Black Relationships : This Is Why I'm Hot!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2008
Metro ATL
Don't Ask
I was on the bus this morning. It was a shorter bus than normally comes. MARTA had some issues this morning but that is par for the course with MARTA. An old woman with a cane got on the bus. Now if you ride MARTA at all you know the seating at the front of the bus is for senior citizens and people with disabilities. There was a young man sitting in that area on his cell phone. The rest of the passengers were women. I was standing near the back door. The bus was late and full. No one got up so that the old woman could sit down. I know why the women didn't get up. They were all looking for the boy (notice I said boy and not man) to get up. Passively trying to get him to be responsible and do the right thing. It went over his head; after all he was engrossed in his telephone conversation. Anywho… The bus pulled off abruptly and the old lady fell smack dab on the floor. At first no one moved to help the old lady up. I can't speak for everyone else, but I was expecting the child to come off the phone and help the lady. He didn't. He was the only individual with a penis in that part of the bus, including the driver. The women up front, eventually, helped the old lady up and one gave her her seat. The old lady was hurt enough to need an ambulance. The bus couldn't pull off until the ambulance came for the lady. Throughout the entire ordeal, the boy was on the phone, with his head down.

What the hell is going on with Black men today?​

I expect better from you!

That right there is some bull****. I hear said all the time how hard it is for a Black man to get a break in today's society. But the level of disdain that the Black man has for the Black woman is horrifying and from this morning's event… dangerous.

I don't think the Black man realizes that we are a team. The Black man and the Black woman. If the man drops the ball, the woman picks it up. That's supposed to go the other way too. Somewhere down the line that message was lost. Black men have willingly laid the ball down and walked off the field. Yes, I will admit that men have it hard. The powers that be, fight you every day you walk out the door. But they fight us too. Y'all just too busy picking yourselves up to notice that we are down in the struggle with you. We don't complain about it. But black men use the black women to uplift themselves then turn around and look at us with disdain. I'm not talking about just romantic relationships either. All relationships.

Scenario 1: Mothers and sons

The mother sacrifices to give the child what he wants; so that he never feels a lack in his life because he doesn't have a father. This boy grows up, moves away from home and marries a white woman. I'm not saying that he can't love her, but I do question how it got started in the 1st place. Gives this woman everything, but never goes back to visit the mother. Oh he calls on Sunday and sends gifts at the appropriate times, but never gives her her props or reparations if you will. And if for some reason he runs short, who do you think he will call and who will have to go without again, so that this grown assed man can have what he wants?

Scenario 2: Church

Picture this… A Black male preacher who's father died while he was a young boy, raised by his mother, marries a Black woman and has 2 daughters. This preacher who has always been surrounded, supported and nurtured by women his entire life, says that a woman is unfit for leadership positions in church. But they are more than capable to tithe their money and provide support. He also places restrictions on the women's appearances and behaviors.

Scenario 3: Sisters and Bothers

A brother wants to buy a new car, but his credit is shaky. His twin sister has better credit (this is true story) than he, and willingly (and happily) co-signs for the car. Why? She wants to support the brother and wants to see him happy. But the brother wrecks the car, has no insurance and defaults on the loan. What is it she should do? Trust that this Black man is going to do the right thing and pay the loan off? Or pay for a car that she has never driven to preserve her credit? She pays it off. The brother never says a word, just avoids her forever. They used to be twin close, but they grow into strangers.

Scenario 4: Grandparents and grandsons

A Black grandmother is raising a Black teenaged boy because the parents are unable and/or unwilling to raise this child. This child refuses to do what the grandmother asks because he knows that she is physically weak and cannot force him to obey.

Scenario 5: Strangers

A Black woman sees a Black man behaving savagely in public. She approaches him to speak to him. She intends to convince him of the value of civilization. He curses her to her face. That doesn't deter her. He brandishes a weapon. Still no backing off from the woman. He spits on her person. She turns and walks away.

Scenario 6: Siblings

A brother steals from his father's estate all the money that should go to his mother, sister, step-sister and child. Gets mad when he is taken to court for his discretions and is now looking for support from the very people he robbed.

I could go on. So could you. I have personally witnessed all these scenarios. And I know they could apply to so-called white people, but that's not what this blog is about so please don't bring it up. I know that there are Black women who pledge their trough to the devil. But Black women don't do it in the numbers that Black men do. It's an epidemic. This blog is about the de-evolution of the Black unit. The Black man and Black woman however it is mixed up. This blog is also not about finger pointing though fingers are getting pointed. ***Shrugs*** This is in hope that some black man might read this and ask himself if he truly loves and respects the Black women in his life. And decide where he will stand in the scheme of things. Straddling the fence is not an option. If you are going to stand with us (Black women), then do the **** thing. Don't just meet us half way, but come and rescue us. You will be rescued in the process. If you don't want us, don't treat us like refuse to be discarded. Don't belittle us, and don't try to explain our actions to the devil. It's none of their business. You want to be with them; then make your home with your chosen group and don't look back. Act like your passing, and let your seed be diluted away. When you are gone you're gone. We won't look for you, you don't look for us. That goes especially for when you find yourself in trouble. No fist pumping or calling on the NAACP. We don't need that. We need warriors that are willing to stand with us, strong and fearless, against the storm of injustice and fight until we get what we want or die.

This isn't just for me. It's for my Mother and yours. My sisters, cousins, aunts and yours. My grandmothers and yours. My children, grandchildren and yours. My friends and yours. I'm afraid at what will become of the Original people if this de-evolution is left unchecked.

You ain't feeling it? SMH. Then maybe you're less than I thought. Maybe you should read something else that doesn't challenge you. Only grown folks need apply here.

Comment to MARTA bus situation

I think you all were in the wrong. Whether there was a young man sitting there or not if he didnt move one of the ladies in the front should have. Having that elder to fall could have been avoided, period! Don't point the finger at the young "boy" all of the adults, that were sitting there, were mature enough to have the sense to do something.

I will be back :SuN009: to comment more on what was left said in this thread!!
I agree...

I think you all were in the wrong. Whether there was a young man sitting there or not if he didnt move one of the ladies in the front should have. Having that elder to fall could have been avoided, period! Don't point the finger at the young "boy" all of the adults, that were sitting there, were mature enough to have the sense to do something.

I will be back :SuN009: to comment more on what was left said in this thread!!

I agree with you too Jaisolovely, if I had been on the bus, I would have moved period and maybe given that boy a good hard look. But the younger adults ought to have moved. I do see where Brother Bootzey is coming from though, the natural hierarchy just isn't adhered to, but then we know that and need to lead by example. It's a travesty that an elder had to go to the hospital, and that the bus driver didn't take a moment to make sure she had a seat even if it meant speaking up and asking those at the front to make room! We've become a society of cowards who are afraid to say anything anymore because of the fear of violent retaliation. Shame on us all

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