Black Poetry : was it a dream...


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2001
the near north
By the tell-tell sounds
Of muffled sobbings
Her body shaking
As she fought to control
The quaking of her heart

What’s wrong?
Please, don’t cry.”

As my mind rolled and tumbled
Through the darkness of the abyss,
She began…

“What do you think I am?”
she asked
between torturous breaths
now openly crying
“Do you think I’m a sperm bank
some place to deposit your seed
whenever you please
while toying with the rest of me
at your leisure
playing my heart,
is that what you think of me?
Tell me…”

As I pulled myself along
Darkened corridors
Of a smoke-filled maze
{leading out of sleep}
fighting desperately
to get back to reality,
I just stared at her

you ain’t got nothing to say
now, huh?”

This…I heard
As reality slowly seeped
Through the crevices of
Sleep deprivation

As I began to focus
I thought:

“what have I done
To make her feel this way
Was I cold
Have I been callous
Was it something I said
Or, failed to say
This day
Or, somewhere in a past life
When times were gray
And men could only pretend
To care

As I stared at her
Consciously aware
{for the first time}
I smiled
Before I could formulate
My thoughts into words
I felt before I heard
A thunderous clap
As I was slapped
Into her reality
And my nightmare

Neither was fair

And both hurt

Without answering
I stood
And walked out the door
Searching…seeking…my reality.
It was understood.

I question why you walked out the door without understanding...but then again...Its not your baggage. It was deeply felt...understood. But in the end...nobody's question got answered. A helluvaway to go don't you think.


p.s. It was good got me thinking?

redlady...but lose the anger, it's not about that. life offer us choices at time. she made a choice. i made a choice. life continues on. always smiling:)

shaneak...sometimes you realize, usually at inopportune moments, that things aren't right. sometimes that realization comes with such clarity that you know those things will never be right and to continue would be a waste of time. again, life is like that. SOMETIMES.

thanks for the love, y'all.


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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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