- Jan 3, 2002
- 1,591
- 172
By Chief Elder Osiris
In this political season, the chant is for change, so the question is, change for whose benefit or detriment, because you see, all change is not good change, meaning that all change does not guarantee to be for the Greater Good of us all.
Here is America present situation, America is experiencing an economic metamorphic and that process is to secure the basic premise of a so call Democratic control so call free market capitalist system, so what does that mean, well it mean that all of the chant for change does not apply to mean to affect everybody in America, and Obama says it best, in term of who it is in America he is running to be president of, which happen to be for the MIDDLE CLASS IN AMERICA, Which begin with the middle class up to the upper, upper middle class Americans, not the lower upper, to upper, upper class, those classes in a capitalist system is self contained and need no social programs of the Government to support them.
So, it is those other classes that are left in a capitalist system that is included to any chanting change in America, which happen to be the poor to the lower and lower lower class of the poor, the classes that are depended upon by the lower middle, middle, and upper middle classes in a capitalist system, for their economic benefit and life enjoyment, economically.
So, what you have in the action of so call Afrikan Americans, is whenever a certain Black American exclusive substandard suitable class, in the so call Afrikan American society, hear of Black Nationalist condemnation of the false premise obama is attempting to construct within the Minds of those Black and poor people in America, they that reside in the low to lower lower caste of a class society in America, and of whom the chant for change do not apply, then it be those so call Black Afrikan Americans who are caught up in and with the craze of the Obama presidency aspiration, and they are caught up in, not the circle of profound reasoning, with the use of rational and logical Thinking, then they are the victims of a belief system that condition us to be satisfied, whenever someone claiming to be Black and / or Afrikan come along, aspiring to become involved with white folks, in their arena of social, economic, political, educational, and religious involvement, then we Black Folks without reservation show become automatically supportive of them.
It happen to be those type so call Afrikan Americans, aspiring to occupy a high position that will benefit the aspirant and those the aspirant claim to be interested in bringing change to their lives, which happen to be the middle class of America main stream society.
So, when even such an Black so call Afrikan American involvement will not bring about constructive change that will benefit all of our lives in America, then the question is, what is causing the motivation of those so call Afrikan Americans who are caught up in the craze of an Obama Candidacy for president of America, such an Afrikan American motivation is driven by no more than a manufactured deceiving selfish pride and a settlement for a want to be able to brag that there now sit in the chair of those white folks House on Pennsylvanian Ave, a so call Black Afrikan American and it make no difference, because in no way will the change Obama claim, will represent and will in fact, include every caste class of the poor and low to lower lower class in America racist society, which those occupying such a caste of a class, happen to be Black and poor people, representing the unreachable in America..
Beloved, it is this economic break down America is now witnessing that will bring America back around full circle, meaning the days of the American Dreamer reaching such an unattainable dream is over, with the evidence being the economic fall of America today, which verify that in America capitalist System, there must always be the caste of the poor to hold up and sustain such an unjust capitalist system., a system that can not support a societal philosophy of laissez faire, (Live and let live) Freely and With Justice being applied.
Can You Understand That, beloved?
Be Kind To your Selves, Beloved
Chief Elder
In this political season, the chant is for change, so the question is, change for whose benefit or detriment, because you see, all change is not good change, meaning that all change does not guarantee to be for the Greater Good of us all.
Here is America present situation, America is experiencing an economic metamorphic and that process is to secure the basic premise of a so call Democratic control so call free market capitalist system, so what does that mean, well it mean that all of the chant for change does not apply to mean to affect everybody in America, and Obama says it best, in term of who it is in America he is running to be president of, which happen to be for the MIDDLE CLASS IN AMERICA, Which begin with the middle class up to the upper, upper middle class Americans, not the lower upper, to upper, upper class, those classes in a capitalist system is self contained and need no social programs of the Government to support them.
So, it is those other classes that are left in a capitalist system that is included to any chanting change in America, which happen to be the poor to the lower and lower lower class of the poor, the classes that are depended upon by the lower middle, middle, and upper middle classes in a capitalist system, for their economic benefit and life enjoyment, economically.
So, what you have in the action of so call Afrikan Americans, is whenever a certain Black American exclusive substandard suitable class, in the so call Afrikan American society, hear of Black Nationalist condemnation of the false premise obama is attempting to construct within the Minds of those Black and poor people in America, they that reside in the low to lower lower caste of a class society in America, and of whom the chant for change do not apply, then it be those so call Black Afrikan Americans who are caught up in and with the craze of the Obama presidency aspiration, and they are caught up in, not the circle of profound reasoning, with the use of rational and logical Thinking, then they are the victims of a belief system that condition us to be satisfied, whenever someone claiming to be Black and / or Afrikan come along, aspiring to become involved with white folks, in their arena of social, economic, political, educational, and religious involvement, then we Black Folks without reservation show become automatically supportive of them.
It happen to be those type so call Afrikan Americans, aspiring to occupy a high position that will benefit the aspirant and those the aspirant claim to be interested in bringing change to their lives, which happen to be the middle class of America main stream society.
So, when even such an Black so call Afrikan American involvement will not bring about constructive change that will benefit all of our lives in America, then the question is, what is causing the motivation of those so call Afrikan Americans who are caught up in the craze of an Obama Candidacy for president of America, such an Afrikan American motivation is driven by no more than a manufactured deceiving selfish pride and a settlement for a want to be able to brag that there now sit in the chair of those white folks House on Pennsylvanian Ave, a so call Black Afrikan American and it make no difference, because in no way will the change Obama claim, will represent and will in fact, include every caste class of the poor and low to lower lower class in America racist society, which those occupying such a caste of a class, happen to be Black and poor people, representing the unreachable in America..
Beloved, it is this economic break down America is now witnessing that will bring America back around full circle, meaning the days of the American Dreamer reaching such an unattainable dream is over, with the evidence being the economic fall of America today, which verify that in America capitalist System, there must always be the caste of the poor to hold up and sustain such an unjust capitalist system., a system that can not support a societal philosophy of laissez faire, (Live and let live) Freely and With Justice being applied.
Can You Understand That, beloved?
Be Kind To your Selves, Beloved
Chief Elder