I feel the same way sometimes Joyce, altho the 6 hands might get me in a bit of trouble
Thanks for comming back to conversate with me and we can agree to disagree...in luv only
I think were on two different pages, because I hope in my first reply to you didn't give you the impression that I didn't believe in god, did it? if so, that's far from true. I am one of the most "spiritual" person that you ever want to see. I am not a religious person, but I am very, very spiritual...there's a difference. I meditate (prayer some call it) and meditation cleanses the soul. If I told some of the storys that God has pulled me through, even a death mute would begin to whine...moving on...
First of all, I will not let anyone "box" me into a religion, for we all know that "religion and politics...are bed parteners, need I say more? When someone ask me ...what's my religion, I tell them "Life"...because that is the only religion that I follow...can you name a religion that's higher than "Life" ?
And Joyce again I will say to you...HELL only exit, right here, right now. If a person dies today, they get put in the ground, do you know what you will find when you return one year later ? you will...first of all see the person that was put there a year ago, that's not all, you will also notice that the hair and nails will be still growing. So my question to you is this: at what time frame after death do they go to hell/heaven? ...is there an appointed time to go there? and remember...the spirit lives forever. So when these people are burning in hell...what happens to their spirit...that never dies?
Oh I more than believe...I know that there is a devil that do evil, and god is balance...we need 'Hot to compiment the Cold, 'Wet to go with Dry, and so on. So that being the case (let me rock your world on this one) ...God and the devil...are "one"
do have a blessed and peaceful night....luv queentswana