- Jan 3, 2002
- 1,591
- 172
What Prevent Black People From Allowing The Divine Truth From Serving As An Enlightenment
By Chief Elder Osiris
Beloved, have you notice that I did not ask if Black people do what the subject states about us Black people, because the subject is a statement of fact that apply to 99.9 percent of Black people today.
The proof that the subject suggestion is Divinely True, is the way Black people live today and react to that which come from their own, that is not verbally, literary, and believing, patterned after what Lucifer our oppressors have taught us about the Divine Essence, (GOD) about both Universe, and about our Black so call Afrikan selves, all because of Black people Mind orientation based upon what Lucifer our oppressors have taught us.
We move and behave with an arrogance, when protecting those lies and acts of deception that is used to maintain our Mental illness, which is what cause Black people to act in a constant confused mental state of belief about ourselves.
When observing the Spirit of Black people today, meaning our attitudinal behavior, it is plain to those of us who can See, that Black so call Afrikan People have been made to believe that the way we look at things that affect our lives, we without Divine thought, immediately believe what we are observing of our lives spirit is a normal natural way that we are suppose to behave.
Anything that come to serve as a warning, as an indication to us that the spirit we now display is not the spirit of your Ancient Cosmic Divine First Way Ancestors, and because Black people have been made to not allow the Divine Truth to serve as an enlightenment to us, we end up defending that which has been used to have us acting as we do today and it is that life action that serve to be proof that Black people today is a Mental ill people, living in a Human Being Mind state of self appreciation about the profane way we act and believe about ourselves today.
Black people are handcuffed with the profanity of selfish ego, envy, and jealousy, the Mind virus that prevent Black people from allowing the Divine Truth to serve as an enlightenment to us today, and when you have fallen victim to the Trinity of selfish evil (ego, envy, jealousy) and such an evil state of mind is what guiding your life that have you displaying a personality and character that is not becoming of your Divine Mind, then what come from such a evil spirit display toward the Divine Truth and those who share it with the Black World and the World in general, is that you prevent the Divine Truth from serving as an enlightenment to you.
So what does such a state of mind do, well it put an emphasis upon the Black World, verifying that the Divine Truth is prevented by Black people from serving as a Divine enlightenment to us Black people, and we believe that we do ourselves a service to those who are the cause of us displaying such an evil selfish profane spirit toward the Divine Truth which prevent us from seeing ourselves as we are today.
So you see beloved, there is no freedom, no Liberation, no Divine enlightenment to come to Black people who are a victim of the Trinity of selfish profane evil, because a profane ego, envy, and jealousy is what have Afrika as it is today and the so call Black Afrikan to be a Divided people today and we glorify such a Black Divided status in the world today, revealing a Mind that is ill and does prevent the Divine Truth from serving as an enlightenment to our Mind process, a mind that is Lucifer our oppressors making.
You can not experience Divine Spirituality with a profane Mind that is full of the evil of selfish ego, envy, and jealousy, it is profane spirituality that have Black people believing without Divinely Thinking that it is normal in the way we are conducting our lives today, speaking and believing evil about each other.
Black people have now been made to be a clannish, tribal, segregated and separate people, frowning now on the suggestion of collective Black action as we are now in action forming our own little powerless click of groups, as one is acting out against the other, displaying our trinity of evil toward each other, in an attempt to emulate our oppressors pattern of social, political. and economic interaction.
So what we Black people do, we go making claim to America, without the power and control to enforce such a claim against the oppressors, but we will fight and kill each other over the fantasy of claiming certain part of neighborhood community to be our Turf, as we have been made to believe is normal behavior, and you tell me such a spirit is coming from a healthy Mind, no beloved, we have been made to be a mental ill Black people today.
99.9 percent of Black so call Afrikan people live in a state of self appreciation of our present state of being and can not see no harm about the way we have been made to believe about ourselves and it is belief that blind Black people and cause Black people to only be able to look at what the oppressors have caused us to become and with the lack of our Divine Mind, Black people have been made to prevent the Divine Truth from having an enlightening affect upon our Mind.
Share with Black people about the nonsensical and nonphysical happening that take place beyond your ability to look at and believe and require for you to See and Know of such a happening and the first thing that come to a handcuffed Human Being oppressor Mind is to label such Divine Truth as being a Myth and because we no longer understand the Divine meaning of mythology, we believe we be sounding oh so intelligent when we attempt to voice our objection and non belief in Mythology when such Mysteries are not to be believed in but to be Divinely known of which require a Divine Thinking Mind, beloved.
So yes, the reason why Black so call Afrikans are in such a state of self degradation is because we now are persuaded by the profanity of ego, envy, and jealousy and with those three Prince of evil controlling the Mind of Black people today, then the life you are looking at that Black people are living today is because of the illness of our Mind and it is the illness of a Mind that is causing Black people not to allow the Divine Truth to serve as an Enlightenment to us today.
Beloved, in 2010 there is in the making of organizing a Divine Spiritual Retreat for Black people who desire to put into motion a reclaiming our Divine Spirituality, which require for you to be ready to reclaim your Divine Mind and those of you who know of the mental power of collectivism and would like to be a part of this Divine Spiritual Story of an event that you can pass down to generation of Black people to come, then contact IsisWisdom at the E-Mail
Address below:
Again, I invite you to purchase my just released Book, Divine Spirituality: Revealed Information About The Real You.
The First and Only Book written by A Black Writer That goes as Divinely Deep to reveal all of the misgivings and misinformation about God, the Universe, and about Life and its Body attributes.
Attributes such as the various level of Conscious , the different in the quality of Mind use, and its ability to delve into the Mysterious Dimension of your Mind activity, and how we have been conditioned to misrepresent the Heart and what Dreams and Vision is all about, also about Channeling, Remote Viewing, and much, much more, all being exposed by Divine Revealed Information without a Religious base, such is a Book for all Mental Dimension and All People, regardless of Race or Creed, or religion, this is a book of life to the world.
Divine Spirituality: Revealed Information About The Real You, Is About You, So You will Be Doing Your Self A Favor By Getting This Book For You, and Not For Me, Beloved.
Divine Spirituality: Revealed Information About The Real You can be purchased from Amazon Book Store on Line, and from Barnes And Noble Book Store, as well as from following this link below and make sucr there is no space in the link..
Can You Understand That, Beloved?
Be Kind To Your Self, Beloved
Chief Elder
By Chief Elder Osiris
Beloved, have you notice that I did not ask if Black people do what the subject states about us Black people, because the subject is a statement of fact that apply to 99.9 percent of Black people today.
The proof that the subject suggestion is Divinely True, is the way Black people live today and react to that which come from their own, that is not verbally, literary, and believing, patterned after what Lucifer our oppressors have taught us about the Divine Essence, (GOD) about both Universe, and about our Black so call Afrikan selves, all because of Black people Mind orientation based upon what Lucifer our oppressors have taught us.
We move and behave with an arrogance, when protecting those lies and acts of deception that is used to maintain our Mental illness, which is what cause Black people to act in a constant confused mental state of belief about ourselves.
When observing the Spirit of Black people today, meaning our attitudinal behavior, it is plain to those of us who can See, that Black so call Afrikan People have been made to believe that the way we look at things that affect our lives, we without Divine thought, immediately believe what we are observing of our lives spirit is a normal natural way that we are suppose to behave.
Anything that come to serve as a warning, as an indication to us that the spirit we now display is not the spirit of your Ancient Cosmic Divine First Way Ancestors, and because Black people have been made to not allow the Divine Truth to serve as an enlightenment to us, we end up defending that which has been used to have us acting as we do today and it is that life action that serve to be proof that Black people today is a Mental ill people, living in a Human Being Mind state of self appreciation about the profane way we act and believe about ourselves today.
Black people are handcuffed with the profanity of selfish ego, envy, and jealousy, the Mind virus that prevent Black people from allowing the Divine Truth to serve as an enlightenment to us today, and when you have fallen victim to the Trinity of selfish evil (ego, envy, jealousy) and such an evil state of mind is what guiding your life that have you displaying a personality and character that is not becoming of your Divine Mind, then what come from such a evil spirit display toward the Divine Truth and those who share it with the Black World and the World in general, is that you prevent the Divine Truth from serving as an enlightenment to you.
So what does such a state of mind do, well it put an emphasis upon the Black World, verifying that the Divine Truth is prevented by Black people from serving as a Divine enlightenment to us Black people, and we believe that we do ourselves a service to those who are the cause of us displaying such an evil selfish profane spirit toward the Divine Truth which prevent us from seeing ourselves as we are today.
So you see beloved, there is no freedom, no Liberation, no Divine enlightenment to come to Black people who are a victim of the Trinity of selfish profane evil, because a profane ego, envy, and jealousy is what have Afrika as it is today and the so call Black Afrikan to be a Divided people today and we glorify such a Black Divided status in the world today, revealing a Mind that is ill and does prevent the Divine Truth from serving as an enlightenment to our Mind process, a mind that is Lucifer our oppressors making.
You can not experience Divine Spirituality with a profane Mind that is full of the evil of selfish ego, envy, and jealousy, it is profane spirituality that have Black people believing without Divinely Thinking that it is normal in the way we are conducting our lives today, speaking and believing evil about each other.
Black people have now been made to be a clannish, tribal, segregated and separate people, frowning now on the suggestion of collective Black action as we are now in action forming our own little powerless click of groups, as one is acting out against the other, displaying our trinity of evil toward each other, in an attempt to emulate our oppressors pattern of social, political. and economic interaction.
So what we Black people do, we go making claim to America, without the power and control to enforce such a claim against the oppressors, but we will fight and kill each other over the fantasy of claiming certain part of neighborhood community to be our Turf, as we have been made to believe is normal behavior, and you tell me such a spirit is coming from a healthy Mind, no beloved, we have been made to be a mental ill Black people today.
99.9 percent of Black so call Afrikan people live in a state of self appreciation of our present state of being and can not see no harm about the way we have been made to believe about ourselves and it is belief that blind Black people and cause Black people to only be able to look at what the oppressors have caused us to become and with the lack of our Divine Mind, Black people have been made to prevent the Divine Truth from having an enlightening affect upon our Mind.
Share with Black people about the nonsensical and nonphysical happening that take place beyond your ability to look at and believe and require for you to See and Know of such a happening and the first thing that come to a handcuffed Human Being oppressor Mind is to label such Divine Truth as being a Myth and because we no longer understand the Divine meaning of mythology, we believe we be sounding oh so intelligent when we attempt to voice our objection and non belief in Mythology when such Mysteries are not to be believed in but to be Divinely known of which require a Divine Thinking Mind, beloved.
So yes, the reason why Black so call Afrikans are in such a state of self degradation is because we now are persuaded by the profanity of ego, envy, and jealousy and with those three Prince of evil controlling the Mind of Black people today, then the life you are looking at that Black people are living today is because of the illness of our Mind and it is the illness of a Mind that is causing Black people not to allow the Divine Truth to serve as an Enlightenment to us today.
Beloved, in 2010 there is in the making of organizing a Divine Spiritual Retreat for Black people who desire to put into motion a reclaiming our Divine Spirituality, which require for you to be ready to reclaim your Divine Mind and those of you who know of the mental power of collectivism and would like to be a part of this Divine Spiritual Story of an event that you can pass down to generation of Black people to come, then contact IsisWisdom at the E-Mail
Address below:
Again, I invite you to purchase my just released Book, Divine Spirituality: Revealed Information About The Real You.
The First and Only Book written by A Black Writer That goes as Divinely Deep to reveal all of the misgivings and misinformation about God, the Universe, and about Life and its Body attributes.
Attributes such as the various level of Conscious , the different in the quality of Mind use, and its ability to delve into the Mysterious Dimension of your Mind activity, and how we have been conditioned to misrepresent the Heart and what Dreams and Vision is all about, also about Channeling, Remote Viewing, and much, much more, all being exposed by Divine Revealed Information without a Religious base, such is a Book for all Mental Dimension and All People, regardless of Race or Creed, or religion, this is a book of life to the world.
Divine Spirituality: Revealed Information About The Real You, Is About You, So You will Be Doing Your Self A Favor By Getting This Book For You, and Not For Me, Beloved.
Divine Spirituality: Revealed Information About The Real You can be purchased from Amazon Book Store on Line, and from Barnes And Noble Book Store, as well as from following this link below and make sucr there is no space in the link..
Can You Understand That, Beloved?
Be Kind To Your Self, Beloved
Chief Elder