Black People : This Can Explain the Weird Weather and Strange Earthquakes.

Please watch the whole thing, even if you get to a part you don't agree with.

The thing about this show is that it is on TV. The only way you can present info such as this on TV is to make it into a "conspiracy" show. The term "conspiracy theory" is a trigger word, so to use it in the title of the show ....

Don't pay attention to the made-for-TV portions of the show (sounds, music, voice, etc), just take the info. You can believe it or use it for leads to further information. Either way, in the end, all things point to HAARP.

"... by heating up the atmosphere, you could move the jet-stream ..."
you still left out the most important point Like any conspiracy the who or how is not important the question, CUI BONO? still has to be answered

Like any conspiracy the who or how is not important the question,
The "who" and the "how" are very important.

As you originally stated:
Nice theory but it does not in this particlar instance answer the main question
And now you say:
you still left out the most important point Like any conspiracy the who or how is not important the question, CUI BONO? still has to be answered
I didn't know that that was my job to answer that, or that it was a law... I did leave out who/what benefits, and on purpose. My intentions were to bring attention to weather modification, and paint that a possible cause of this weird weather (But people would have to pay attention to the weather outside ...). That's why I wrote: "Many believe it to be natural. A little knowledge of certain things may change that belief."

Plus: This info on HAARP and weather manipulation is too unbelievable for most, so as to not "scare people away" ...
In addition: It would've required addition information for most to truly understand that part of the equation, causing the post to be very long and me to have to put forth more time and effort.

And these aren't reasons I just invented, these are some of the reasons I used to come to the decision I made -- the decision not to include that part of the equation.
I believe in HAARP, but I don't think that's what's causing this.

First of all, what's the reasoning? HAARP was created by the US/Western powers so why would they strike their own land?

Second, there's been so many unforntunate natural disasters in non-Western countries like Haiti, Japan, China, Thailand, it's probably about time that America has some sort of natural disaster.

It wouldn't be fair (in a cosmic respect) to have such horrible things happen to people of color and not to Whites.
I believe in HAARP, but I don't think that's what's causing this.

First of all, what's the reasoning? HAARP was created by the US/Western powers so why would they strike their own land?

It, just like almost everything else, is controlled by a global elite. The US is not their country. The US is just another ant colony to them. They don't care about the US.

Second, there's been so many unforntunate natural disasters in non-Western countries like Haiti, Japan, China, Thailand, it's probably about time that America has some sort of natural disaster.

Yep, "there's been so many unforntunate natural disasters in non-Western countries like Haiti, Japan, China, Thailand, etc." -- global.

Do you know that they are spraying you with metals, mostly aluminum and barium? Look into chemtrails. This is also global.

The more you know about HAARP and other weather modification; the more weird weather you know of; and the more you know about what these people have done, can do, will do, desire to do, won't do, etc.; the more it becomes the reason. But to know such things takes countless hours of consuming information from all sides.

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