(spelling correction = VOLATILE)
Imbued in hot springs
surrounding the base of
my being...
on the MOUNT
Midnight laced mood ~
...but in the morn'
a golden sheen osculates
over my body ~ back to front
I stare into black glass
as it blows air into
my throat
seeking the resevoir
that holds
buckets of steam
ready to escape the
intensity inside me
But that same treasure
that is sought
sits at
the summit of the ocean ~
Ashes that cover clouds
shield me from the ring
of fire and my own
burning flames
...HELEN is my name~
Giving way only to devitrification
those black glasses
take form in mass
and rearrange into
crystal patterns
for what seems more
like an organized tryst~
Then I begin to speak in
different tongues
naming each of my procreations
virtually the same
In Syrian Arabic it's called ~ Berkaan
In Japanese it's called ~ Kazan
In Vietnamese it's called ~ Nui Lua
In Swahili it's called ~ Voleno
My still-birth became active,
fuming as I exhaled
My labor of love produced
one daughter, Hg (vapor),
and three sons,
H20 (oxygen),
C02 (carbon dioxide),
S02 (sulfur dioxide)
they were brought forth
as love's children
eruptions of many fathers
to care for each of them
as they are volatile...
Do you know these explosive men? ~~
Imbued in hot springs
surrounding the base of
my being...
on the MOUNT
Midnight laced mood ~
...but in the morn'
a golden sheen osculates
over my body ~ back to front
I stare into black glass
as it blows air into
my throat
seeking the resevoir
that holds
buckets of steam
ready to escape the
intensity inside me
But that same treasure
that is sought
sits at
the summit of the ocean ~
Ashes that cover clouds
shield me from the ring
of fire and my own
burning flames
...HELEN is my name~
Giving way only to devitrification
those black glasses
take form in mass
and rearrange into
crystal patterns
for what seems more
like an organized tryst~
Then I begin to speak in
different tongues
naming each of my procreations
virtually the same
In Syrian Arabic it's called ~ Berkaan
In Japanese it's called ~ Kazan
In Vietnamese it's called ~ Nui Lua
In Swahili it's called ~ Voleno
My still-birth became active,
fuming as I exhaled
My labor of love produced
one daughter, Hg (vapor),
and three sons,
H20 (oxygen),
C02 (carbon dioxide),
S02 (sulfur dioxide)
they were brought forth
as love's children
eruptions of many fathers
to care for each of them
as they are volatile...
Do you know these explosive men? ~~