Black People : What Is The Importance Of What We Post Here To Blacks In General?

I agree,you have those that if you make 9 out of 10 good points,they will harp on and lose sleep over that one bad point instead of trying to understand the gist of what you are trying to say. Many times that one point is small and insignificant when compared to the rest of your points.

IMO,when people constantly do that,they are not looking for common ground to agree on,they strictly want to debate for the chance to be argumentative and confrontational.

And if you misunderstood someone,it takes nothing from you to say "I misunderstood,my apologies", and continue on.


Good afternoon posters...

And I do appreciate most (if not all) of the feedback I've gotten back..

But some issues/problems/etc. are of the personal (no social or political) type..

So easy for some to strive or try to say the right things--though in all of the wrong ways:

Also far too easy for others to take offense when none was really intended or meant...

And, yes, the ideal was and is--as in-- when cooler heads did (or do) intervene, that those parties in conflict were and are expected to accept our advice, etc., but-- the reality is that a few can't -- and others juat won't!

Also, eventually that is why a couple of posters did or do get banned, then matters do get dealt with, though not via means and ways etc., which can and will always be either acceptable or effective ones, in the long run...

Though my and the and more to the point:

Are we here truly being completely candid and honest, i. e., when it comes to our lite or serious disagreements, etc.?

I would hope and pray we could and should do better than that!

Y'see, if all we can and will do is to root on and/or for 'our' side:

Nothing leading to a few real steps, etc., toward both a truly agreed upon intent and purpose, i. .e, based on a shared consensus, etc., can and will come about, via the posts etc. on these forums...

Good afternoon posters...

And I do appreciate most (if not all) of the feedback I've gotten back..

But some issues/problems/etc. are of the personal (no social or political) type..

So easy for some to strive or try to say the right things--though in all of the wrong ways:

Also far too easy for others to take offense when none was really intended or meant...

And, yes, the ideal was and is--as in-- when cooler heads did (or do) intervene, that those parties in conflict were and are expected to accept our advice, etc., but-- the reality is that a few can't -- and others juat won't!

Also, eventually that is why a couple of posters did or do get banned, then matters do get dealt with, though not via means and ways etc., which can and will always be either acceptable or effective ones, in the long run...

Though my and the and more to the point:

Are we here truly being completely candid and honest, i. e., when it comes to our lite or serious disagreements, etc.?

I would hope and pray we could and should do better than that!

Y'see, if all we can and will do is to root on and/or for 'our' side:

Nothing leading to a few real steps, etc., toward both a truly agreed upon intent and purpose, i. .e, based on a shared consensus, etc., can and will come about, via the posts etc. on these forums...

Nothing leading to a few real steps, etc., toward both a truly agreed upon intent and purpose, i. .e, based on a shared consensus, etc., can and will come about, via the posts etc. on these forums...

One way to find Consensus is to simply,
make a poll

and the best way to answer the question of this post is to inquire with management or apply to become a moderator

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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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