Black Spirituality Religion : VORTEXES - LEYLINES AND YOU.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
Media Designer

At the age of 82, a blind Man lays on his death bed holding the hands of his 75 year old Wife of 50 years. After a few coughs and sighs, he opens his mouth to say "My love, I want you to know that I haven't always been faithful to you."

She presses her finger against his lips to signal him not to speak, "shhhhh, there is no need for that now" she says. "No" he says. "I must clear my heart, many years ago- when you were off acting and doing movies I had many affairs with the Women you would hire to take care of me. Shamefully I admit it was exciting for me, some of the best sex I have ever had in my life."

She kept trying to keep him from talking but he was very rebellious against staying still and silent. He went on to tell his stories about the different Home Health Aides that serviced him while his Wife the Actress was gone. He remembered every feel, touch, smell and hair texture. He remembered the different accents, the different laughs and giggles. Those images are all that seemed to exist inside of him.

With very peaceful and loving eyes, she smiled at him and listened to all of his sexual adventures. She knew he only had a very moments of life left in him and allowed for his last confessions in order to free his spirit. "Please my love" He said "I ask for you to forgive me, forgive this foolish Man for betraying your heart, I have loved only you, it was never my intention to hurt you, please allow my spirit to go off now in peace knowing that you still love me despite my transgressions." His Wife moved her chair closer to the bed meanwhile massaging his hands. She leaned over and whispered in her blind Husband's ear " I forgive you my dear, that was the best sex of my life too."


WARNING: Do Not Sleep On Chaka when she says:

I'm every woman, its all in me

What is she talking about?


The All is within the Womb, and we are within the All.

What produces Life? Only two forces of energy or power can produce life. Direct current and Alternating current.



MALE- Leyline container.
FEMALE - Vortex container.


A ley-line is a straight stream of magnetic energy, and can be defined by it's force, leylines usually connect to vortexes which are gateways between different vibratory channels i.e dimensions. The brain as an example is a vortex, the connection between the brain and penis constitutes a leyline and direct current.

The movie "Back To The Future" introduced us to a device called the Flux Capacitor that was used in the De Lorean in order to perform time travel. For those of who study energy, the Flux Capacitor is nothing more than the Ankh itself.


It is a REAL device used to create a rip in space time by producing different timed rates of moment between direct and alternating current.


In KMT it is very possible the Ankh was used as a "great attractor" so to speak, or "Flux Capacitor" an object that created electromagnetic discharges and magnetic pull.


It is also very possible we were the first to realize if the body is detoxified on a "consistent" basis longevity would be the result. The Ankh symbol is that of a leyline and vortex, both energies together can also be used to regulate human biorhythms that aide detoxification and hence "life."
MetaSaience said:

At the age of 82, a blind Man lays on his death bed holding the hands of his 75 year old Wife of 50 years. After a few coughs and sighs, he opens his mouth to say "My love, I want you to know that I haven't always been faithful to you."

She presses her finger against his lips to signal him not to speak, "shhhhh, there is no need for that now" she says. "No" he says. "I must clear my heart, many years ago- when you were off acting and doing movies I had many affairs with the Women you would hire to take care of me. Shamefully I admit it was exciting for me, some of the best sex I have ever had in my life."

She kept trying to keep him from talking but he was very rebellious against staying still and silent. He went on to tell his stories about the different Home Health Aides that serviced him while his Wife the Actress was gone. He remembered every feel, touch, smell and hair texture. He remembered the different accents, the different laughs and giggles. Those images are all that seemed to exist inside of him.

With very peaceful and loving eyes, she smiled at him and listened to all of his sexual adventures. She knew he only had a very moments of life left in him and allowed for his last confessions in order to free his spirit. "Please my love" He said "I ask for you to forgive me, forgive this foolish Man for betraying your heart, I have loved only you, it was never my intention to hurt you, please allow my spirit to go off now in peace knowing that you still love me despite my transgressions." His Wife moved her chair closer to the bed meanwhile massaging his hands. She leaned over and whispered in her blind Husband's ear " I forgive you my dear, that was the best sex of my life too."


WARNING: Do Not Sleep On Chaka when she says:

I'm every woman, its all in me

What is she talking about?


The All is within the Womb, and we are within the All.

What produces Life? Only two forces of energy or power can produce life. Direct current and Alternating current.



MALE- Leyline container.
FEMALE - Vortex container.


A ley-line is a straight stream of magnetic energy, and can be defined by it's force, leylines usually connect to vortexes which are gateways between different vibratory channels i.e dimensions. The brain as an example is a vortex, the connection between the brain and penis constitutes a leyline and direct current.

The movie "Back To The Future" introduced us to a device called the Flux Capacitor that was used in the De Lorean in order to perform time travel. For those of who study energy, the Flux Capacitor is nothing more than the Ankh itself.


It is a REAL device used to create a rip in space time by producing different timed rates of moment between direct and alternating current.


In KMT it is very possible the Ankh was used as a "great attractor" so to speak, or "Flux Capacitor" an object that created electromagnetic discharges and magnetic pull.


It is also very possible we were the first to realize if the body is detoxified on a "consistent" basis longevity would be the rest. The Ankh symbol is that of a leyline and vortex, both energies together can also be used to regulate human biorhythms that aide detoxification and hence "life."

I don't actually subscribe to many threads but this is one that I will bookmark and make sure I get back to it some in the future, Neterau willing.

Sirius retrogression. I was just thinking about the "cardinal points" and how these relate to our electromagnetic fields. Flux capacitor. I have a modern term for it. VIBRATOR..."both energies together can be used to regulate human biorhythms that aide detoxification and hence "life"....yeap...sho' you rite...that's why im presently "de-toxing"...Peace!
Very true Bro. OM-

The Flux as well as the Ankh can be looked at as vibrators, a tuning fork.

But without having to strike the Ankh, it is our bodies themselves that cause it to resonate. Ironically, this image above is for a crystal tuning fork that sells for about $600 which is used for vibrational healing. The larger one sells for $1,000.

Sex between genders? Priceless.

Sex is also vibrational healing.

The Human body can be looked at as a carbon based containment unit.

Like a fish bowl....

When we really study ourselves we will notice that we don't really experience life "outside" of the body, we experience life inside the body. Being "inside" the fish bowl would constitute 1 completely different dimension, because water supports life differently. So it is safe to say we live in water just like a fish, only that we carry our fish bowl differently. The human body is 61.8 percent water by weight. Protein accounts for 16.6 percent; fat, 14.9 percent; and nitrogen, 3.3 percent of human body weight.

A Vortex is swirling force with massive gravitational pull. Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Black holes are also referred to as Vortexes of power.


They also play a significant role here, inside the fish bowl. There is no way to create life without the female body acting as the Vortex or Portal to carry the life force from one dimension into the other.

Gender therefore, is based on design.



Nature - God - The UNIverse- Spirit- has never made a better "tuning fork" for the Female than the Male, and vise versa.

The Male unit is designed to store and generate dc energy. That energy travels from the higher "dimensions" held inside the Human aura, defined usually as the emotional bodies and spiritual bodies. This energy travels into the brain, down through the spine and through the penis. The reverse would be a kundalini experience, enlightenment and consciously experiencing the higher self.

The pathway created between this process constitutes a leyline. Which would include the nervous system as well. This line only has two ends. The Penis and The Brain. We will notice, there are typically only two types of Males on the Planet, those who speak constantly about the Penis, lower primal thoughts and those who speak constantly about the Brain, higher spiritual emotions. Typically. Yet some of us are somewhere in between the two, known as the middle way, or the heart (chakra).


Removing the Sun and the female from the equation, we get the Cross symbol. Also the symbol for direct current, the crossing of two sticks, the marriage between heaven and earth, and as some have suggested- a homosexual symbol for two penises rubbing together.

One more important thing to note about direct current is that it is stored energy. Which is why Men store sperm in the testicles. We store and regenerate the energy of our Mother and Father, as well as the energy that passes into us through the brain.

During Male- Female sexual intercourse, the electromagnetic direct current from the male creates pulses in the female body. Understanding the human biorhythms and how our energy affects the water in our bodies is an important factor here too. What does a tuning fork do to water?

So what is the relationship here between Male energy and Female energy?
Well, let's judge for a moment. What does the head of a penis look like?



There is a purpose behind the design.

What we view as gender, male and female are only different important aspects of the Universe, and how it's energy and information is distributed in order to create life.

In today's society, those who control minds and media, would have us believe that these aspects are interchangeable. That a Man can wake up one morning and decide his role has changed. Or a Woman, who decides her role has changed. We can't change our roles, as much as we can change our bodies.

We can however, change our minds.

Therein, lies the confusion about gender. Absolute power of existence streams from the spirit, into the mind and out into the body. Not the other way around. This means that, being a "Man" or a "Woman" is not only defined by our bodies, but by our spirit. It is our "desire" to direct the energy of our self and Universe in a certain manner that creates our destiny as different genders. As with anything else, some of us are just better with certain "tools."


Certain spirits understand the technology behind direct current. They understand the movement of energy from point a to point b. Such spirits create themselves as Males because the Universe does not believe in waste, wasted energy and information is unknown to the Universe. So everyone manifests themselves according to their mastery.

When genders "clash" it is because their educators have made them unaware of their roles. A careful study of nature would show that while many of us are confused, she is not. Males in nature always play a "direct" role. Always. The problems start especially in Human relationships when Males are asked to alternate, this is not the nature of Male energy. Or When Women are asked to be direct, and this is not the nature of feminine energy.


The World is covered in leylines. They are the highways of energy that draw us to different places and objects. Without them, the psychic link Humans need to create their lives would be difficult.

The entire planet has hotspots filled with vortexes and leylines. The Oregon Vortex is one place that is still studied by modern science for it's amazing magnetism. We cannot live on a planet that harnesses such energy without questioning how our bodies play a role in it's distribution.

The Male carries a tool that was also used as a dowsing pendulum. When used correctly, it can locate the hotspots necessary for growing certain crops. It can even find sacred ground. Also, Wifi is nothing new to the spiritual male of the Ancients.


The same power of the Ankh, which is both the Male and Female aspects of the Universe make up God's antenna. A pyramid can be seen also as a "transformer" a device that converts the alternating current of the Earth into a direct stream. The high levels of electromagnetic energy in pyramids also suggest a greater metaphysical purpose.
MetaSaience said:
Very true Bro. OM-

The Flux as well as the Ankh can be looked at as vibrators, a tuning fork.

But without having to strike the Ankh, it is our bodies themselves that cause it to resonate. Ironically, this image above is for a crystal tuning fork that sells for about $600 which is used for vibrational healing. The larger one sells for $1,000.

Sex between genders? Priceless.

Sex is also vibrational healing.

The Human body can be looked at as a carbon based containment unit.

Like a fish bowl....

When we really study ourselves we will notice that we don't really experience life "outside" of the body, we experience life inside the body. Being "inside" the fish bowl would constitute 1 completely different dimension, because water supports life differently. So it is safe to say we live in water just like a fish, only that we carry our fish bowl differently. The human body is 61.8 percent water by weight. Protein accounts for 16.6 percent; fat, 14.9 percent; and nitrogen, 3.3 percent of human body weight.

A Vortex is swirling force with massive gravitational pull. Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Black holes are also referred to as Vortexes of power.


They also play a significant role here, inside the fish bowl. There is no way to create life without the female body acting as the Vortex or Portal to carry the life force from one dimension into the other.

Gender therefore, is based on design.



Nature - God - The UNIverse- Spirit- has never made a better "tuning fork" for the Female than the Male, and vise versa.

The Male unit is designed to store and generate dc energy. That energy travels from the higher "dimensions" held inside the Human aura, defined usually as the emotional bodies and spiritual bodies. This energy travels into the brain, down through the spine and through the penis. The reverse would be a kundalini experience, enlightenment and consciously experiencing the higher self.

The pathway created between this process constitutes a leyline. Which would include the nervous system as well. This line only has two ends. The Penis and The Brain. We will notice, there are typically only two types of Males on the Planet, those who speak constantly about the Penis, lower primal thoughts and those who speak constantly about the Brain, higher spiritual emotions. Typically. Yet some of us are somewhere in between the two, known as the middle way, or the heart (chakra).


Removing the Sun and the female from the equation, we get the Cross symbol. Also the symbol for direct current, the crossing of two sticks, the marriage between heaven and earth, and as some have suggested- a homosexual symbol for two penises rubbing together.

One more important thing to note about direct current is that it is stored energy. Which is why Men store sperm in the testicles. We store and regenerate the energy of our Mother and Father, as well as the energy that passes into us through the brain.

During Male- Female sexual intercourse, the electromagnetic direct current from the male creates pulses in the female body. Understanding the human biorhythms and how our energy affects the water in our bodies is an important factor here too. What does a tuning fork do to water?

So what is the relationship here between Male energy and Female energy?
Well, let's judge for a moment. What does the head of a penis look like?



There is a purpose behind the design.

In just a few minutes, I've learned some very deep and powerful lessons from you!

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Peace and Blessings My Sister! :love:
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