Or to post videos with no commentary from the poster. This forces the reader to infer what you are trying to say.
Yes ... and i'm sure UBNaturally ... knows his posting behavior is the subject.
Brother UB ... you're sort of dumping stuff on us ... not really talking to us.
I have banned folk for doing this ... but every scenario is different and this is no exception.
Which is why i shared this thread today ... hoping it would move things in the right direction.
The only reason you have not been warned is because you are a long time Member.
A new Member coming in doing the same would be warned quickly (and even banned).
Trying to weigh all things, that you've given no real problems, etc., makes it harder.
I even thot of creating a new rule ... from the position posted in this thread.
But that puts on everyone, what is really only your behavior.
Yeah ... the problem is appearing to just dump stuff on us ... not even talking to us.
Not sharing your opinion in the discussions, but only those you are propagating.
I ask that you adjust some of this if you can.
If you cannot, I will do what I can.
Together we should be able to resolve it.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Love You!