Chief Elder Osiris : There Is No Life After Death!!!

Chief Elder Osiris

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2002
By Chief Elder Osiris

Sorry to have to burst your Fantasy Bubble concerning the Body Life and all of the Lies Religion Teach you to believe about the Body Life being indestructible, it is all a Lie, so you see, if religion will lie to you about Life being indestructible, then how in Hell can you continue to place your trust in what religion teach you about the Divine Essence, (GOD) the Universe, and about your Black Life, a life that religion was used to dissolve your Divine Method of Thinking, and replace it with a profane method of believing.

I also cover this topic in my Book, Divine Spirituality: Getting To Know The Real You, concerning Life and Death..

Let us see what Life is that will have you to know that it does not reside beyond the being in your Body.

Life is a action of the Body with a Mind ability to have Will, and to make choices, which imply that on the Dimension of Life there is a possibility of being influenced to do things that will be a detriment to your life, without you knowing it, because you would have been made to believe what you do not know, is the way it is suppose to be in relationship to your Life.

So Life in order to Live in your Body, is a matter of making choices and having a determination to do things during your Life that will be of an indication by you, that you have a Mind that has the ability to make decisions in and for your Life, even though those decision do not all of the Time have to be the Decisions you make that have come from you using your own Mind Method of Reasoning, concerning those things you reach a conclusion about concerning your Life.

So you see, Life is a living process that take place in the Physical Body, a Body that is guided by a Mind, may be not all of the Time it being your own Mind but if the Body is alive it has a Mind, profane as it may be or Divine as it can be, but all such a Life living action is taking place inside of your physical Body, guided by your Mind.

So you see, beloved, Life is for the physical Body Only, and such a Life is not transferable, it remain in the company of Death, and when Death exit the Body, Life cease to be, because as long as Death is present to life, life is in motion in the Body, as the body reflect that life action with a spiritual expression, be it Divine or Profane.

So no, there is no Life Tran fer that will allow you to change Bodies with your Life intact, as you go into another Realm of so call Religious Life, it is all a Lie, no, in no way are you going to take your Life potential into a place of Eternal Existence, a place religion has caused you to believe have been reduced to a physical place in the sky call Heaven and there you will continue to live your Life as is, with minor changes, not so beloved, when you are Dead, Life is done, ain't going to be no giving high five and talking Ghetto Language and wearing your pants below your Behind and Skirts above your behind talking Sexy, not so beloved.

Sorry, but I am to Burst your Life Fantasy Bubble by sharing the Divine Truth with you, because that is what Divine Spirituality is all about, reflection your Mind by expression in a body action that is in Harmony, Order, and Balance with the Divine Facts about Life and Death, and whether one can live without the other.

Life is specifically for the Body and Living is totally Physical, so beyond Life and Death, there is only Eternal Infinite Existence, so there is no Spiritual Body living a Life somewhere in the sky, because there in the abyss of Eternal Existence is only Divine Eternal Infinite Energy Intelligence, without Form and is void of physical Life.

Can You Understand That, Beloved?

So you see beloved, you get only one Helping of Life for the Body to Live, and you are to get it Divinely Right on the First go Around, because there is no second Round of Life for the Body Living.

So every Nana Second is precious to your Life Living in the Body, and you have an obligation to protect your Life and Respect your Life and place it in an Environment where your Life will be full of Joy, Justice, Sovereignty, Independence, Happiness, and Divine Knowledge of the Meaning and purpose of Life, and it **** sure as Hell is not meant to be taken beyond the Body Life Living Experience, or to be abused by anybody, so where Death is, life a part of the Body Life Living Process.

So you Black people, you go right ahead believing in Lucifer Fantasy about Life and you attempting to live your Life by such a Lucifer Moral Scale, which he has created for you to struggle to live your Life By, and while you are attempting to comply to Lucifer Profane Moral Scale for you to have your flawed mind to guide your Life by, believing that there is life after Death, then you will you end up missing out on all of the Joy and Pleasure that Life is meant to experience while Living inside of your physical Body.

How Pitiful and Sad of a Black World that we Black so call Afrikans have become, and have been made to be ignorant as to the Meaning and Purpose of Life and Death.

Be Kind To Your Self, Beloved.

Author Of The Book Divine Spirituality: Getting To Know The Real You.

Places It Can Be Founded is at:

Barnes And Noble Book Store
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Amazon Book Store

Reincarnation. The Reincarnating ego. The Infinite "I". I don't believe we only get one shot to get it right while in this physical body. The universal creator is a cruel entity if he/she allows physical beings to incarnate only once to be inoculated, vaccinated, enslaved, brainwashed, diseased, and die. If this was the case you might as well say life itself is a punishment, a type of "hell".



Sorry to burst your bubble, but there is life after death. We will for the moment stay away from the religious, since it is obvious you dont subscribe to the dogma of any of them.

There is more than one law of science that states unequivically, all energy and matter ( including our spiritual life force ) is a constant. It is neither created nor destroyed. The only question is the source of this energy and what happens to it after it leaves our vessels? Moreover, the physical Law of Enthalpy (S) states that all matter tends towards randomness. However, all scientific investigation thus far, demonstrates the universe is quite ordered. This in and of itself would be enough to call into question yoiur initial premise. But let me further add that mathematics, the ultimate science, says it is mathematically impossible for random chance, ( includinfg Darwins Evolution ) to have created the world or ouselves as we know it. This specifically implies a guiding force. Therefore, I submit your own diatribe is nothing more than a belief/religion in and of itself. The scientific facts contradict this belief.

Now religious dogma currently professed may not have it quite right. But they may be a lot closer than you.

Let those who have ears and eyes, see and hear



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