Amun-Ra : Using Letters to Tell a Story!


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2001
Sales Management
Using Letters to Tell a Story

There are many ways to tell a story. Sometimes we like to use a narrator. At other times we like to tell the story by letting the characters talk for themselves. The techniques used for telling stories are almost limitless. One of my favorites is through letters. The following is an example from my soon top be released book, "Letters From Junebug Johnson."



Well, it finally happened. You always said Big Head Melvin was a little light in the fingers and you were right. The Man grabbed his big *** Saturday night. He walked right out of the local Rip Trip convenience store and right into the arms of the police with his trench coat filled bologna and Twinkies. They slapped the cuffs on him right on the spot while he struggled trying to swallow two whole Twinkies he had jammed into his mouth. You should have seen him with Twinkie cream oozing out of both sides his mouth mumbling "I didn't do anything."

I waited in the ride while they put his big butt into the police car. You would have cracked up when the cop put his hand on that big onion head and pushed him into the backseat. It looked like a baby trying to palm a basketball. I almost laughed out loud watching that big head squeeze through the rear door of the police car.

I quit laughing when the cops started coming my way. I wiped that smile off of my face real quick because I wanted to be sure that I didn't become an accident, if you know what I mean. Anyway, they asked me a few questions and then left with Melvin. As they drove away you could see Melvin's big head bobbing in the rear window like a pumpkin on springs. I waited until they were out of sight and then I split. We were supposed to be going to a party at Connie Robison's, but after the Big Head bust, I decided that I might be better off going home.

I still almost went to the party. Mavis Henderson had told me earlier that day that she would be saving a special slow dance just for me, but after what happened to Melvin I didn't have a good feeling about going to that party. I almost went. John Henry almost talked me into it, but I decided to keep old John Henry in my pants and mind my own business. I just had a bad feeling about that evening.

As it turned out, as much as I would have liked to play western movies with Mavis and ride her like the Lone Ranger rode Silver, it was a good thing that I didn't go. Roscoe told me that some cat up in there slapped Mavis and all kind of **** broke loose. Jimmy Ray jumped up in there with his skinny *** and promptly got himself knocked out cold. Roscoe said the boy's eyes were closed before he hit the floor and that's when the real **** started.

I've heard several different versions of what happened but Tony is the only one that I believe because he doesn't drink or smoke that ****. According to Tony, my girl Mavis pulled a gun and was going to bust a cap on the dude who cold ****ed Jimmy Ray. Tony said everyone hit the floor and started screaming and hollering while they crawled toward the door and windows. Crazy Walter Perkins was grabbing as much booty as he could get his hands on while everyone was trying to get away. The dog.

Tony said he didn't know what happened after that because he was too busy running down east 24th trying to get away before a bullet caught him in the ***. He said he was running so fast that he passed two cars and didn't stop running until he reached Mickey D's next to the bowling alley on 39th and Haig. While he was there he said he ordered a Big Mac and fries before he called Big Tony to come get him. Just as Big Tony drove up the fight from the party moved into the parking lot at Mickey D's. Tony said he left his fries and dove through the window of his pop's car and left.

I saw Crazy Walter today and he was smiling like he just got some, but we all know better than that. He told me that Mavis told everyone that I was going whip the guy's *** who had started all of the **** in the first place. I told Walter that ***** was crazy as he is and she must have dreamed that ****. Mavis and I aren't that tight. I mean we did the dirty deed every now and then but we weren't tight by any means and, we were going to become even less tight after I found out that it was Leroy "just got out of the joint" Jackson who had started all the trouble in the first place.

Well, that really gave me an incentive to cut Mavis loose. Nothing happened, but it took a little doing on my part. I ran into Leroy a couple of days later at the barber shop and told him that I didn't want any trouble. Of course, I didn't say it like that. I mean I'm a man and he's a man, so I had to let him know that I wasn't bullshitting around.

Actually, I didn't say it like that either. Still, I didn't want him to think I was a punk or something. I kind of hinted to him that if he didn't start any **** there wouldn't be any ****. Well, I didn't really say it like that but he understood what I meant.

By the way, he doesn't go by Leroy anymore. He calls himself LaRoy. LaRoy! Ain't that a *****? That big muscle head ************ calling himself LaRoy. That son of a ***** is built up like a **** wall. I bet he's even got muscles in his eyeballs. LaRoy! ********! He ain't nobody except plain old Leroy with three E's -- LeeeRoy. He better be glad I wasn't pissed off or nothing because I might have had to show him a thing or two. He was lucky.

Well Bro' I got to go, but I'll be in touch. Tell everyone I said "hey" especially your sister, Juanita. Give her a hug and kiss for me. I'm going be your bother-in-law as soon as she realizes that I'm the one for her. Chill out brother.

Your Ace,

Justice "Junebug" Johnson
Junebug lived next door!

the onion head man was actually a friend we called Onion Head Johnson and sometimes Buckethead Johnson. The others came from all the crazy *** people I knew which included a healthy does of pimps, prostitutes, preachers, musicians, ballplayers and gamblers. It seemed like we all had a "second name". They all called me "snoops" and some still do to this day because I was always so damned nosey. I still am.

Did I mention?

My nosiness got my *** kicked on occassion, but I was known as the keeper of secrets. I never told! Give me the information--that's what I wanted. The 411. Of course, I had to but in sometimes and put my nose right where someone could punch the hell out of it--but it has paid off.


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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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