Black People : When death comes


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2012
A friend of mine died on Monday. I have known her from the time I was about 12. At times we focus on things that we can buy but only when death comes we realise that life is more important that physical things.

This post is not meant to be morbid, but as I contemplated on my friend's life I realise that we need to do what we can for others when we are alive. For those of us with partners and children we must begin to cherish the moments we have with them. They can be snatched away in an instant. My own mother died many years ago and that brought home to me the fragility of life.

I now have children of my own and grandchildren and I try to make sure that I appreciate the moments with them. I believe that forgiving those who have wronged us and those we have wronged is also something that we could focus on. No matter what happens death always come as a shock. The only thing left to focus on after death is the memories we have cherished over the years.
I feel your pain and may I offer my condolences? Neither your post or death itself is morbid. Just how some people prefer to interpret it as such. Being from New York and employed in two professions were death was a way of life pretty much every day for 20+ years I tended to detach myself from the physical aspects of death. After the well documented and usually predicted 18 months of obvious burnout like many before me I used up as much vacation, personal and sick time to decompress. Upon returning to work like many I just went through the motions of pretending to care. I even engaged in gallows humor to complete the task like many before and after me commit to as a form of fitting in and dare not show any manner of weakness in front of the grizzled old heads who drank themselves into oblivion. Some call it weakness, some call it false pride, many call it easing the pain of ones own mortality, the shrinks call it misdirected therapy, I prefer to call it sanity maintenance. Life is precious and fleeting, enjoy, appreciate and revel in it. Thanks for reading and GOD bless.

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