I have a theory about life
and how it came to be,
it's funny cause my story involves a man,
a snake and a tree,
I figured out that creation is about making
nothing something you can see,
and everything is just like it's supposed to be,
it's true jubilee.
You know those visions I be having,
well I'm having one.
At your head I'm steady stabbing,
ain't got no gun,
first it runs around the circle,
then it reruns.
Suppose Osmosis Jones was real,
there's a whole world inside,
would that effect how you feel,
would it boost your pride?
On the outside it all seems odd,
but each cell inside sees you as God,
each rumble a prayer,
each pain a cry for a savior.
NO blasphemy God told me so,
said as above, so is below,
at first I didn't get it though,
now I know.
Because IAm the most powerful one
seated on a throne way up high,
I send angels as thoughts
to bless or to curse,
I feed all and decide who will die.
Like a loaf of bread, All sustenance I supply!
What a revelation,
now Armageddon has begun,
had a heads up I know what I'm facing,
anti Christ and his crew are so done,
on shines the sun, the enlightened one.
Higher ground same situation,
except now I'm the microbe
living in the zone called a nation,
crying out to a higher source to save men.
Mother earth has been so gracious.
Mind expanding do tell,
let it keep unfolding,
until the earth herself is a cell,
the universe is enclosing,
a theory or an infinite tale,
just supposing.....
.......it's all relative!