- May 26, 2019
- 804
- 263
Why are their no original drawings of this one Jesus and of any of those involved Biblical Characters? Especially his father Joseph and his mother Mary! There were no drawings, painting, etc., even of Moses! There certainly were artist capable of making such drawings, etc., during these biblical times. Even while this Hebrew Jewish man named Jesus was persecuted and nailed upon a cross, his face and such a event, should have been immortalized on paper or canvas. Yet not one bibical character has been painted or has a original drawing created by a artist, etc., back in those wandering preaching days of Jesus. It seems as if it's all fable, invisible, whereas one is led to beleive that such events actually happened. And with no physical factual proof that any of this actually did happen! Example: "those Ten [stone] Commandments, where are they? Apparently nobody knows, etc. How could such stones not exist whereas modern day humans could view them? Everything about this era in time involving Mary, Joseph, Jesus, Moses, etc. is without any original drawings, etc. Now I am asking anybody why? All are invisible characters, etc. Not one event can be seen as verifiable by substantiated proof of it happening, etc. Who in this world has a actual drawing, picture, etc., of what exactly did Jesus or any Biblical character look like? Let me guess, "nobody."