Black Poetry : this ring for you...


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Baltimore, Md.
Teacher of English, Literature & Poetry
I went to the store for no apparent reason…

Standing before a glass chamber which
held symbols of love everlasting , eternal
commitment, joy and Dedication to another
Creating a union of two into one;

I perused these trinkets of silver and gold,
Diamonds in all shapes and sizes, until I
arrived to one built for you;

The band, which wraps your finger, was made
of white gold, a symbol of pure love, glimmering
yet strong, represents me covering you;

Resting on top were two crosses made of yellow
Gold, a sign of royal and regal nature, a reminder
of God’s sacrifice for humanity whom he loved;
They…represent my commitment to you…

Between the crosses on top of the band stood the
most precious of jewels; a diamond, unblemished
in its perfection, crystal clear and balanced as the
light captures its edge to show its worth;

Put it all together you will see…
A man strong enough to hold the crosses,
a symbol of his agape love covering the
diamond, the precious gem he cherishes;

The band... the foundation holding up
The crosses... agape love covering
The diamond... that which represents you,

This is a symbol of my strength, commitment and
love which is the reason why I give this ring to you....
i wrote it and i placed it in my secret place. i promised to not revisit it until one came into ly life that stood for all it is. that person has arrived and i thank God for you. here ***handing 8th a tissue*** stop crying cuz you know how that makes me feel love....

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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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