Black Spirituality Religion : What is Lucifer, Satan and the Devil?

Music Producer

Well-Known Member
May 31, 2004
These energies can be better described as Sons or Daughters of GOD. This is not in real meaning but the best meaning for humans to understand and perceive that Lucifer, Satan or the Devil is the first conscious energies created by GOD to be the resistance force to IT.

The main resistance force is the ones that pose resistance for the love of GOD. These forces present themselves in many, many forms but they are always recorded as being less then the Supreme Being.

GOD created us mainly to be beings disconnected from Its will. Although there may be few of us that can continue to feel this (not likely), overall humans were intentionally disconnected from the Ether. It is for this reason that GOD gave us the gift to read and write or the written word.

In this type of existence we are challenged to resist the love of the Supreme Being. When we falter to the praise, worship and uplifting of any being that is less then the Supreme Being including humans we falter to resisting the Love of GOD for the hate and trickery of Lucifer. In some African ideology the resistance force is actually called the Trickster.

So, why did GOD create us in this type of existence? Because when humans choose the Supreme Being the choice is based on Love and it reveals a maturity of the soul, which moves to the next level.
Music Producer
These energies can be better described as Sons or Daughters of GOD. This is not in real meaning but the best meaning for humans to understand and perceive that Lucifer, Satan or the Devil is the first conscious energies created by GOD to be the resistance force to IT.
Does Lucifer, Satan or the Devil have the same meaning?:wb:
Does Lucifer, Satan or the Devil have the same meaning?:wb:

Lucifer is who Satan, the Devil used to be.

Lucifer(morning star or light bearer) was the chief and most beautiful of all God's angles , but he became full of himself and thought that he could be "like the most high"(God) and rebel against him. This is when he became the Devil(adversary)

He was able to convince a third of God's angels to join him. These "fallen angels" are what we call demons.

So this means Lucifer is not synonymous with Satan.
most loyal servant

Does Lucifer, Satan or the Devil have the same meaning?:wb:

Lucifer is the greater of the Fallen and is the most loyal servant of GOD (The First Born Son). With Lucifer being the greater it is able to become Satan, the Devil or anything the mind desires except the Supreme Being.

Lucifer cannot speak as the Supreme Being. It will speak in ambiguous wording and from this confusion it motivates humans to confuse it for GOD and in many cases replace GOD in the minds of billions.

Isa:14:14: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
Lucifer is who Satan, the Devil used to be.

Lucifer(morning star or light bearer) was the chief and most beautiful of all God's angles , but he became full of himself and thought that he could be "like the most high"(God) and rebel against him. This is when he became the Devil(adversary)

He was able to convince a third of God's angels to join him. These "fallen angels" are what we call demons.

So this means Lucifer is not synonymous with Satan.

Good points

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