A few results of about 118,000 for Barack Obama the AntiChrist
These are a few sites which seem to focus on what seems to be a prevailing perspective among a growing number of white people throughout amerikkklan society. Since a few black folks deny the existence of a King Alfred Plan I can't but speculate as to the numbers among us who actually view Obama as some kind of demon who will do black people more harm than good.
I also wonder how many of Obama's critics are themselves doing black people a diss-service in their "Obama-bashing" because a lot of the criticism I read appear to be in line with the same arguments used by right-wing white supremacists to diss-credit him.
I can understand some legitimate concerns about his candidacy because I have some myself. However, I think we need to deal with some of these concerns "in-house" rather than riding the wave of christian fundamentalism that is hell-bent on derailing Obama's campaign.
In the end, we will still have to deal with our own set of political and social issues which may be irreparably impossible to resolve given the "dirty tricks" presently employed by the mainstream media and their favorite sons and daughter [HRC].
While I have never upheld Barack Obama as a "Black Messiah" I do not, on the other hand, view him as the antiChrist, but as another politician caught up in the Matrix of amerikkklan demon-cratic hypocrisy.
A house divided among itself cannot stand and if we do not unite around a common goal or set of objectives, as some of us vote AGAINST Barack Obama, while others rightfully exercise their right not to vote, what are we willing to do, collectively, to make sure our survival is guaranteed as "babylon is Falling"?
A few results of about 118,000 for Barack Obama the AntiChrist
These are a few sites which seem to focus on what seems to be a prevailing perspective among a growing number of white people throughout amerikkklan society. Since a few black folks deny the existence of a King Alfred Plan I can't but speculate as to the numbers among us who actually view Obama as some kind of demon who will do black people more harm than good.
I also wonder how many of Obama's critics are themselves doing black people a diss-service in their "Obama-bashing" because a lot of the criticism I read appear to be in line with the same arguments used by right-wing white supremacists to diss-credit him.
I can understand some legitimate concerns about his candidacy because I have some myself. However, I think we need to deal with some of these concerns "in-house" rather than riding the wave of christian fundamentalism that is hell-bent on derailing Obama's campaign.
In the end, we will still have to deal with our own set of political and social issues which may be irreparably impossible to resolve given the "dirty tricks" presently employed by the mainstream media and their favorite sons and daughter [HRC].
While I have never upheld Barack Obama as a "Black Messiah" I do not, on the other hand, view him as the antiChrist, but as another politician caught up in the Matrix of amerikkklan demon-cratic hypocrisy.
A house divided among itself cannot stand and if we do not unite around a common goal or set of objectives, as some of us vote AGAINST Barack Obama, while others rightfully exercise their right not to vote, what are we willing to do, collectively, to make sure our survival is guaranteed as "babylon is Falling"?