Black People : Urban Gardening


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2009
This may have been posted already. But, just in case.

I love to garden and this summer, with the help of the husband and children we're stepping things up. I am turning most of our yard into a mini urban food forest. It's going to be hard work converting the lawn over to food production, but I'm quite excited about it. I think what Mr. Finley is doing is so vitally important.

There are so many ways to garden to get great yield. From square foot gardening, to keyhole gardening, to no dig/no till gardening, and others. And also ways to nourish the soil and plants using compost and compost tea, and manure. I prefer chicken, rabbit, and worms. It is amazing how much produce you can get from a small space. I truly believe that growing your own food is one the most important things we can do. And too, knowing how to store and cook what we grow. What they sell in most grocery stores is so bland compared to fresh picked in season garden grown and locally sourced produce.

We are going to be keeping chickens as well! They are great for the garden and a food source. There was a group of us that joined together filling city hall at every meeting and getting the support of many in our community to get our town's chicken ordinance changed. We can now legally keep up to five hens in our back yards!
Just wanted to mention that there is no need to spend a lot of money on seeds from suppliers who advertise non GMO seeds. GMO for now is in the arena of commercially grown grains and soy, and some oil seeds. You can fight the GMO battle with how you spend your money at the grocery store. You should support organic, open pollinated (so you can save your own seeds), and some heirloom varieties.

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