Dimensions And There Is Nothing You Can Conceive That Does Not Fit In Either Of Those Categories . EveryThing Is In SomeWay Based On The Number '' 3 '' For Example .
( A ) . The Three R 's = 1 . Reading , 2 . WRiting , 3 . Arithmetic
( B ) . The Trinity = 1 . The Father , 2 . The Son , 3 . The Holy Ghost
( C ) . The Bible = Based On ; 1 . God . 2 . Devil . 3 . Humanity
( D ) . Lifestyle Concept = 1 . Home . 2 . Job . 3 . Money In The Bank .
With These Three Methods . Religion , Media , And School '' ( Or Sheow ) Meaning '' Hell '' In The Aramic ( Hebrew ) Language You Have Been Programmed From A Very Young Age , Even In Something As Simple As Being Taught To Say Hell - o Or '' Hell Is Low . In All Their Religions . They Worship Hades ( The UnderWorld ) . Which Is The Greek Word For Hell . That's Why They Greet With Hell - O , And Their Ancient Greek Religion And Way Of Life Culture And Language Are All Based On The Prefix Hell .
I believe in the GOD of the Old Testaments. What do you believe in?
Sound Like Your Runing Scare Are You ???????

Music Producer said:
I believe in the GOD of the Old Testaments. What do you believe in?

Believe = Be - Lie - Eve = To Lie To Eve Chrildres , If One Has To Believe Then He Or She Doesn't Know ..
Belief Is Ignorance . Belief Is To Ignore The Facts Intentionally Or Ignorantly , If One Has To Believe , It Means He Or She Does Not Know . And If One Does Not Know , That Is Ignorance . Hence Belief Is Ignorance And Religious Belief WithOut The Facts Is Ignorance , ( Got The Point ) .
Ques: How could Paul turn from a strong opposer of Jesus to one of his disciples?
Ans: That’s a good question and the answer is simple. Paul never was a disciple of Jesus! How do I know? According to Paul, Jesus chose him as his instrument for carrying his teachings to the Gentiles who were not of the House of Israel (Acts 9:15-16). Paul’s acclaimed vision is the only evidence Paul could produce for his bid for the leadership of the new church Paul woul raise. No wonder the Jews were highly skeptical about the whole claim and would not listen to him. Let’s take a look in the Bible where Paul contradicts himself three times. This is the behavior of a liar. A liar has to repeat his lie two or more times with each version differing from the next until he ultimately proves himself a liar. He eventually reveals the truth he was trying to hide all along....
Contradiction One:
Acts 9:4-7: “And he fell down on that planet and heard a voice saying to him Saul, Saul why did you persecute me and he said who are you master; and the master said I am Jesus whom you persecuted it is hard for you to kick against the point. And he trembling and astonished said the master what will you have me to do? And the master said to him arise and go into the city and it shall be told to you what you must do. And the men who journeyed with him stood speechless hearing a voice but seen no man.'' ,,,And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do. And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man...In the above quote, Paul first says that he alone fell to the ground (Earth) and then he proceeds to say that the men who journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man. ...
Contradiction Two:
Acts 22:7-9: “And I fell onto the ground and heard a voice saying to me Saul, Saul why are you persecuting me? And I answered who are you master and he said to me. I am Jesus of Nazareth whom you persecute. And they that were with me saw surely the force of light,. And were afraid but did not hear the voice of him that spoke to me. ..And I fell unto the ground, and heard a voice saying unto me, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? And I answered, Who art thou, Lord? And he said unto me, I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom thou persecutest. And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me.'...Now, in this quote Paul says he alone fell to the ground. He proceeds to say that the men who were with him, saw the light, but heard not the voice of him who spoke. ...But he had just said in Acts 9:4-7, “those who journeyed with him, heard a voice, but saw not a man!”
We now go to Acts 26:13-14 to find the third contradiction. At this point, Paul is defending himself before King Agrippa; ..
Contradiction Three:
Acts 26:13-14: “At midday o ruler I saw in the way a force of light from the sky above the brightness of the halo shining around me and them which were traveling with me. And when we were all fallen down on that part of the planet Earth I heard a voice speaking to me and saying in a Hebrew dialect Saul, Saul, why did you persecute me? It's hard for you to kick against the sticks.' ..At midday, O king, I saw in the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining round about me and them which journeyed with me. And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.''..Paul just said in Acts 9:4-7, and 22:7-9 that only he fell to the ground! ..After we listen to Paul’s contradictions, it makes it very difficult to believe that Paul..And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. And I said, Who art thohad a vision. Paul is a liar and his own words confirm it (Romans 3:7)!
Having the behavior of a liar, as usual, Paul continued to prove himself a liar. In none of the other quotes had he said that Jesus spoke to him in the Hebrew tongue! However, in the following quote, Acts 26:16, Paul says that Jesus appeared to him to make him a minister. Is this why Paul thought he was supposed to be a disciple?
Acts 26:14-16: “And when we were all fallen down on that part of the planet Earth I heard a voice speaking to me and saying in a Hebrew dialect Saul Saul why did you persecute me? It’s hard for you to kick against the sticks. And I said who are you master and he said I am Jesus whom you persecute. ...But rise and stand upon your feet for I have appeared to you for this purpose to make you a servant and a witness both of these things which you have seen and of those things which I will make appear for you.” .Having the behavior of a liar, as usual, Paul continued to prove himself a liar. In none of the other quotes had he said that Jesus spoke to him in the
IssaEl21 ... Please refrain from "calling a Member out" in a thread title (or otherwise). We try to stay focused on the topic(s), and not our most precious Members. If you'd like to speak to a Member personally, ask them for their email address.

Brother Aqil, i apologize for letting this go so long.

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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