Black Spirituality Religion : Where In The Quran Does Allah Command Muslims To Worship Wall's ? Aqil

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$$ Rich $$

$$RICH$$ said:
what true facts you bring upon the family to guide us by ???

allow us all to knoweth of such facts and the truth so we may learn .

One ... Divine Truth Never Conflict ...
Two ... Come Sip With Me , For I Prepared A Cup Of Sweet Wisdom And OverStanding .
Three ... It's A Wise Man That Learns His Studies BeforeThe Class Commences
Four ..The Teacher Is Like The Seed Of The Olive , Once The Seed Is Planted Properly In The Hearts Of His Or Her Devotees, By Faith , Trust And Truth , There Grows A Great Tree . Though On The Tree ThereAre Different Degrees Of Growth , And No Two Olives Have The Same Shape Or Form The Seed Of Each Is The Same , And If Planeted Properly It Will Grow Another Great Tree < OverStand >
and this your true facts and wisdom you pass like 4 elements of seasons
to bring the truth and realem to the people and spirituality ??

that was well said but yet not answered .

one so answers unto / forth by a question wit streams of conjustion
leaves a notion unfilled in the mental and the spirit of truth as so by
thy tongue speaketh <not overstand>

tell me the meaning of what you speak and the seed you lay upon the
growth of the spiritual truth and what is it you can harvest to spread ?

Bring forth the beloveth answer not the scripts of what you dignify

common word
IssaEl21 said:
Funny How Some Fear True Knowledge That Others Possess.
'' Only Fool Duck When The Truth Is Thrown At Them ''' Don't Believe A Word I Say , ''' Check It Out For Yourself '''
Belief Is Ignorance . Belief Is To Ignore The Facts Intentionally Or Ignorantly , If One Has To Believe , It Means He Or She Does Not Know . And If One Does Not Know , That Is Ignorance . Hence Belief Is Ignorance And Religious Belief WithOut The Facts Is Ignorance , ( Got The Point ) .
I have read many of these books showing were many of the things in the Old Testaments have been created from Egyptian stories and information and it leads one to believe GOD is not real. These are people who fail to see their own history and fail to realize that their own existence was described before it came to pass. On my web page you will see I don’t duck and hide from knowledge.

I had to embrace knowledge in order to see the lies of the New Testaments and other religions. Just because more knowledge is beginning to identify who Moses truly was in history or who the pharaoh was when the Old Testaments says LORD or GOD, doesn’t make me reject it. I actually find these types of studies vary interesting for it may be identifying the very human beings that GOD possessed in the establishing of SELF. All of this makes it even more real. I have started reading another book by Ahmed Osman, “Moses and Akhenaten”. To me all of this is the history that heathens have covered up for 3000 years. It is too bad that when a lot of us find this type of knowledge, it has an effect on our faith in GOD. The true way Akhenaten lived is not more important then the message he conveyed. It is too bad that this society that we have been subjected to today causes you to reject and despise your own peoples ancient ways. Seeing Psalms on ancient Egyptian walls should not affect your faith in GOD in a negative manner because you have come to believe it was stolen and placed in the Bible. It should reinforce your faith in GOD in the fact that now you can see with your own eyes it is not an invention but actually has a place in history itself. I do not reject knowledge but I realize that it is dangerous for others to come upon this knowledge before they are rooted in GOD, which is something that has occurred to you. Pulling that Negro mind from the New Testaments is hard enough because the slave master has induced it. That slave mind has to be given time to absorb and process the information before they can be told of the Egyptian connection. Because if it comes in a manner that is to fast and to soon, they will give up and actually start ministering against GOD. In speaking for myself I only subscribe to the Old Testaments.
With All Do Respect Listening For OverStanding Ok

Music Producer said:
I have read many of these books showing were many of the things in the Old Testaments have been created from Egyptian stories and information and it leads one to believe GOD is not real. These are people who fail to see their own history and fail to realize that their own existence was described before it came to pass. On my web page you will see I don’t duck and hide from knowledge.

I had to embrace knowledge in order to see the lies of the New Testaments and other religions. Just because more knowledge is beginning to identify who Moses truly was in history or who the pharaoh was when the Old Testaments says LORD or GOD, doesn’t make me reject it. I actually find these types of studies vary interesting for it may be identifying the very human beings that GOD possessed in the establishing of SELF. All of this makes it even more real. I have started reading another book by Ahmed Osman, “Moses and Akhenaten”. To me all of this is the history that heathens have covered up for 3000 years. It is too bad that when a lot of us find this type of knowledge, it has an effect on our faith in GOD. The true way Akhenaten lived is not more important then the message he conveyed. It is too bad that this society that we have been subjected to today causes you to reject and despise your own peoples ancient ways. Seeing Psalms on ancient Egyptian walls should not affect your faith in GOD in a negative manner because you have come to believe it was stolen and placed in the Bible. It should reinforce your faith in GOD in the fact that now you can see with your own eyes it is not an invention but actually has a place in history itself. I do not reject knowledge but I realize that it is dangerous for others to come upon this knowledge before they are rooted in GOD, which is something that has occurred to you. Pulling that Negro mind from the New Testaments is hard enough because the slave master has induced it. That slave mind has to be given time to absorb and process the information before they can be told of the Egyptian connection. Because if it comes in a manner that is to fast and to soon, they will give up and actually start ministering against GOD. In speaking for myself I only subscribe to the Old Testaments.

First OverStand SomeThing Ok . Pleasezz Don't Come Laying This Selfrighteous Game Thing On Me Ok Doesn't Work Ok . Islam / Christianity Etc. With There Manyyyyyy Sect And Denomination And Their Own Customs , Then They Tell The Whole World That , '' They Are To Follow These Customs '' Meaning The Whole World Is Supposed To Change 1000's Of Years Of Culture , For A 1,400 Years Old Arab Culture ? And A Christian Cultrue With Its Manyyyyyyy Denomination / Custom's Which 85% Are Not Following But They Say They Are Of God , Each Following A Part They Pick Out Of The Bible Saying These Are The True Word Of God . And We Don't Have To Do This Or That Anymore , Some Are Under The Laws And Some Aren't , Which Some Say Is No Older The 4000/ 6000 Years Old . < What Follishness > ,Stop From Being An Egyptian , With All Of Her Gigantic Pyramids . Maps , And All Of Her Other Achievements , And Stop Being A Sumerian And All Of Her Glorious Astronomy . Laws , And Architecture , Or A Native America , With All Of Her Mighty Pyramides , Mounds Arts , Or A Chinese , With All Of The Silk , Great Walls Or A Yoruba , With Their Many Deities, That Goes Way Thousands Of Years Before The Quran And Bible Culture Existed ? You Mean To Tell Me , I Am To Forget Manyyyyyyyy Manyyy , Thousands Of Years , Of How We Lived , What We Ate , What We Wore , Why We Wore It . Who Do We Respect , Why Do We Respect Them . These Thing Are caver In Stone . Which Can Still Be Seen And Touch To This Day . This Is Also Part Of The Nubians Culture . Because We Were Here First , We Are The Mother & Father Of Civilization , Theirs No End To Our Greatness . Now If You So Chose To Just Bite Off Just Part Of The Bible As You Have Stated . So Be . I Don't Just Want To Sit In Front Of The Bus . I Want To Own The Bus Company . OverStand ?????? By The Way RICH Hope This Answer Your Question .
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