West African Populations from Egypt
This video answers question that were had based on the idea of West Africa being populated from Africa. There are West African Nations that come from Km.t many moons ago.
Here is an African historian that gives you knowledge about the Lebou-Wolof of Senegal Gambia.
You will notice a section in here where he speaks about the redheads that lived there or came there as well - they were foreigners - from Africa who usually based there hair in red clay or dyed their hair. The redheads were part of the Lebou stock who had red hair. Please note when they spoke of ethnic groups they were not talking about skin color but different ethnic groups in black Africa.
There are many villages and nations in West Africa have their origins from Egypt - especially in Angola and Kongo which linguistically the word Kongo and Kamet or actually the same. These associations can be found in the Akan of Ghana and many other West African nations. The people of West Africa has always been but there are East Africans who migrated their during the rein of the Egyptian Empires and Nubia aka Sudan/Ethiopia.
Kongo is modern day Km.t