- Jan 3, 2002
- 1,591
- 172
By Chief Elder Osiris
Beloved, as long as we move through this life based on our wants in America , Afrika and the rest of the world location, we Black Folks will always settle for the least and not the most, being last and never first, and to operate in such a Mind, is what cause us to be able to point to superficial momentary accomplishments, such that do not reach the Height of the Bar of our Life Freedom, Justice, and independence, principles needed in order for our Black Life to experience Divine Real Peace and Joy, with genuine Love for each other, such accomplishment will not be experienced in America, so all that we do in America, that do not point to our Liberation away from America, not giving that opportunity to all Black Folks, Young and the Aged in Life advancement in America, then I see our efforts in whatever we do in America, is to no avail, just momentary limited accomplishments, which maintain our status as Black People in America, Afrika, and the World.
Beloved, if we would set the goal for Black People in America, which would be for Black People to receive our Reparation, which will be a show of us receiving Respect and concern for all our Enslaved Ancestors, for all that they did do for us, their children, and it is imperative for us to have the desire to become Free from the Spirit of Racist generated Prejudice in America, so what are you Black People in America complaining about in America, because Complaining does not equal to Action capable of eliminating those problems that our Seniors, our Youth, and the rest of us Black so call Afrikan Americans are experiencing in America, in Afrika, and the rest of the world today.
So No Beloved, do not point to me benign acts some of us might have done and is doing as a jester of soothing a corrupt conscious, when that energy could have been and can now be used to plan and organize for our Liberation away from America, and to gain possession of Afrika and to Unite the Black Divided Nation, a Goal that has with it, our Freedom, Independence, Justice, and a show of our Divine Love for and toward each other, that is when we will be able to measure our Divine Success by, and nothing else of value and importance can be substituted for the need of such a Divine expression of Action.
Beloved, not even our action during those Time of and after our Ancestors Enslavement in America and the effort we rendered that expressed our dissatisfaction with our condition in the sixties, and the way we were and are treated by America today, no action taken successfully by Black People wherever we are located, reaches the Divine Level where the Bar is set that indicate our Freedom and Independence, a status of Life that can only be achieved in Afrika and no where else, and that is what the likes of a Marcus Garvey, Blyten, Delaney, and those other Fathers of Black Nationalist Pan-Afrikanism was always attempting to reach, and each left the charge to the other, knowing success will and can only be measured by us standing in Afrika and the Black Nation experiencing our Life united, as it was experienced by our Ancient First Way Ancestors, and Afrika being the Land of which we must come to have full custody of again.
Beloved, we must at some point in our Black Lives put a stop to just being satisfied to the step by step program when the issue is about our Life abuse, and destiny.
Beloved, Every since Lincoln negotiated Black folks release from the shackles of Chattel Enslavement, we Black Folks have had Democratic Presidents and Candidates for that office, they making promises that they could not keep, Roosevelt to Truman to Kennedy to Bobby K. to Johnson to Carter, to Bill Clinton, To Al Gore To John Kerry to now A Black Man by the name of Obama and a Woman name Hillery, the Promises continue and you tell me that you believe that America has awaken to grow up to have full unconditional Respect for Black People, when you now are observing what America is doing to Obama, even before they allow him to occupy that seat on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ?
Tell me beloved, when will we begin to measure our success by our Liberation and not by some shallow promise that can not be kept by those that make such a promise to you, about being the one that can erase all vestiges of Racism and unjustified prejudices toward your Black Behind in America, do you believe I would not welcome such an accomplishment if I thought such a quest can be accomplished by Americans in America, knowing as I do who it is that must first be willing to embrace such a Promised change?
Beloved, If I have shared with you one Time, I have shared with you untold many of Times, that the Litmus Test for America and her Spirit that has been shown toward Black People to be that of a change spirit, such has to be the Test of Reparation, nothing more and nothing less, and that is a test not only applicable to White America but to the so call Afrikan Americans as well, when they are vying to be our Leaders, tell me, has the word Reparation ever rolled from the lips of Obama, and he is a Black Man running for the most powerful seated position in the world, the President of America, a country that is now on the decline which mean her seat of president is as well.
No! No! beloved, if we make a claim that we are Divinely Concerned about America and our Black Children, then America would in fact Honor our Enslaved Ancestors by paying to them their Reparation and we Black People, if Divinely concerned about our children, we would not be placing Millstones around their Mind with all of this Religious Fantasy, but we would be forever in a Fighting Mode to Save our Black Children from the Evil of America Racist Injustice, do you want to see what America Change would look like if ever she is Divinely Honest about the Change Obama now promise you ?
Well, the Obama promise of success would look like this, first and foremost payment of Reparation will be granted to our Enslaved Ancestors, a vigorous decline in the America Prison System, Amnesty for all Political Black Prisoners, the end to Racist America Media, a None Prejudice Education System, Black People being able to be proud of their Blackness by being able to See ourselves without America Prejudice condition, Black People being allowed to make choices without America Prejudice Influence, the absent of forced and enticing of Integration/Assimilation, and the Children of the Middle Passage having the Freedom to choose between Living in Afrika or America and the children of the Middle passage having the Freedom to become the next established State in Afrika, absent of the Afrikan in Afrika prejudice toward such a Divine opportunity to become that State, so, if you Black Folks want to look at what Justice should mean to the Children of the Middle Passage in America, then you should be able to look at and See as well, your Black Selves as you were and can be today, and this I must Share, is just a peek as your life should appear to be experiencing in the eyes of Divine Justice for the Children Of The Middle Passage in America.
Beloved, with all things being Divinely Equal, as it was before the coming of the presence of Evil in Afrika and among our Ancient Ancestors, there should not even have to be a need for us Black People to be waiting on a Promise that involve a Change in condition in our Black Lives, we Black People have learned to accept the way our Black Lives have been trampled over by the enactment of White, Jewish, and Arab Injustice, covered with disrespect coming from them for our Black Selves.
So beloved, when will we begin to measure our success in life by our Liberation Away from America, and not by some superficial action of a Promise?
Here Is Lovingly Thinking Of you
Chief Elder
By Chief Elder Osiris
Beloved, as long as we move through this life based on our wants in America , Afrika and the rest of the world location, we Black Folks will always settle for the least and not the most, being last and never first, and to operate in such a Mind, is what cause us to be able to point to superficial momentary accomplishments, such that do not reach the Height of the Bar of our Life Freedom, Justice, and independence, principles needed in order for our Black Life to experience Divine Real Peace and Joy, with genuine Love for each other, such accomplishment will not be experienced in America, so all that we do in America, that do not point to our Liberation away from America, not giving that opportunity to all Black Folks, Young and the Aged in Life advancement in America, then I see our efforts in whatever we do in America, is to no avail, just momentary limited accomplishments, which maintain our status as Black People in America, Afrika, and the World.
Beloved, if we would set the goal for Black People in America, which would be for Black People to receive our Reparation, which will be a show of us receiving Respect and concern for all our Enslaved Ancestors, for all that they did do for us, their children, and it is imperative for us to have the desire to become Free from the Spirit of Racist generated Prejudice in America, so what are you Black People in America complaining about in America, because Complaining does not equal to Action capable of eliminating those problems that our Seniors, our Youth, and the rest of us Black so call Afrikan Americans are experiencing in America, in Afrika, and the rest of the world today.
So No Beloved, do not point to me benign acts some of us might have done and is doing as a jester of soothing a corrupt conscious, when that energy could have been and can now be used to plan and organize for our Liberation away from America, and to gain possession of Afrika and to Unite the Black Divided Nation, a Goal that has with it, our Freedom, Independence, Justice, and a show of our Divine Love for and toward each other, that is when we will be able to measure our Divine Success by, and nothing else of value and importance can be substituted for the need of such a Divine expression of Action.
Beloved, not even our action during those Time of and after our Ancestors Enslavement in America and the effort we rendered that expressed our dissatisfaction with our condition in the sixties, and the way we were and are treated by America today, no action taken successfully by Black People wherever we are located, reaches the Divine Level where the Bar is set that indicate our Freedom and Independence, a status of Life that can only be achieved in Afrika and no where else, and that is what the likes of a Marcus Garvey, Blyten, Delaney, and those other Fathers of Black Nationalist Pan-Afrikanism was always attempting to reach, and each left the charge to the other, knowing success will and can only be measured by us standing in Afrika and the Black Nation experiencing our Life united, as it was experienced by our Ancient First Way Ancestors, and Afrika being the Land of which we must come to have full custody of again.
Beloved, we must at some point in our Black Lives put a stop to just being satisfied to the step by step program when the issue is about our Life abuse, and destiny.
Beloved, Every since Lincoln negotiated Black folks release from the shackles of Chattel Enslavement, we Black Folks have had Democratic Presidents and Candidates for that office, they making promises that they could not keep, Roosevelt to Truman to Kennedy to Bobby K. to Johnson to Carter, to Bill Clinton, To Al Gore To John Kerry to now A Black Man by the name of Obama and a Woman name Hillery, the Promises continue and you tell me that you believe that America has awaken to grow up to have full unconditional Respect for Black People, when you now are observing what America is doing to Obama, even before they allow him to occupy that seat on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ?
Tell me beloved, when will we begin to measure our success by our Liberation and not by some shallow promise that can not be kept by those that make such a promise to you, about being the one that can erase all vestiges of Racism and unjustified prejudices toward your Black Behind in America, do you believe I would not welcome such an accomplishment if I thought such a quest can be accomplished by Americans in America, knowing as I do who it is that must first be willing to embrace such a Promised change?
Beloved, If I have shared with you one Time, I have shared with you untold many of Times, that the Litmus Test for America and her Spirit that has been shown toward Black People to be that of a change spirit, such has to be the Test of Reparation, nothing more and nothing less, and that is a test not only applicable to White America but to the so call Afrikan Americans as well, when they are vying to be our Leaders, tell me, has the word Reparation ever rolled from the lips of Obama, and he is a Black Man running for the most powerful seated position in the world, the President of America, a country that is now on the decline which mean her seat of president is as well.
No! No! beloved, if we make a claim that we are Divinely Concerned about America and our Black Children, then America would in fact Honor our Enslaved Ancestors by paying to them their Reparation and we Black People, if Divinely concerned about our children, we would not be placing Millstones around their Mind with all of this Religious Fantasy, but we would be forever in a Fighting Mode to Save our Black Children from the Evil of America Racist Injustice, do you want to see what America Change would look like if ever she is Divinely Honest about the Change Obama now promise you ?
Well, the Obama promise of success would look like this, first and foremost payment of Reparation will be granted to our Enslaved Ancestors, a vigorous decline in the America Prison System, Amnesty for all Political Black Prisoners, the end to Racist America Media, a None Prejudice Education System, Black People being able to be proud of their Blackness by being able to See ourselves without America Prejudice condition, Black People being allowed to make choices without America Prejudice Influence, the absent of forced and enticing of Integration/Assimilation, and the Children of the Middle Passage having the Freedom to choose between Living in Afrika or America and the children of the Middle passage having the Freedom to become the next established State in Afrika, absent of the Afrikan in Afrika prejudice toward such a Divine opportunity to become that State, so, if you Black Folks want to look at what Justice should mean to the Children of the Middle Passage in America, then you should be able to look at and See as well, your Black Selves as you were and can be today, and this I must Share, is just a peek as your life should appear to be experiencing in the eyes of Divine Justice for the Children Of The Middle Passage in America.
Beloved, with all things being Divinely Equal, as it was before the coming of the presence of Evil in Afrika and among our Ancient Ancestors, there should not even have to be a need for us Black People to be waiting on a Promise that involve a Change in condition in our Black Lives, we Black People have learned to accept the way our Black Lives have been trampled over by the enactment of White, Jewish, and Arab Injustice, covered with disrespect coming from them for our Black Selves.
So beloved, when will we begin to measure our success in life by our Liberation Away from America, and not by some superficial action of a Promise?
Here Is Lovingly Thinking Of you
Chief Elder