Hetep Brother,
I know my body digests food but I do not understand how it digests food. I know that it happens. The title of the thread is;
But I do know that my body digests food even though I do not understand how it digests food. I know about what is called the digestive system. I even know some of the elements involved in its operation. But I do not know why it works the way that it works. In other words, it is possible to know something and not understand it.
Hi Brother Edward
Fancy meeting you here....
I would have to agree with the Cheif that "What you do not understand you do not know"
Your taking what he is saying profanely? (Cheif correct me if that is not the correct term) ....
But in the "mundane"..... what u do not understand u do not know...
I'll use my prior example....
There are pedophiles out there... there are...
Do I understand them? No, I don't.
Your a revolutionary Brother, so you should KNOW how it feels to be misunderstood....
I asked the Cheif to explain to me the major differences between jeoulousy and envy......
I've never felt these things so deep that it would cause me to act in a way that I OBSERVE other people acting....
ya, have I seen a cute dude a be like man I wish I had someone like that... did I deep down inside harbor any animosity for the person that has him... or whatever else... nah.....
just not built that way.....
I give and get love .. I understand that...... I know that... and also the opposite of that...
As far as a digestive system Brother in more of a literal sense you really don't know that u have a digestive system... someone told u that...
u'd have to cut ur own body open to check....
or u could use ur rear view.....
any way just my thoughts....
much love!