I finally did it, to stop the insant perstering of Telepathy I looked into the tinfoil hat remedy and guess what.....it works people, it works like a charm people.Soon I will be constructing a room made of this material, I will call it my safe room and ofcourse it will be the room I sleep in.
I am looking for guidance on any other material stronger that aluminum foil that will block out these radio waves, microwaves or whatever they are. I think I need some Science in my life.
*Pictures seem to come from the left side of my body but I do not know from which major rogan.
*The third and fifth chakra is what brings Telepathy to life.
*There are three major circles or levels of radiation that each correlate with all seven chakras. You could also call this the etheric mind, etheric body and the soul which lies in the middle...They all give off radiation.
Maybe the darkgod Meta will bless me with a device to keep these pesky radiation waves away from me.
P.S I wrapped my crystals in tinfoil hehe!!!!!
I just read this by peforming a quick search
Don't know where I am going with this one but I am sure my Internal GPS will point me in the right direction will guide me
I am looking for guidance on any other material stronger that aluminum foil that will block out these radio waves, microwaves or whatever they are. I think I need some Science in my life.
*Pictures seem to come from the left side of my body but I do not know from which major rogan.
*The third and fifth chakra is what brings Telepathy to life.
*There are three major circles or levels of radiation that each correlate with all seven chakras. You could also call this the etheric mind, etheric body and the soul which lies in the middle...They all give off radiation.
Maybe the darkgod Meta will bless me with a device to keep these pesky radiation waves away from me.
P.S I wrapped my crystals in tinfoil hehe!!!!!
I just read this by peforming a quick search
Do you need to take leap of faith to believe in this? Maybe not. Physicists have been working with crystals for years. Max von Laue won a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1914 by showing that x-rays could be reflected and redirected with a zinc- sulfide crystal (ZnS), in much the same way as mirrors are used to reflect and redirect visible light. William Bragg won the Nobel Prize in 1915 for establishing “Bragg’s Law” which determines the specific crystal spacing (i.e., the specific lattice spacing) needed to reflect and redirect any type of electromagnetic energy. Since then, scientists have used natural crystals to reflect and redirect other types of electromagnetic radiation (like gamma rays).
Don't know where I am going with this one but I am sure my Internal GPS will point me in the right direction will guide me