Black People : Two muslims run over british man and try to behead him

They ought to call you the hypocrite from philly.
That may very well be but he is a hypocrite and for an elder he is very argumentative. He claims to have zero interest but won't be satisfied until he's swayed everyone else from taking an interest. If your not interested, keep it moving. Don't spoil thediscussion for everyone else brother or no brother.

Zim ... calling Brother jamesfrmphilly or any Member outside of their name ... is a violation of our rules.

If you don't like him or what he says, put him on ignore, for continuing as you are will get you banned.

If you have any questions let me know.

Much Love and Peace.


I understand what you are saying but if someone is constantly derailing discussions than some thiñgs need to be said.

Zim ... if someone is violating a rule, report it, disengage, put them on ignore ... but don't personally attack them.

Attacking them puts you in violation, and most usually negates theirs, if they were in fact violating.

Thanks in advance.


Brother Gorilla ... what does EDL stand for?



English Defence League. They're basically this racist organization that believes anyone who isn't White is ruining the UK. Of course, their official story is that they're just against Islamic extremism and the creation of a theocratic state based on Sharia law in their country. They're also quite fascist.
English Defence League. They're basically this racist organization that believes anyone who isn't White is ruining the UK. Of course, their official story is that they're just against Islamic extremism and the creation of a theocratic state based on Sharia law in their country. They're also quite fascist.

Indeed. The thing is, all of the old hate groups, even in America have had no choice but to somewhat switch up the rhetoric and tone it down. They have realised they will never gain momentum by openly advocating and racism. THey know better than to say the career and reputation tarnishing n word. Other than that its pretty much the same race hate groups of old. Even some of the same members.

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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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