Black Spirituality Religion : What Happens After Death?

Is There A Link Between Life On Earth And Life After Dead

Aqil said:
The Islamic perspective:

The question whether there is a life after death does not fall under the jurisdiction of science, as science is concerned only with classification and analysis of data. Moreover, man has been busy with scientific inquiries and research - in the modern sense of the term - only for the last few centuries, while he has been familiar with the concept of life after death since time immemorial.

All the prophets of God called on their people to worship God and to believe in life after death. They laid so much emphasis on the belief in life after death that even a slight doubt in it meant denying God, and made all other beliefs meaningless. The very fact that all the prophets of God have dealt with this metaphysical question of life after death so confidently and so uniformly - the gap between their ages being thousands of years - goes to prove that the source of their knowledge of life after death - as proclaimed by all of them - was the same, i.e., Divine revelation. We also know that these prophets of God were greatly opposed to by their people, mainly on the issue of life after death, as their people thought it impossible. But in spite of opposition, the prophets won many sincere followers.

The question arises: What made those followers forsake the established beliefs, traditions and customs of their forefathers, notwithstanding the risk of being totally alienated from their own community? The simple answer is: They made use of their faculties of mind and heart and realized the truth. Did they realize the truth through perceptual consciousness? No, as perceptual experience of life after death is impossible.

Actually, God has given man - besides perceptual consciousness - rational, aesthetic and moral consciousness too. It is this consciousness that guides man regarding realities that cannot be verified through sensory data. That is why all the prophets of God - while calling people to believe in God and life after death - appeal to the aesthetic, moral and rational consciousness of man. For example, when the idolaters of Mecca denied even the possibility of life after death, the Qur'an exposed the weakness of their position by advancing very logical and rational arguments in support of it:

"And he has coined for us a similitude, and has forgotten the fact of his creation, saying: who will revive these bones when they have rotted away? Say: He will revive them Who produced them at first, for He is the Knower of every creation, Who has appointed for you fire from the green tree, and behold! you kindle from it. Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth, able to create the like of them? Yes, and He is indeed the Supreme Creator, the All-Knowing." (36:78-81)

At another occasion, the Qur'an very clearly says that the disbelievers have no sound basis for their denial of life after death. It is based on pure conjecture:

"They say, 'There is nothing but our present life; we die, and we live, and nothing but Time destroys us.' Of that they have no knowledge; they merely conjecture. And when our revelations are recited to them, their only argument is that they say, 'Bring us our fathers, if you speak truly.' " (45:24-25)

Surely God will raise all the dead. But God has His own plan of things. A day will come when the whole Universe will be destroyed, and then again the dead will be resurrected to stand before God. That day will be the beginning of the life that will never end, and in that day every person will be rewarded by God according to his/her good or evil deed.

The explanation that the Qur'an gives about the necessity of life after death is what the moral consciousness of man demands. Actually, if there is no life after death, the very belief in God becomes irrelevant, or even if one believes in God, that would be an unjust and indifferent God: having once created man and not concerned with his fate. Surely, God is just. He will punish the tyrants whose crimes are beyond count: having killed hundreds of innocent persons; created great corruptions in the society; enslaved numerous persons to serve their whims, etc.

Man has a short lifespan in this world, and as this physical world is not eternal, punishments or rewards equal to the evil or noble deeds of persons are not possible here. The Qur'an states emphatically that the Day of Judgment must come, and God will decide about the fate of each soul according to his or her record of deeds:

"Those who disbelieve say: The Hour will never come unto us. Say: Nay, by my Lord, but it is coming unto you surely. (He is) the Knower of the Unseen. Not an atom's weight, or less than that or greater, escapes Him in the heavens or in the earth, but it is in a clear Record. That He may reward those who believe and do good words. For them is pardon and a rich provision. But those who strive against our revelations, challenging (Us), theirs will be a painful doom of wrath." (34:3-5)

The Day of Resurrection will be the day when God's attributes of justice and mercy will be in full manifestation. God will shower His mercy on those who suffered for His sake in the worldly life, believing that an eternal bliss was awaiting them. But those who abused the bounties of God - caring nothing for the life to come - will be in the most miserable state. Drawing a comparison between them, the Qur'an says:

"Is he, then, to whom We have promised a goodly promise the fulfillment of which he will meet, like the one whom We have provided with the good things of this life, and then on the Day of Resurrection he will be of those who will be brought arraigned before God?" (28:61)

The Qur'an also states that this worldly life is a preparation for the eternal life after death. But those who deny it become slaves of their passions and desires, and make fun of virtuous and God-conscious persons. Such persons realize their folly only at the time of their death, and wish to be given a further chance in the world...but in vain. Their miserable state at the time of death, and the horror of the Day of Judgment, and the eternal bliss guaranteed to the sincere believers, are mentioned in the following verses of the Holy Qur'an:

"Until, when death comes unto one of them, he says, 'My Lord send me back, that I may do right in that which I have left behind! But nay! It is but a word that he speaks; and behind them is a barrier until the day when they are raised. And when the Trumpet is blown there will be no kinship among them that day, nor will they ask of one another. Then those whose scales are heavy, they are successful. And those whose scales are light are those who lose their souls, in hell abiding, the fire burns their faces and they are glum therein." (23:99-104)

The belief in life after death not only guarantees success in the Hereafter, but also makes this world full of peace and happiness by making individuals most responsible and dutiful in their activities. Think of the people of Arabia. Gambling, winebibbing, tribal feuds, and plundering and murdering were their main traits when they had no belief in life after death. But as soon as they accepted the belief in One God and life after death, they became the most disciplined nation of the world. They gave up their vices, helped each other in hours of need, and settled all their disputes on the basis of justice and equality.

Similarly the denial of life after death has its consequences not only in the Hereafter but also in this world. When a nation as a whole denies it, all kinds of evils and corruptions become rampant in that society, and ultimately it is destroyed. The Qur'an mentions the terrible end of 'Aad, Thamud, and the Pharaoh in some detail:

"(The tribes of) Thamud and 'Aad disbelieved in the judgment to come. As for Thamud, they were destroyed by the lightning, and as for 'Aad, they were destroyed by a fierce, roaring wind, which He imposed on them for seven long nights and eight long days, so that you might see the people laid prostrate in it as if they were the stumps of fallen down palm trees.

Now do you see remnant of them? Pharaoh likewise and those before him and the subverted cities. They committed errors and those before him, and they rebelled against the Messenger of their Lord, and He seized them with a surpassing grip. Lo, when the waters rose, We bore you in the running ship that We might make it a reminder for you and for heeding ears to hold. So when the Trumpet is blown with a single blast and the earth and the mountains are lifted up and crushed with a single blow, then on that day, the terror shall come to pass, and the heaven shall be split for upon that day it will be very frail.

Then as for him who is given his book in his right hand, he shall say, 'Here take and read my book! Certainly I thought I should encounter my reckoning.' So he shall be in a pleasing life in a lofty garden, its clusters nigh to gather. " 'Eat and drink with wholesome appetite for that you did long ago, in the days gone by.' "But as for him who is given his book in his left hand, he shall say: 'Would that I had not been given my book and not known my reckoning! Would that it had been the end! My wealth has not availed me, my authority is gone from me.' "

Thus, there are very convincing reasons to believe in life after death:

(1) All the prophets of God have called their people to believe in it.

(2) Whenever a human society is built on the basis of this belief, it has been the most ideal and peaceful society, free of social and moral evils.

(3) History bears witness that whenever this belief is rejected collectively by a group of people - in spite of the repeated warning of the Prophet - the group as a whole has been punished by God even in this world.

(4) Moral, aesthetic and rational faculties of man endorse the possibility of life after death.

(5) God's attributes of justice and mercy have no meaning if there is no life after death.

There Is A Link Or A Connnection Between The Two Lives , The Life On Earth And The Life After Death . Death Does Not End Life , But Instead Open The Door . Or Is The Door To Higher Forms Of Life For Thiose Selected . Knowledge Of The Seven Heavens Will Increase The OverStanding Of Life And Death . From The Moment Of Birth , The Essence Of You . The Hayaat Meaning '' Life Force '' Is Traveling The Road To The Doorway Of Death . Every Individual Must Live His Or Her Life With The Knowledge That He Or She Too Will Someday Face Death , It Is A Common Saying
'' Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life . '' Take Heed ! . It Is Never Too Late To Clean Up Your Life ; To Prepare For The Life To Come . It Is Easy To Imagine Birth And Death At Opposite End Of A String ; The String Being Life . Birth
( The Breathe Of Life ) Is A Gift From The AngelicBeings Also Known As The Hevenly Host So That You Might Prove Worthiness Of Being In The Image And After The Likeness Of The AngelicBeings Again , And Enter Into Their Presence . The Aramic / Hebrew Word For '' Life '' Is Chay < khah'-ee > , The SameAs The Arabic Word For '' Life '' Hayaa , And The Word For '' Life '' In Greek Is Zoe < dzo-ay > Life , Meaning The Time , The Arabic Word For '' Life '' Hayaa , And The Word For '' Life '' In Greek Is Zoe < dzo - ay > Life , Meaning The Time You Spend On This Planet Earth In Your Physical Body . At Any Point From Birth , The String May Be Broken And You Will Return To A Spiritual State ; And No Matthew How Long The String Is , Each Person Must Someday Taste Death As It States In ..
The Koran < In Arabic Inserts > And I Quote , How Can You Conceal Your Belief In God , When You Were Dead So He Gave You Life , Then You Died Again , Then He Brought You To Life Again , Then You Shall Return To Him ?
Death Is Simply The Removal Of The Nefesh / Hayyam '' Breath Of Life '' The Gift Of The AngelicBeings. When A Person Dies , The Soul And The Breath Of Life Is The Last Thing To Leave The Physical Body . What You Do During Your Life Determines What Will Happen To Your Essence After Death . Were You Thankful Or Unthankful ? Did You Help Or Hinder ? Did You Build Or Destroy ? Did You Give Or Always Take ? Are You Truely In The Image Of The Good Angels Or Are You In The Image Of The Evil Angels ? You Can Solve The Riddle Of Life And Death . There Are Six Stages Of Life And Death Which Include ;
( 1 ) . Without Life ; ( Before The Sperm Was Used To Fertilize The Ovum ) The Qura'an 7; 6 ; '' Didn't The Human Being ( Insaan ) Go Through A Period Of Time When HeWas Nothing To Be Remember ? ( Job 31 ; 15 , Jer 1 ; 5 , Ps 139 ; 15 - 16)
( 2 ) . Life ; ( The Sperm Was Mixed With Ovum , Equals Fetus ) The Quraan 76 ; 2 - 3 ; '' Very , We Created Humans From Semen Mixed ( With Ovum ) , We Were Testing Him ( Experimenting With Cloning ) ; And We Gave Him The Ability To Hear And To See , '' ( Deu , 29 ; 4 , Job 10 ; 9 - 12 , Mat 13 ; 16 ) . Verily , We Guided Him In The Way . It Is Up To Him To Either Be Grateful . Or Ungrateful . . ''
( 3 ) . Die ; ( In The Womb Of The Mother You Are Not Your Own Provider ) The Quraan 2 ; 28 ; '' How Can You Conceal Your Belief In God . When You Were Dead So He Gave You Life . Then You Died Again , Then He Brought You To Life Again , Then You Shall Return To Him ? ( Ps , 104 ; 29 , Mat 22 ; 31 , Luk 20 ; 27 - 36 ) .
( 4 ) . Birth ; ( Lifetime On Earth ) The Quraan 76 ; 2 - 3 , '' Verily , We Created Humans From Semen Mixed ( With Ovum ) . We Were Testing Him ( Experimenting With Cloning ) . And We Cave Him The Ability To Hear Hear And To See ( Deu 29; 4 , Job 10 ; 9 - 12 , Mat 13 ; 16 ,) We Guided Him In The Way ; It Is Up To Him To Either Be Grateful Or Ungrateful . '' Then You Died Again , Then He Brought You To Life Again , Then He Brought You To Life Again The Quraan 2 ; 28 ..
( 5 ) . Death ; ( Loss Of '' Breath Of Life '' ) . The Quraan 10 ; 56 '' He Gives Life And He Causes Death And To Him , You All Shall Return .
( 6 ) . Life After Death ; Yawm Al Qiyaamah = The Day Of Standin , Yawm Al Diyn = Day Of Judgement , Yawm Al Ahkiri = Last Day ; Walk The Filament .
Heaven , Which Is With God , Is Everlasting And All Eternal . The Earth Is Only A Temporary Abode For Man As A Means Of Redemption ( Ps 111 ; 9 ) . HowEver , The Devil Whispers Into The Hearts Of Man And Wonam And Childrens Continuously Trying To Seduse Them With Things Of This Word. Causing Them To Believe That This Is The Beginning And The End Of All Things . And That The Physical World Is Permanent . Jesus Christ Warned Us About The Material Things Of This World And Being Attached To Them . Matthew 6 ; 19 - 20 , And I Quote , Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal ...
Many People Doubt As To The Reality Of Life After Death . It Is Even Taught By Some That One Must Enjoy The Pleasure Of This Life To The Fullest While He Or She Has The Chance . HowEver , That Is Part The Devil's Plan , To Take Your Mind Off Your Purpose And Away From The Lord '' Yahweh '' And His Commandments
Exodus 20 ; 3 - 17 And I Quote , You shall have no other gods before me. 4 "You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; 5 you shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments. 7 "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain. 8 "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor, and do all your work; 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God; in it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your manservant, or your maidservant, or your cattle, or the sojourner who is within your gates; 11 for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day; therefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it. 12 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which the LORD your God gives you. 13 "You shall not kill. 14 "You shall not commit adultery. 15 "You shall not steal. 16 "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 17 "You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his ***, or anything that is your neighbor's." ;... The Lord '' Yahweh '' Tells Us To Keep His Commandment In Proverbs 7 ; 2 And I Quote ; '' Keep My Commandments And Live ; And My Law As The Apple Of Thine Eye . And In Ecclesiastes 12 ; 13 , It Tell Us That Our Only Purpose As Man / Woman / Child Is To Keep God's '' Eloheem '' Commandments And I Quote . The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man. ;... All The Devil Cares About Is Winning Your Soul Over To His Side , To His Army , And Then Deceiving You At The End . Remember , What Happen To You After You Take The Last Breath Of Life . Is Up To You And How You Spend YourLifetime ...
Matthew 16 ; 26 , And I Quote , For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life? Or what shall a man give in return for his life? ;... The Quote Describes Those Who Sell Their Souls For Worldly Gain And Desires . Desire , Being The Longing For , Or Wishing For Something That May Never Come Or Be Acquired , Only '' Leads To Suffering '' . Like Siddhartha Guatama Buddha Has Been Quote As Saying For Years. Not Having Control Over Desire Can Be As Detrimental As Losing Your Life . And Furthermore Your Soul . Desire Is The Most Powerful Force And Factor Ruining Many People's Lives And Taking Control Of Their Emotions . How Have People Like Michael Jackson Really Profited , Who Was Once A Jehovah's Witness ? He Gave Up His Religious Teachings For Worldly Desires 1Timothy 6 ; 9 - 10 And I Quote , But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and hurtful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is the root of all evils; it is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced their hearts with many pangs. ;... When He Did The Vido '' Thriller '' , It Had Demons And All Sorts Of Terrifying Things In It , Now Look At Him . He Gave Up His Soul For Material Things Of This World . His Very Soul Is Gone All For Naught . He May Have Money , Fame , And Fortune But Look At What He Had To Do To Get It - Sell His Soul . The Things Of This Would Are Perishable . Think About It . The Cares Of This Would And The Deceitfulness . Of Riches And The Lust Of Other Things Are Things That Bind People's Soul To This World . When You Die Your Body Eventually Decays And Goes Back Into The Earth ( Genesis 20 ; 7 , The Koran 21 ; 35 ) . All The Riches You Gained , All The Prestige . And All Your Popularity . You Can't Take It With You For As 1Thimothy 6 ; 5 '' For we brought nothing into this world , and it is certain we can carry nothing out . ;....Even If All Your Riches Were Placed In The Casket By Your Side , You Could Not Enjoy Them , For The Part Of You , Which Belonged To The Source , The Heaven Father Has Been Reclaimed Psalms 49 ; 17 - 18 , And I Quote , For when he dies he will carry nothing away; his glory will not go down after him. 18 Though, while he lives, he counts himself happy, and though a man gets praise when he does well for himself, ;... In The Physical Real Of Man Material Things Are Abundants And Financial . Systerm Are Set Up So That You Can Get All The Material Things You Want Now . And You Pay Later '' Get Now , Pay Later '' This Saying Goes Much Deeper Than It Sounds . This Is Done In Hopes That You Will Get So Involved In Your Worldly Pursuits , That YourThoughts Become , Like I Mentioned Earlier , Void Of The Most High , < The Devil Goes To Any Extreme To Keep You From The Truth ; And Any Desire You Have Can Be Fulfilled . This Is Why They Tell You That You Can Have Heaven On Earth The Life Of This World Is Only Temporary , A Short Stop For Rest On A Long , Hard Journey . LQQk At Life This Way And Prepare Yourself For The Journey Ahead . The Life In The Hereafter Is Everlasting With The Eloheem And Called By Some AngelicBeings . >
The Quraan 3 ; 185 , And I Quote , Every soul shall have a taste of death: And only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of Life): For the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception.
:geek: :read: :teach: :uzi:
Destee said:
Hello Family,

With so many different belief systems represented in our community, what happens after death, would probably provide an equally diverse amount of opinions.

Peace be on you, Destee et. al., let me share what i believe which has come from my understanding of Al-Islam (the Qur'an and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad---Peace be upon him, which i believe is the same for all of the Prophets) The truth of this matter is surely the same for all of us and where we differ either one of us is wrong or both of us are wrong.

Destee said:
So i thought i'd ask the question ... What do you believe happens after death?

i believe that after death we continue to exist in another state and dimension in which we experience, recognize and feel certain things. This state is literally called the grave but is not to be confused with "a hole in the ground". Angels visit us and question us concerning certain aspects of our beliefs about our past life and the punishment begins for wrong doers and the rewards begin for the blessed. All people stay in this state until the "Great Gitting Up Day", the resurrection when all are called back to life to go before the Supreme Creator and be judged. There are other events that take place, quite numerous and involved and i won't go into detail at this time......

Destee said:
Do you believe there is a "hell," for those not considered worthy of "heaven?"

There most definitely is a hell for Satan his helpers and others deceived by them that has several levels. Different classes of sinners will be assigned to the various levels of hell and will have differing lengths of sentences from relative short times all the way up to eternity. Those who finish their assigned sentences and who have been cleansed of their sins by the fire will be taken out of it and assigned a place in the paradise. The paradise also has several gates and levels for the various levels of the righteous and its inhabitants will be able to progress in it also. Once in paradise an inhabitant will stay forever......Any level of hell and any length of stay there is so terrible that none wants any part of it---it is both a horrible place to visit and a horrible place to live. Conversely the paradise at any level is excellent but still it has levels of even more excellence.............joys that no eye has yet seen no senses have sensed and no mind or imagination has even thought of, imagined or dreamed.

Destee said:
Or do you believe that all life ends when the body dies?

No, life did not begin with this body and does not end when it dies.

Destee said:
Do you believe that those who have gone before us, are able to come and visit with us now ... and we will be able to do the same, regardless of how we lived our life ... or do we have to live a certain way in order to come back?

No, the dead have no power to visit.

Destee said:
Do you believe in reincarnation ... actually living more than one life?

No, we remain ourselves in whatever state we have been assigned and do not reincarnate.

Destee said:
Or are you somewhere in the middle ... maybe the Spirit stays trapped somewhere between life and death ... i don't know ... just giving you all to know that i'm interested in whatever you believe ... regarding "life after death."

See the answer to the first question.....

And most surely our Creator knows for sure........

This is fundamentally some of how i see some of death and life after death.
Originally Posted by Joyce
This is why I love the bible. Man's opinion (including my own) don't mean a hill of beans. The post above this one is a prime example of how opinions can be so confusing and cause people to miss a beautiful destiny...oh God, please help us to see...clearly. I'm sorry Destee, but :puke: man's opinion about this and that just makes me ill sometimes. I have to stick with the bible because there are just too many voices out there...way too many. The question for me is NOT what do I believe, but rather what does the bible say.

What does the bible say? ...which one? there were 17 bibles...this book was written 17 times. There were also too many voices in these books. Surely, one book should have been enough.

Death is real...the grave is assured that Hell is real too...

Yes death is real...the grave is real...
but Joyce...hell is indeed real, it's here on earth, it's (for some, now). Both 'heaven and hell is right here on earth...and that's a natural fact.

There is no need for anyone to go to hell...

Have you ever heard someone say: "I went through hell with that man/woman when we were together"? ...well they spoke the truth. Heaven or Hell depends on how we choose to live our lives.
queentswana said:
What does the bible say? ...which one? there were 17 bibles...this book was written 17 times. There were also too many voices in these books. Surely, one book should have been enough.

Yes death is real...the grave is real...
but Joyce...hell is indeed real, it's here on earth, it's (for some, now). Both 'heaven and hell is right here on earth...and that's a natural fact.

Have you ever heard someone say: "I went through hell with that man/woman when we were together"? ...well they spoke the truth. Heaven or Hell depends on how we choose to live our lives.

Hi Queen :wave:

I came back (though I indicated that I wouldn't) at your kind request. I sense your sincerity in not just wanting to argue for the sake of arguing. I appreciate that. Now on with discussion. To others who post on this thread, l am letting it be known that I will only be dialoguing with Queen...dat's it. A sistah can only discuss issues on so many fronts at one time and boy do I feel stretched right now :driveby: . :roll: I almost wish I had 3 brains and 6 hands :)

Queen: What does the bible say? ...which one? there were 17 bibles...this book was written 17 times. There were also too many voices in these books. Surely, one book should have been enough.

Queen, I suggest you do as I did. I am a very independent thinking person. I do not accept or follow anything just because a zillion other people say it's so. I have been involved in a lot of things...some things in my past that I don't even like to talk about. But it was only when I made the decision to pray and ask God to show me what is truth and what isn't, did things began to become clear to me. So I suggest that you pray...earnestly and seek God with all of your heart, soul and mind. I promise you, He will reveal Himself to you even as He did me.

1. Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to your mind...your soul...your spirit.

You can pray, the way you are lead in your heart to do. However, this is a paraphrae of how I prayed...

God you see, the things that I am into. I ask that you forgive me of my sin in rejecting your Son, Jesus Christ. I acknowledge that I am a sinner. I receive the love that Jesus is offering me. Please come into my heart and make a difference in my life.

Queen...after this I proceeded with step 2...

2. Pray and read your bible. You mentioned something about 17 bibles, but I
only place my faith in one...the Holy Bible. The Jehovah witness bible, Book of mormons, Qur'an and others do NOT recognize the deity of Jesus Christ. This is a severe error and attack against Jesus Himself. This is indeed the litmus test...if they denie Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for the sins of the world...leave it alone...your eternity depends on your acceptance or rejection of Jesus. Pray everyday and read your bible. This is bread for your spirit man. You are more than just flesh are spirit and through the sacrifice that Christ made for you, your spirit man is now fully alive and anxious to be in strong fellowship with it's Creator. Prayer and the reading of the Word is a strong part of who I am today. God is molding me and shaping me to be what I am destined to be. He is Mighty and once you come to know Him for yourself (as you must), no doctrine of man in this world shall be able to sway you. Jesus is real to me and He has revealed Himself to be so in so many ways...beyond the bible.

3. Find a strong bible (Ask Jesus to show you) based Church. You will acheived much strength by being with others who will pray and share the wisdom and understanding that they have received from the Word and Prayer.

Follow these 3 basic steps and you will surely experience the profound simplicity of the power of Jesus Christ. There is no going around him as others are trying to do and even as I tried to do in the past.

As far as hell is concerned Queen...this is a real place and what better way would Satan have us to believe that it isn't or that even He doesn't exist. For if you believe that it isn't real, then there is no motivation to follow Christ. You can then "make up" your own personal religion and just follow that. But in the end, the way that seemed so right would be the way to eternal destruction and there be many who shall fall therein. :(
Christ taught on the subject of Hell and Satan more than anything else. For this was His very destroy the works of the devil.

If Jesus believes that there is a devil...then we best believe it too.
If Jesus believes there is a place of eternal torment...hell...then we best believe it too.

I have not found Him to be wrong yet and when it comes to the subject of hell, we better well know what we are doing if we decide not to believe that Jesus knew what He was talking about.

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