Black Spirituality Religion : What Happens After Death?

Everything that happens with humans happens here on earth IMO.

We are born here, live here, go thru heaven and hell here and die here. Our bodies go in the ground and decompose becomming some nothing more than dust. I dont really believe in angels, but if they exist, they are floating around the earth doing what ever they do.

I am feeling queentswana's post.
Joyce said:
Hi Queen :wave:

I came back (though I indicated that I wouldn't) at your kind request. I sense your sincerity in not just wanting to argue for the sake of arguing. I appreciate that. Now on with discussion. To others who post on this thread, l am letting it be known that I will only be dialoguing with Queen...dat's it. A sistah can only discuss issues on so many fronts at one time and boy do I feel stretched right now :driveby: . :roll: I almost wish I had 3 brains and 6 hands :)

I feel the same way sometimes Joyce, altho the 6 hands might get me in a bit of trouble :)
Thanks for comming back to conversate with me and we can agree to luv only

Queen, I suggest you do as I did. I am a very independent thinking person. I do not accept or follow anything just because a zillion other people say it's so. I have been involved in a lot of things...some things in my past that I don't even like to talk about. But it was only when I made the decision to pray and ask God to show me what is truth and what isn't, did things began to become clear to me. So I suggest that you pray...earnestly and seek God with all of your heart, soul and mind. I promise you, He will reveal Himself to you even as He did me.

I think were on two different pages, because I hope in my first reply to you didn't give you the impression that I didn't believe in god, did it? if so, that's far from true. I am one of the most "spiritual" person that you ever want to see. I am not a religious person, but I am very, very spiritual...there's a difference. I meditate (prayer some call it) and meditation cleanses the soul. If I told some of the storys that God has pulled me through, even a death mute would begin to whine...moving on...

As far as hell is concerned Queen...this is a real place and what better way would Satan have us to believe that it isn't or that even He doesn't exist. For if you believe that it isn't real, then there is no motivation to follow Christ. You can then "make up" your own personal religion and just follow that. But in the end, the way that seemed so right would be the way to eternal destruction and there be many who shall fall therein. :(
Christ taught on the subject of Hell and Satan more than anything else. For this was His very destroy the works of the devil.

First of all, I will not let anyone "box" me into a religion, for we all know that "religion and politics...are bed parteners, need I say more? When someone ask me ...what's my religion, I tell them "Life"...because that is the only religion that I follow...can you name a religion that's higher than "Life" ?
And Joyce again I will say to you...HELL only exit, right here, right now. If a person dies today, they get put in the ground, do you know what you will find when you return one year later ? you will...first of all see the person that was put there a year ago, that's not all, you will also notice that the hair and nails will be still growing. So my question to you is this: at what time frame after death do they go to hell/heaven? there an appointed time to go there? and remember...the spirit lives forever. So when these people are burning in hell...what happens to their spirit...that never dies?

If Jesus believes that there is a devil...then we best believe it too.
If Jesus believes there is a place of eternal torment...hell...then we best believe it too.

Oh I more than believe...I know that there is a devil that do evil, and god is balance...we need 'Hot to compiment the Cold, 'Wet to go with Dry, and so on. So that being the case (let me rock your world on this one) ...God and the devil...are "one"

do have a blessed and peaceful night....luv queentswana

Trapped between a void of life and death
souls intertwine in space starving to rest
awareness of time undefined
endless thoughts unable to align
images occurring resembling dreams
direction is lost,nothing is what it seems
a world within another world beyond comprehension
spirits on hold in suspension
incapable to return to clarify,existence a mystery never to die
heaven and hell programmed from the beginning of time
with conclusive evidence conviction is only the preservation of the source
called the mind
Our souls will forever live, man's has a strong imagination
stemming from (FREE WILL)
it's some truth in everything God feeds the brain
some say you will return but actually you never leave
and all God's questions you will not answer this you must believe
what happens after death
the question you should be asking yourself am i prepared
and if our Lord come for me now AM I READY
queentswana said:
I feel the same way sometimes Joyce, altho the 6 hands might get me in a bit of trouble :)
Thanks for comming back to conversate with me and we can agree to luv only

I think were on two different pages, because I hope in my first reply to you didn't give you the impression that I didn't believe in god, did it? if so, that's far from true. I am one of the most "spiritual" person that you ever want to see. I am not a religious person, but I am very, very spiritual...there's a difference. I meditate (prayer some call it) and meditation cleanses the soul. If I told some of the storys that God has pulled me through, even a death mute would begin to whine...moving on...

First of all, I will not let anyone "box" me into a religion, for we all know that "religion and politics...are bed parteners, need I say more? When someone ask me ...what's my religion, I tell them "Life"...because that is the only religion that I follow...can you name a religion that's higher than "Life" ?
And Joyce again I will say to you...HELL only exit, right here, right now. If a person dies today, they get put in the ground, do you know what you will find when you return one year later ? you will...first of all see the person that was put there a year ago, that's not all, you will also notice that the hair and nails will be still growing. So my question to you is this: at what time frame after death do they go to hell/heaven? there an appointed time to go there? and remember...the spirit lives forever. So when these people are burning in hell...what happens to their spirit...that never dies?

Oh I more than believe...I know that there is a devil that do evil, and god is balance...we need 'Hot to compiment the Cold, 'Wet to go with Dry, and so on. So that being the case (let me rock your world on this one) ...God and the devil...are "one"

do have a blessed and peaceful night....luv queentswana

Queen: I think were on two different pages, because I hope in my first reply to you didn't give you the impression that I didn't believe in god, did it?

No I didn't get that impression at all, but I did get the impression that you may have some problems trusting in His Son, Jesus Christ, for deliverance from your sins and for securing your eternity with God. Did I get the wrong impression? Yes or No?

First of all, I will not let anyone "box" me into a religion, for we all know that "religion and politics...are bed parteners, need I say more?

Gurl I'm with you on that religion thang. I am not religious either. Religion is too much of a obstacle in developing a strong relationship with God. Even Jesus got sick of religion and it's antics. The Pharisees and all dem other sees were always hounding Him...trying to catch something out of His mouth so that they can trap Him. Yet, I have no problem with those who choose to be apart of a religious organization such as Baptist, Methodist, Assembly of God. I guess as long as neither denies the deity of Jesus Christ Himself, there won't be any ultimate problems. But for myself, a nondenomination church works better.

Oh I more than believe...I know that there is a devil that do evil, and god is balance...we need 'Hot to compiment the Cold, 'Wet to go with Dry, and so on. So that being the case (let me rock your world on this one) ...God and the devil...are "one"

That doesn't rock my world...Some people don't believe that there is a God at all. But then we all find out in the end don't we.

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