Unassisted Childbirth


The birthing centre, is in Alberta under the directive of midwives - which I would consider except here again there are a few considerations. For example they are under law required to treat the mother in much the same way as physicians, so for example if you don't dilate in the required amount of time, they must by law call an ambulance and send you to the hospital. There are a few other guidelines they must follow that could send a woman directly into the hands of the hospital, even though they are not emergency situation.

A midwife in this province is not covered under our healthcare system, and costs between 3000-4000. From what I heard from a friend in Florida, that's inexpensive. But right now, I haven't a private health care program to cover the cost.

But thanks for the suggestion! The birthing centre was our first idea.
change of mind

Well, I've been doing some more reading and I've had a change of mind.
If I can get the midwife and go to the labor centre I will, if not, I'll prepare myself for the hospital. There are so many many things that can happen during this process and now that I'm half way there I tell you I want to make sure this boy comes out healthy and blessed.

Circumstances can still improve that would allow for a home birth and a midwife, and I can still pray for that, but in the meantime, I'm going to prepare myself for the eventuality of him being delivered by doctors.
Yep, I got spooked from what I was reading.


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