Black People Politics : Voting: The Illusion of Choice "HOT TOPIC"

If you can read, get your dictionary out. Misogyny defined means males who bash female, duh!

What ghetto-*** dictionary are you reading that says "males who bash female"? LOL.

You are constantly proving that YOU (not women) have issues with comprehension. That is a personal problem that YOU have which is NOT a reflection on my wife, mother, or sister. I am bashing YOU. I am not bashing YOU for being a woman. You simply HAPPEN TO BE a woman (maybe). And I don't even hate you. I simply do not respect you because you are disrespectful and rude as hell. If you were only ignorant I wouldn't mind. But to be rude on top of ignorant makes me want to point out both. The fact that you think having a vagina means no one can say anything negative about you without being sexist or misogynist is an insult to the intelligence of other women who know better. You're trying to include them on the insults you are getting when those insults do not apply to women. They apply to YOU. And I don't even know that you're a woman. Again... you could be a dude pretending to be a woman, but who doesn't understand women's issues nor is willing to fight for women's rights which are on the BALLOT.

I find it particularly sad for you to have put a man in the position to explain to you what misogyny is. That's messed up. Every native-English-speaking woman should know what that means and NEVER allow themselves to be corrected on the definition by a man. You are the only one trying to make it a male vs female (gender) dispute when you are the only female I'm talking to and disputing with.

Every other woman on this site has, in my opinion, conducted themselves with both strength and class while you are posting content bashing and throwing shade at a black woman trying to argue that she's not good enough to be POTUS. You rather have an old racist white man. And you have the nerve (maybe the balls) to try and confront me on some misogyny ish because of how I'm calling YOU out when you were literally the one who started it??? Men who bash women for being women are misogynists (IE DONALD TRUMP - the guy who grabs em by the vagina and is proud of ending the protection of their freedom of choice over their own bodies). Again, I'm bashing YOU FOR BEING YOU and for bashing a black woman who I support to be President of the United States.

Misogyny refers specifically to a hatred of women. The word is formed from the Greek roots misein (“to hate”) and gynē (“woman”). Each of these roots can be found in other English words, both common and obscure. Gynē helped to form gynecologist and androgynous, and misein can be found in such words as misoneism (“a hatred, fear, or intolerance of innovation or change”) and misandry (“a hatred of men”).
IPXninja - Your pill of self denial, is saturated with underdeveloped hormones and brain cells. You shall remain mentally under developed and mentally disabled until you fullfill the concept of self honesty. Periodt!

You are confused.

You are in a cult. Your leader is simply some pseudo-intellectual who is simply telling you what you want to hear because it is what he wants to believe as well. But any information that doesn't agree with him he throws out. DNA evidence? Thrown out. He self-publishes because no real publisher is going to put their name on his garbage. You exchange one religion for another. You're still programmed.

Now I get why you are in this cult and why you want to believe that you are indigenous. But you are the one who needs to be honest with yourself. OUR people (I can't say the same about bots) came from Africa. PERIOD. So did everyone else. The only questions are when did they leave and which directions did they go. This is proven beyond any scientific doubt. You don't want to believe that because you don't want to believe reality the same way you think the earth is flat. You simply aren't credible on the subject because YOU (personally) do not put the effort into knowing or understanding what you're claiming to be false. You do not VET information. You are simply a believer and you follow whatever makes you feel good.

And it's sad because you don't have to stay this way. At any point, you can give up your wild beliefs and trust in the scientific method which has been proven time and time again. At any point, you can google your theories and just add "debunked" to the end of the search so you can get out of the bubble effect of only listening to whatever reinforces your beliefs. And clearly, you need to get a new email address and log into your browser with fresh credentials because your algorithms are all quadrupled down spoon-feeding you nonsense and lies because they know you LIKE IT. And you're so far down the rabbit hole of those algorithms that you don't even know how deep into the Matrix you really are. You are literally being brainwashed and programmed by algorithms and you think that Matrix is real.
You want me to recognize your passion over pure emotion? It's all about how you APPLY it. Do you stick your head in the sand and not even try to understand me or where I'm coming from because of how you feel? What's more important? Facts or feelings? We can debate facts all day.
i told you before fk the feelings.

I'm confused though. lol You continue to highlight feelings you claim i'm guilty of showing yet you are the one who writes a book sized reply for every response, you write book sized responses to comments not directed towards you, you go back and forth with Fine1952.

You could easily make your points in a few concise sentences. But this going back and forth with Fine1952 I find interesting and extremely telling. Of course i can't expect you to understand passion.

This is how the hegelian dialectic works: a method methods which relies on a contradictory process between opposing sides. When actually they are just the left and right wing of the same eagle, flying in the same direction. WAKE UP! you want to bring Hegel into this? (my head hurts already) but I'm game so go ahead tell us all about Hegel's dialectic method and how it can or does apply to vote or to not vote. We can kick Hegel about if ya like.

Yes, both parties do over lap in some priorities of state but they also diverge sharply on a myriad of pressing and fundamental issues. So don't try to dumb it down to fit your narrative of they both the same.

"...The CBC's technology columnist Jesse Hirsh talks about a new tool that could help politicians make you like them more and hate their opponents. It has been developed by a researcher at Northeastern University in Boston and could help politicians perfect the message they want like-minded voters to hear. It hasn't hit the campaign trails yet, but Hirsch says it sound a lot like Donald Trump's message to his voters..."
Yeah, I guess it was just a matter of time before some boy genius made an algorithm for A I spitting out what every poly sci major (and MBA) knows and studied. Poly Sci 101_____ Edward Bernays

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