There is no description for that, as spiritual beings as you think, really do not exist! All are manifestations of the human mind. You believe in such, but you cannot really see or touch it. It has been planted in your mind, that's its really there, but you can't see it, enjoy what it does, etc. "until your death!" What sense does that make? Religion is by all accounts, "a make-believe world." it's a money hustle for the thousands of religious messengers out there, etc. They even wrote a book "The Bible, etc." or books to back up their hustle, etc. The Book has worked, millions are believing and just a giving, etc. It's part of the greatest hustle by mostly mankind, etc. You give big time, while the messenger lives large, etc. Your due comes only after you die, etc. Yet ven today, millions are being hustled by all religions. All known religions are embedded in/with Fear! I know... you said fear of what? And we all know it's of the unknown, etc. End of story...
You are at least 80% right.
Let me offer an illustration to make my point.
Do you remember pharaoh Ahkenaton? He tried to move Kemet into monotheism. Alright. Hold that in your mind.
Next thing.
When Europeans called us savages it was partly due to Africa having many gods and goddesses while they were monotheistic. However, keep in mind that they were in fact new to monotheism themselves because they were converted from paganism and most still held the idea of 3 gods that they simply called 1 through the magic of the Trinity.
Next thing.
The word "God" in Hebrew and other languages of the Lavant (EL, IL, AL, OL, UL) means power. This is why the word can even be applied to judges and kings and explains some of the confusion of Christianity.
Next thing.
When you go back in time... this wasn't a hustle. It was a means of teaching science by personifying different sources of power/energy. This is why the primal/primordial gods more resemble the basic elements of nature. This is also why the subject of gods often leads into astrology because different stars are were considered sources of power just as our sun is a source of power that we're just now learning how to really tap. But the sun gives us life and powers the natural world.
Is that true or false?
It's undeniably true. Take away the sun and everything on Earth dies. Period.
And so the ancients used the mental constructs of gods and goddesses in order to personify and teach the relationships between energy and matter.
But again... you're right.
It became a hustle.
The problem is that scientists and priests were 2 positions that had to be supported by the community or else they wouldn't have time to study the mysteries of the universe. So what happens when you get people who don't really study but who want the POWER AND INFLUENCE that these positions had. Remember... priests used to advise kings long before there was a such thing called a 'scientist'. Medicine doctors, witch doctors, shamans, etc. all helped the village elders make decisions concerning their survival. Today we don't have priests who study. We have pastors who only seek to influence and so their minds are not able to decipher the original science that the priests used to teach. Science and religion separated and religion became the hustle you speak of.
End of story?
Not quite.
Science, on its own, is incomplete. Yes, it gives us an understanding of energy understood in the mathematical language of physics. But it's missing "spirituality" which IS "mental". And there is truth in spirituality that people know is real and therefore go to religion trying to get but its not really there because teachers of religion tend to take everything literally because they didn't really study like the ancients and therefore only understand this literal myth.
And that's kind of like Comic book characters. While you can enjoy them on a literal level, some fans see and try to explore deeper meanings. Is it because the creators were priests? No. It is because humans naturally transfer wisdom through storytelling and we often use fiction to tell deeper truths. Why? Because through fiction, the depth under the false surface is easier to accept.
Should you stop calling out religion they way you are? Absolutely not. I applaud you. All I'm saying is that it wasn't always a hustle. Like almost everything, when there is power corruption is not far behind.