Black Relationships : We Should Probably Stop Blaming the Crime Rate on Single Mothers

I just gave you the documented quote from Professor Cohen at The University of Maryland... and yes, he does agree with me.

Some unknown guy vs decades of data gathered by well respected authorities. I guess you win. NOT!!!!!

If only you could deal with your obsessive need to blame our peoples shortcomings on those less responsible for them??

Instead you claim and say a lot less about as well as to those who are!!


:bs: When we do wrong, we deserve blame until we stop. Until then, you don't get to claim to be grown and responsible until we do. Black people had thousands of years of history before slavery and 'Jim Crow'. You and other apologists want to discount all the good.

No, I refuse to discount the thousands of years of science, philosophy and discovery we did

I can't and won't just talk about our peoples issues with anybody who isn't also presenting means for them to resolve their problems...

Hence is why I have decided to reach out to our new young black activists on my own...


Then leave the discussion. Because it's obvious you haven't been paying attention


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