I am no linguistics specialist and I’m using the books that I have available. Most of my infor will come from Wallis Budge’s works, Secrets of the Exodus and Eden in Egypt.
Since we have no Egyptian equivalency I got the idea to know look at each letter. I am excited about this to see how it will turn out and I am totally open to any assistance that can be offered but I do understand this is an advanced attempt.
In looking at the word again to tackle each letter I found……
Is being translated as “in”. The Egyptian glyph looks very much like the Hebrew letter but there is a discrepancy between Wallis and Sabba.
Wallis shows the Egyptian glyph as a “leg drawn from the knee down”. Sabba shows the Egyptian glyph as looking like this........
Sabba and Wallis both agree on the definition in Egyptian as meaning in or representing the interior action of GOD in the world.
Once I did this I was left with the Hebrew word.......
I found their to be a direct Egyptian word “reshiyth”, which means “beginning”…..
בּ ְרֵאשִׁית
Thus “
in the beginning” is a legitimate Egyptian translation.
Peace and Power in Reading.