Chief Elder Osiris

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2002

By Chief Elder Osiris

You can easily believe about something and do not know and understand anything about that something, yet because you have been conditioned to believe about that you do not understand, thus do not know, you make claim to be intelligent about that which you do not understand, and know nothing about that something you belief about, simply because you have been made to expect the out come about that something, to be that which you have been conditioned to believe about.

Information come in a precise mental process, events are the actualization of the phenomona, and it is not neccessary to all Time be understood, in order to be known, because in order to be able to know and understand the phenomona in action, you must have received the information about what caused the Phenomona to occur and is qualified to understand such information.

We write so much in a form for it to be received as information, but such information has no meaning if the receiver do not have the ability to understand what is to be known about the information, because understanding does not come by believing but by knowing the reason of the fact that qualify you to understand the information being shared.

So on this internet and all through Life, We are conditioned to believe that which we do not understand, even though we may have knowledge of what we need to understand, so to become one that Know and Understand, require for you to be qualified to Profoundly Reason Rationally and Logically about the information being shared.

Belief is the most modern babaric method of using the Mind, because it has no set method of Check and Balance in determing the Truth about that which you have been conditioned to believe, it is a Mental process without the mental requirement to understand that which you have been conditioned to believe concerning that which you claim to know, yet is without the ability to understand that which you believe, because you are not in the Know of that which you have been conditioned to believe you know to be True.

Knowledge without understanding is a waste of the Mind Time, yet if the quality of Mind has been calibrated to believe without the ability to understand what is needed to know, which is beyond the provocation to believe, then the Divine truth exceed your ability to understand that which you believe is true, because Divine truth require for you to be able to understand that which you are claiming that you believe you know, yet Knowledge is not akin to belief but is the companion to Understanding, because without Understanding, Knowledge is not Divinely Present.

To believe your way through life is to acknowledge that you do not know the Divine Truth about Life Process, and the Happenings that require the Being of Life to understand what is required to know, in order to recognize that which is understood to be Divinely True and Real, such is out side of the physical domain of Life, which is the domain that live life without the understanding of the knowledge that reveal to the physical life the Divine Truth, such a knowing of the Divine Truth, is what require Thought with understanding to Know of the process through which Divine Information Flow to Life.

It is the Sense of your belief that deceive you into believing that you know that which you do not understand about Life, and to live a life based upon Believing Reality, is to verify that Life is under the control of the Being that is causing you to believe about that which you do not understand the information that qualify you to know about Life exoteric happening, and Life Esoteric Revelation, the former dealing with the Illusion of Reality and the latter verifying the Divine Reality of Self beyond Life action, but is inclusive to the existence of the Self revealed inner action, there is where Divine Truth and Reality Reside, a Realm that is beyond Belief, meaning it is beyond Life physical action.

So, there is no major mystery as to why the so call Afrikan is in the state of Life condition we are in today, our present condition is what the Belief system of our Life is ordered to maintain, so it does not matter how much the so call Black Afrikan Jump and Shout about a want to have a better Life under the cloak of our Belief, about our Life, such a quality of Life Mind, is not designed to elevate the so call Black Afrikan to a higher life living realm, because the so call Black Afrikan Belief system is calibrated to lift the Life of the so call Black Afrikan, no higher than the authority over the so call Black Afrikan belief system will allow the Life of the so call Black Afrikan to experience, which is a Life absent of the ability to Understand what should be Known by and of the Life of the so call Black Afrikan.

The so call Afrikan make claim to a belief intelligence, which is what have the Afrikan not to be qualified to Understand what is to be Known about the Afrikan Self, and it is that Afrikan Self, that is with the Understanding of what is required for the Afrikan to Know, in order to be able to reclaim Afrika and raise the so call Black Afrikan from the Grave of Belief, a state of Mind that prevent the Divine Mind from revealing what the Life of the so call Afrikan need to understand the information that the so call Afrikan need to Divinely Know, which require a mental process capable of Reuniting the Black World, based upon the Understanding of the Knowledge needed to return the Life living of the Divine Being, which now is serving as a Believing Afrikan Human Being, using the type of Mind that is the cause for Afrika being no longer under the control of the Afrikan and the Afrikan being Divided as a Nation today.

So you are of the want for Obama to be your salvation in a belief system that he is now so sanctifying for and to you so call Afrikan Americans, your belief and lack of understanding being your biggest stumbling block to your Liberation.

Can you Understand That, Beloved ?

Be Kind to your self.


Chief Elder
one of your better posts in my opinion

sad to the fact that those who follow "beliefs"

can't even see this in hindsight


Belief is the most modern babaric method of using the Mind, because it has no set method of Check and Balance in determing the Truth about that which you have been conditioned to believe
our problem


By Chief Elder Osiris

You can easily believe about something and do not know and understand anything about that something, yet because you have been conditioned to believe about that you do not understand, thus do not know, you make claim to be intelligent about that which you do not understand, and know nothing about that something you belief about, simply because you have been made to expect the out come about that something, to be that which you have been conditioned to believe about.

Information come in a precise mental process, events are the actualization of the phenomona, and it is not neccessary to all Time be understood, in order to be known, because in order to be able to know and understand the phenomona in action, you must have received the information about what caused the Phenomona to occur and is qualified to understand such information.

We write so much in a form for it to be received as information, but such information has no meaning if the receiver do not have the ability to understand what is to be known about the information, because understanding does not come by believing but by knowing the reason of the fact that qualify you to understand the information being shared.

So on this internet and all through Life, We are conditioned to believe that which we do not understand, even though we may have knowledge of what we need to understand, so to become one that Know and Understand, require for you to be qualified to Profoundly Reason Rationally and Logically about the information being shared.

Belief is the most modern babaric method of using the Mind, because it has no set method of Check and Balance in determing the Truth about that which you have been conditioned to believe, it is a Mental process without the mental requirement to understand that which you have been conditioned to believe concerning that which you claim to know, yet is without the ability to understand that which you believe, because you are not in the Know of that which you have been conditioned to believe you know to be True.

Knowledge without understanding is a waste of the Mind Time, yet if the quality of Mind has been calibrated to believe without the ability to understand what is needed to know, which is beyond the provocation to believe, then the Divine truth exceed your ability to understand that which you believe is true, because Divine truth require for you to be able to understand that which you are claiming that you believe you know, yet Knowledge is not akin to belief but is the companion to Understanding, because without Understanding, Knowledge is not Divinely Present.

To believe your way through life is to acknowledge that you do not know the Divine Truth about Life Process, and the Happenings that require the Being of Life to understand what is required to know, in order to recognize that which is understood to be Divinely True and Real, such is out side of the physical domain of Life, which is the domain that live life without the understanding of the knowledge that reveal to the physical life the Divine Truth, such a knowing of the Divine Truth, is what require Thought with understanding to Know of the process through which Divine Information Flow to Life.

It is the Sense of your belief that deceive you into believing that you know that which you do not understand about Life, and to live a life based upon Believing Reality, is to verify that Life is under the control of the Being that is causing you to believe about that which you do not understand the information that qualify you to know about Life exoteric happening, and Life Esoteric Revelation, the former dealing with the Illusion of Reality and the latter verifying the Divine Reality of Self beyond Life action, but is inclusive to the existence of the Self revealed inner action, there is where Divine Truth and Reality Reside, a Realm that is beyond Belief, meaning it is beyond Life physical action.

So, there is no major mystery as to why the so call Afrikan is in the state of Life condition we are in today, our present condition is what the Belief system of our Life is ordered to maintain, so it does not matter how much the so call Black Afrikan Jump and Shout about a want to have a better Life under the cloak of our Belief, about our Life, such a quality of Life Mind, is not designed to elevate the so call Black Afrikan to a higher life living realm, because the so call Black Afrikan Belief system is calibrated to lift the Life of the so call Black Afrikan, no higher than the authority over the so call Black Afrikan belief system will allow the Life of the so call Black Afrikan to experience, which is a Life absent of the ability to Understand what should be Known by and of the Life of the so call Black Afrikan.

The so call Afrikan make claim to a belief intelligence, which is what have the Afrikan not to be qualified to Understand what is to be Known about the Afrikan Self, and it is that Afrikan Self, that is with the Understanding of what is required for the Afrikan to Know, in order to be able to reclaim Afrika and raise the so call Black Afrikan from the Grave of Belief, a state of Mind that prevent the Divine Mind from revealing what the Life of the so call Afrikan need to understand the information that the so call Afrikan need to Divinely Know, which require a mental process capable of Reuniting the Black World, based upon the Understanding of the Knowledge needed to return the Life living of the Divine Being, which now is serving as a Believing Afrikan Human Being, using the type of Mind that is the cause for Afrika being no longer under the control of the Afrikan and the Afrikan being Divided as a Nation today.

So you are of the want for Obama to be your salvation in a belief system that he is now so sanctifying for and to you so call Afrikan Americans, your belief and lack of understanding being your biggest stumbling block to your Liberation.

Can you Understand That, Beloved ?

Be Kind to your self.


Chief Elder

Our problem was claiming obama dear elder. When in fact he was already claimed by them long ago. WE just thought we could go along for the ride and get a little sum thing out of the deal because he shares some similar physical characteristics. He does not belong to us. Now that i look at him in this lite. He is the best man for the job. Not the best black man. Just the best man. WE are the ones trying to make him what he is not. He never professed to be the savior of the black race in dispora or abroad. I will expect no more from him than any other canidate thus far. He appears to be a good man thus far . Allow himself to show his true colors they allways do.

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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