- Jan 3, 2002
- 1,591
- 172
Hoteph My Dear Beloved Sisters And Brothers:
Talking Black ? Well now, I have heard it all.
Let me make it perfectly clear. I was right there in the midst of the civil
rights rebellion, I am talking about actively, protesting with Roy Wilkins,
Demanding control of our community schools and protesting integration with
Roy Innis, yes the same Roy Innis you now see who has gone through a social
Black transformation.
I have led many marches against the evil of segregation, as I maintained a
separatist ideology and still do to this day.
My point is this my dear beloved, the things that Mr.Cosby alleged to have
said and the likes of many others of his caliber as so alluded to by
Mr.Wickham, is not to be justified, as to suggest such saying is to be
justified and is said out of interest and concern for poor Black people or
Black people in general.
Talking Black is not about criticizing the attitude and behavior of poor
black people and measuring our way of life to the way of life of our
What in the hell do we mean when we make such dumb statements as we can't or
we should not blame the white man for the way we are acting toward ourselves
and toward each other?
If not the white man, then who is to blame or is the suggestion is to imply
that we have no room for justification to accuse the white man in america,
for our condition?
Such belief coming from the mouth of those who so claim to have made it
with the white man, our oppressor, yesterday and our oppressor today, is a
clear indication that the so call Black intellectuals is incapable of seeing
what Black poor people see and the true Black Nationalist see, in america,
the rest of the Diaspora and the world, when it come to the ailment and the
cause thereof, that now infect the Carbon Afrikan Nation.
Please, do not commence to tell me how some of us Black Folks have climbed
up from the ghetto of despair, clinging to our boot straps, as we pull
ourselves up and is now able to eat with the best of white folks and speak
the best of white folks English, even so, it justify not the saying of one
about the other, as so alleged to have been said by Mr. Cosby, such coming
out of the Mouth of Black Folks, as we classify ourselves in accordance to
white folks standards only assure our ignorance about ourselves, as we take
joy in claiming the knowledge of white folks English and way of life.
Talking Black? Do you want to talk Black?
Then begin to talk about the way we are being treated by this white man
criminal injustice system, as he lay all of the traps that cause us to fall
under their unjust laws, as we become the hunted by the predator,the law
You want to talk Black, then talk about how they systematically destroyed
the community school concept and participation.
You want to talk Black,then talk about the fact that we are not in authority
nor do we control anything in america.
You want to talk Black then talk about the real cause it is that we number
in the majority in this devil prison institution.
You want to talk Black, then talk about the fact that america is refusing to
apologize to Black Folks for the evil she acted out against our Enslaved
Ancestors,an institution she created for the Carbon Afrikan.
Yes, Yes, do you want to talk Black, then talk about the fact that america
is refusing to pay Reparation to our Enslaved Ancestors for labor already
Yes go and tell those knuckleheads that Reparation is a just debt owed to
our Enslaved Ancestors and that their children have now arrived to collect.
Go and speak correct English and tell the white man such truths,Mr.done made
it Black Folks, who have a special time to talk Black.
How foolish have we become in our love for white folks and hate for
It Is Time To Condemn The Lie And Elevate The Truth!!!
We Must Cause Trouble Until Our Liberation!!!
Only The Devil Is Not Pleased Wit This Message.
Complete Love To The Carbon Afrikan Nation.
Hierophant, Afrikan Spiritualist
National Chairman
Sankofa Repatriation Movement
The Pan - Afrika Inter'National Movement
Talking Black ? Well now, I have heard it all.
Let me make it perfectly clear. I was right there in the midst of the civil
rights rebellion, I am talking about actively, protesting with Roy Wilkins,
Demanding control of our community schools and protesting integration with
Roy Innis, yes the same Roy Innis you now see who has gone through a social
Black transformation.
I have led many marches against the evil of segregation, as I maintained a
separatist ideology and still do to this day.
My point is this my dear beloved, the things that Mr.Cosby alleged to have
said and the likes of many others of his caliber as so alluded to by
Mr.Wickham, is not to be justified, as to suggest such saying is to be
justified and is said out of interest and concern for poor Black people or
Black people in general.
Talking Black is not about criticizing the attitude and behavior of poor
black people and measuring our way of life to the way of life of our
What in the hell do we mean when we make such dumb statements as we can't or
we should not blame the white man for the way we are acting toward ourselves
and toward each other?
If not the white man, then who is to blame or is the suggestion is to imply
that we have no room for justification to accuse the white man in america,
for our condition?
Such belief coming from the mouth of those who so claim to have made it
with the white man, our oppressor, yesterday and our oppressor today, is a
clear indication that the so call Black intellectuals is incapable of seeing
what Black poor people see and the true Black Nationalist see, in america,
the rest of the Diaspora and the world, when it come to the ailment and the
cause thereof, that now infect the Carbon Afrikan Nation.
Please, do not commence to tell me how some of us Black Folks have climbed
up from the ghetto of despair, clinging to our boot straps, as we pull
ourselves up and is now able to eat with the best of white folks and speak
the best of white folks English, even so, it justify not the saying of one
about the other, as so alleged to have been said by Mr. Cosby, such coming
out of the Mouth of Black Folks, as we classify ourselves in accordance to
white folks standards only assure our ignorance about ourselves, as we take
joy in claiming the knowledge of white folks English and way of life.
Talking Black? Do you want to talk Black?
Then begin to talk about the way we are being treated by this white man
criminal injustice system, as he lay all of the traps that cause us to fall
under their unjust laws, as we become the hunted by the predator,the law
You want to talk Black, then talk about how they systematically destroyed
the community school concept and participation.
You want to talk Black,then talk about the fact that we are not in authority
nor do we control anything in america.
You want to talk Black then talk about the real cause it is that we number
in the majority in this devil prison institution.
You want to talk Black, then talk about the fact that america is refusing to
apologize to Black Folks for the evil she acted out against our Enslaved
Ancestors,an institution she created for the Carbon Afrikan.
Yes, Yes, do you want to talk Black, then talk about the fact that america
is refusing to pay Reparation to our Enslaved Ancestors for labor already
Yes go and tell those knuckleheads that Reparation is a just debt owed to
our Enslaved Ancestors and that their children have now arrived to collect.
Go and speak correct English and tell the white man such truths,Mr.done made
it Black Folks, who have a special time to talk Black.
How foolish have we become in our love for white folks and hate for
It Is Time To Condemn The Lie And Elevate The Truth!!!
We Must Cause Trouble Until Our Liberation!!!
Only The Devil Is Not Pleased Wit This Message.
Complete Love To The Carbon Afrikan Nation.
Hierophant, Afrikan Spiritualist
National Chairman
Sankofa Repatriation Movement
The Pan - Afrika Inter'National Movement