Black Relationships : We Should Probably Stop Blaming the Crime Rate on Single Mothers

Here what ya do..

You go to grade school and try. Then you do the same in high school. There are shite tons of scholarship opportunities for minorities. My wife took the low cost method and went to 2 jrs of junior college and pretty much took out loans to pay 90% of the final 2 years. Now she's a teacher.

What is really so hard about any of this?
Here what ya do..

You go to grade school and try. Then you do the same in high school. There are shite tons of scholarship opportunities for minorities. My wife took the low cost method and went to 2 jrs of junior college and pretty much took out loans to pay 90% of the final 2 years. Now she's a teacher.

What is really so hard about any of this?

Wtf are you talking about? And how does it relate to this thread? Are you trying to give advice? LOL

*side eye*
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During the second Presidential debate last month, Mitt Romney suggested that one way to reduce Aurora, Colorado-style mass assault weapon shootings would be to encourage everyone to just get married before they have babies. Blaming single parents for violence has long been a dog whistle talking point of the family values set, since the phrase "single parents" actually means "single mothers," and "single mothers" means "poor women." But now, it seems that some new data from Washington, DC is challenging that long-held assertion that the out of control vaginas of the 47% are leading to big, slutty crime rates — over the last 20 years, the murder rate in the District has dropped 75%, while the percentage of single mothers has remained steady. Sorry you got blamed for all that murder, poor ladies.

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95% of all prison inmates come from those homes.

The CDC, FBI and U of M crime studies all track it and say so.

The majority of those homes don't get married

They have repeated oow births because they think that's the norm

Majority of drug abuse come from those homes

I can go on and on.

Who else is the spawn of the problem then?

95% of all prison inmates come from those homes.

The CDC, FBI and U of M crime studies all track it and say so.

The majority of those homes don't get married

They have repeated oow births because they think that's the norm

Majority of drug abuse come from those homes

I can go on and on.

Who else is the spawn of the problem then?


The OP answers your questions.

1) .....over the last 20 years, the murder rate in the District has dropped 75%, while the percentage of single mothers has remained steady

2) University of Maryland professor Philip Cohen notes that media outlets have attributed the recent drop in DC's murder rate to a rise in average income and improved law enforcement

3) Cohen points out that while children of single parents are statistically more likely to commit crimes (Say it with me, folks:),correlation is not causation. That is, the fact that children of single parents (usually mothers) are more likely to commit crimes isn't simply because their mother has a naked ring finger and a giant, invisible scarlet A pinned on her child's birth certificate; other, more important factors are in play. Poverty, crappy education, wide availability of guns, the drug trade all contribute to crime in a much larger way than simply not having a dad does.

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