Black Spirituality Religion : What is God?

Destee, I'm trying to get used to the set up in this domain. In this instance I'm dealing where my opposition is posting without the slightest idea the dialog would be more appropriate elsewhere. I intend to donate next month by the way.
we were humoring you because you are new.....
Destee, I'm trying to get used to the set up in this domain. In this instance I'm dealing where my opposition is posting without the slightest idea the dialog would be more appropriate elsewhere. I intend to donate next month by the way.

@Astrocometman ... take your time getting used to everything. It's no problem at all, and you've not broken a rule or anything. We often start threads in the wrong forum, and when I see them, I move them. The Family, like Brother @jamesfrmphilly did, will let me know too, in case I don't see it. Which I appreciate. If you see something that looks amiss, please let me know as well.

We have a lot of forums and it is very easy to start a thread in the wrong one. No biggie.

Thanks for your kind consideration regarding a donation, it is much appreciated.

If you have more concerns or questions please let me know.

Much Love and Peace.


we were humoring you because you are new.....
I have no problem with being a party animal, newbies or returnees who don't know what they don't know comes with the territory. That's what this fella I'm dealing with is trying to capitalize on, a self imposed sense of authority on a topic on his opinion of what real is, without the slightest idea about evidence, and trying to capitalize on what I don't know about him. Shadows have needs too. So, folks having fun or being flaky are what comes in public forums. The bottom line is the content that can be raised in support of one's position. Just saying so is what some folks fuel themselves because they have nothing else. I'm adjusting, doing what the elements in hand make possible.
@Astrocometman ... take your time getting used to everything. It's no problem at all, and you've not broken a rule or anything. We often start threads in the wrong forum, and when I see them, I move them. The Family, like Brother @jamesfrmphilly did, will let me know too, in case I don't see it. Which I appreciate. If you see something that looks amiss, please let me know as well.

We have a lot of forums and it is very easy to start a thread in the wrong one. No biggie.

Thanks for your kind consideration regarding a donation, it is much appreciated.

If you have more concerns or questions please let me know.

You are appreciated, we who do all to try to establish the truth on respective matters need to stick together.

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Destee wrote on Cindy's profile.
YAAAAAAAAAAY @Cindy ... :love:
Destee wrote on frankster's profile.