write and cry. write and cry. write and cry.
do you dream in color when you dream?
do you dream in black and white?
are your thoughts in black and white when you think?
are your thoughts in color?
change the subject, i'm tired of this one.
change the subject, 'cause i don't want to cry.
change the subject, just please… ****.
are the walls in your house colorful?
my room is orange.
what does your world look like?
mine is big and dramatic and simple all at once.
i write and cry. i write so that i'll cry, finally.
do you put your sadness in bottles?
look at my shelf.
close the door behind you.
you can swing on the swing in the front lawn before you go.
i'll be in the green room - vintage green.
do you dream in color when you dream?
do you dream in black and white?
are your thoughts in black and white when you think?
are your thoughts in color?
change the subject, i'm tired of this one.
change the subject, 'cause i don't want to cry.
change the subject, just please… ****.
are the walls in your house colorful?
my room is orange.
what does your world look like?
mine is big and dramatic and simple all at once.
i write and cry. i write so that i'll cry, finally.
do you put your sadness in bottles?
look at my shelf.
close the door behind you.
you can swing on the swing in the front lawn before you go.
i'll be in the green room - vintage green.