Hands In Afghanistan
By Karl W B Schwarz
A scant percentage of Americans know that ten days before President Kennedy was assassinated, he made a speech at Columbia University, during which he made the following statement:
"The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizen of this plight."
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
May 29, 1917 - November 22, 1963
I have given a lot of thought to those words, his assassination, and what he was prevented from saying to America.
One of the things most noticeable to me since 1963 is how the Office of the President of the United States has been used to create and push bogus policy on bogus facts.
History has shown that the Gulf of Tonkin incident that escalated the Vietnam war was staged by the United States. I have repeatedly seen this nation invent enemies or even arm enemies to create a war in the future for massive defense spending initiatives. I have also seen them implement policies based on lies just so the wealthy elite can make a lot of money, stained with the blood of dead American soldiers. Yes, they also use policy by gun point to steal what belongs to others and then hold themselves up high as Great Americans when they are mere thieves.
One of the coming email updates will address how the past three presidential administrations have undermined our national security by breaching every level of common sense when transferring high technology to the People's Republic of China.
Knowing what I know about Washington, D.C. (my office was there from 1989 to 1996), when I see our government act I look behind the scenes for what the real motives were.
Afghanistan-and why our President ordered our military to invade it-is just such a instance of bogus policy based on outright lies. I have been following this matter since 1999, well before the attacks of 9-11, due to someone I met in 1999. That person gave me information regarding a lawsuit in Texas and I followed it because I have been concerned for many years about the energy policies and foreign policies of this Republic. What you are about to read below is not my word against George W. Bush; it is a matter of public record in our U.S. Courts.
The military training for the invasion of Afghanistan started less then sixty (60) days after Bush was sworn into office, and waiting only for 9-11 to happen to justify the invasion. I also suspect that the drafting of the Patriot Act and the formation of Homeland Security started at about the same time.
If I were in a position to appoint the Real 9-11 Commission
it would start with four energy companies that have electrical plants in Pakistan, all attendees of the Cheney Energy Task Force and the list of Foreign and American names found by Sibel D. Edmonds. In short, I would see to it that the investigation started off with those that stood to benefit the most by attacking Afghanistan and taking over that pipeline and the list of names found by Sibel Edmonds to determine if they were the real perpetrators of 9-11 to put such policies into action. Our government has in the past, and is right now, suppressing the truth across the board regarding a wide range of matters that affect the lives of all of us. That stops when we as American citizens put a stop to it.
It is my goal to find out the truth and present it to you. The major media outlets-television, print, radio and even many websites- are withholding information and entire stories that our current government does not want the citizenry to know. I look at it this way: - if you or I can find trails and answers, so can the major media outlets with their much finer investigative apparatus and greater resources. The inescapable conclusion is that those media either do not look, or they know and do not tell. I have put many in the media on notice and they ignore the facts; they look the other way and refuse to put the truth before their American audience. It is also an inescapable conclusion that the U.S. government has withheld this information as well and for what I believe is cause to cover up their crimes.
What you are about to read (if for the first time) was not heard from the U.S. government or major media. It is time all Americans stand up and demand straight answers to straight questions about the conduct of certain people in this Republic.
In the email update of November 19th, I introduced you to a Neocon that I have been watching for quite some time. In the email update of November 26th, I introduced you to a chapter in Neoconned Again that exposes the writings of Mr. Edward Luttwak. He is Jewish, ultra-conservative, a military advisor, and was an advisor to Reagan. If you stop to ponder that George H.W. Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and others were also involved in the Reagan Administration, the dots start to connect.
I have been following a court case through the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas since 1999 when I was first told about it by employees of the corporation involved. Long before 9-11 happened, I was looking at this corporation and the actions surrounding it, and everything I have found suggests I was on the right trail. Even after I started making these matters publicly known in my book One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas, executives of this corporation approached me discreetly to advise that I was not only on the right trail but the matter was even more complicated and serious than I knew. U.S. government officials were engaged in activities they did not disclose to the American public. Furthermore, those officials sought to hide information about those activities.
Some of you may know that I sent a demand letter to George W. Bush for the truth about seven hours before the first debate with John Kerry. You may not know that I also sent that demand letter to DNC and the Kerry campaign headquarters at the same time Bush received it at the White House. The following is from that Demand Letter * available at the following link -
http://www.karlschwarz.com/letter.html You would have to read that Demand Letter to appreciate that Kerry and DNC just rolled over and were given the information to rip Bush to shreds.
1. I demand as an American citizen that you lift the "gag order" on Sibel D. Edmonds and let Americans know what foreign names and what AMERICAN NAMES she uncovered in her FBI translations that were involved in drug trafficking, money laundering and the financing of 9-11. Her facts and your "official story" lies do not add up. Americans demand the truth on that matter before the election.
2. I demand to know what energy companies were in that Cheney Energy Task Force meeting and what discussions there were as to the steps that would be taken to remove the Taliban and Bridas Corporation as the last remaining obstacle to the United States controlling the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline. I met that company in 1999 and have known since then about the Bridas v Unocal, $15 billion interference of contract lawsuit in US District Court, Southern District of Texas. I also know about the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals decision on September 9, 2003 that upheld the Bridas $500 million arbitration settlement and the March 22, 2004 denial of Writ of Certiorari at the United States Supreme Court, Case 03-1018, Turkmenneft v Bridas.
3. I demand to know how many prisoners are being held at GITMO and other places that are either BRIDAS EMPLOYEES or are persons that know all about Bridas Corporation and what your administration did to get control of that Trans-Afghanistan pipeline.
When that letter was received, I got a "thank you" from federal investigators that suddenly had all kinds of people freaking out and contacting each other that this had surfaced. In sending that demand letter, certain people made the mistake of sending emails, telephone calls or scheduling meetings to discuss what they supposedly knew nothing about. In time the truth will be known by all.
Our freedoms and civil liberties-and effectively the power of our Constitution-have been altered because of 9-11 and the 9-11 Commission that was suborned by the Bush Administration and Congress. They have even covered up the Cheney Energy Task Force, in which I suspect that it was discussed that the landlocked oil deals in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan would not be landlocked much longer, since Cheney and Bush intended to take control of the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline, or TAP as it is called, with military force.
The TAP was under contract from Turkmenistan, through Afghanistan, through Pakistan to the ocean with an Argentine oil company named Bridas Corporation and its parent Bridas S.A.P.I.C. On September 9, 2003, Bridas prevailed at the Fifth Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals on a $500 million interference of contract lawsuit. That lawsuit was then taken to the U.S. Supreme Court and on March 22, 2004 the high court refused to hear the case or consider reversing the Fifth Circuit decision. See US Supreme Court, case 03-1018, State Concern Turkmenneft v. Bridas S.A.P.I.C., et al.
Bridas Corporation signed contracts with Turkmenistan in 1992 and 1993, long before our oil companies were welcome in these former Soviet satellites. Suddenly, after our presence started there, the Turkmenistan government issued on order blocking Bridas from exporting the oil and gas they had found from Turkmenistan. That was after Bridas had the foresight to start laying the groundwork for the pipeline across Afghanistan to get that oil to markets around the world. Bridas signed the agreement with the Taliban in 1996 and in 1997 a full court press was put on Pakistan and Afghanistan to get the deal into U.S. hands. They cut off the north end of that pipeline (Turkmenistan) and then the south end of that pipeline (Pakistan) and isolated the remaining element to Afghanistan / Taliban / Bridas Corporation.
The Bush Administration does not want any American knowing the truth about what happened in Afghanistan or that we breached a commercial contract with military force to take over a deal that was denied to US oil companies, because there was already a deal in place.
Under the Clinton Administration they upended the Pakistan government to cut off that part of the Bridas Corporation deal. Under the Clinton Administration, they compelled Turkmenistan to breach its agreements with Bridas, hence the judgment award of $500 million for interference of contract. Clinton does not want you to know what actions were taken under his administration, and there were many.