as long as i can draw breath and pound a keyboard i will respond to any attacks on black people.
and so will I.............but I'm not afraid to call out those that look like us either........."just cause ur my skinfolk doesn't make u my kinfolk"
as long as i can draw breath and pound a keyboard i will respond to any attacks on black people.
Jahari Kavi said:.............but I'm not afraid to call out those that look like us either........."just cause ur my skinfolk doesn't make u my kinfolk"
i have never heard you say anything positive about anybody black....just attack after attack
When I created this thread the point wasn't to bash michael jordan,
Greetings All!
Here is a message.....
To the People,
Not that I expected Oprah Winfrey to do anything different, but she REALLY got my blood boiling even hotter when on her recent show she underscored the talents of a select group of young people. All of these youngsters, by the way, were non-Black, except for the young Black girl (Keke Palmer) who played an actress in the film, Akeelah and the Bee, and who was featured last. Now of all the young people who were spotlighted, only Palmer had a talent that was make believe (acting). And the movie she "played in" was a direct slap in the face to the little we have left of our heritage as it uplifted the racist and mighty English language and demonized our attempt to hold on to our native tongue. Laurence Fishbone, who plays the role of mentor, boldly calls this young actress "ghetto" and warns her that she needs to talk proper and use proper "English." I don't know about most of yall who may be reading this essay, but I detest the fact that our people
have been stuck with the racist English language while our native tongues (lost somewhere in Africa) have been systematically kept from us. (One way to change this is to mandate that every Black student in America be encouraged to learn a language from Africa while in elementary school).
Now back to Oprah (America's modern day house negro who nurses the emotions and interests of white). Ms. Winfrey helps me to understand the Barack Obama campaign more clearly. Will Obama like Oprah work overwhelmingly for the benefit of white America? The answer is - yes. Already Obama has made it clear that he will follow the tenets of the presidential litmus test which requires the president of the United States of America to demonize Cuba and Venezuela, and to support Israel while marginalizing Palestine. These tenets require the president to keep the resource rich countries of Africa poor - war-torn and disease-ridden. It requires the president to defame Black men and to keep them at bay of opportunities and a quality life. And sadly my people, Senator Barack Obama is already playing the script waiting for him as he moves closer to that dreadful place called the White House. This "house" built via hardcore labor by enslaved Africans, has
created and caused more problems and mayhem for Africans than any other place or building on the Planet. This "house" (much like the English language) helps to promote the color white as right, positive and wonderful while promoting the color Black as deadly, depressing and bad. And Obama and Oprah (or the two O's) for sure, are minions who help in this devastating campaign.
The two O's represent what Black America will become in the next century - a community of a few Black leaders who work almost exclusively for white people while throwing (maybe) their Black people a few crumbs. The two O's will explain that Black must be more responsible if they want to become like them. The two O's will tell Black people that they must become "educated" if they want to stay out of prison and poverty. The two O's will tell Black people that they must get over the fact that they live in and are controlled by a system of white wannabe supremacy and that they make the best of it - not be rebellious against it. The two O's will tell Black people that they must literally sell their souls, themselves, their dignity and respect to white America if they in fact want to "make it."
Well, I say "****" the two O's - for there is no reason in the world (other than for the continuation of white wannabe supremacy) that any African, Black, Brown, or Asian person should be poor, wanting and belittled - because the extremely rich and life sustaining resources that lay deep in the soil of Africa, the Americas and Asian are enough to make every person (including, yes, white people) on the Planet happy, healthy and rich. And when I see my people in Africa who live on the Planet's richest earth, living on a diet of rotted vegetables, insects and flies, I get sick knowing that people like Bush, the Clintons, and yes, the two O's work to keep Africa poor and heading towards complete devastation. (And yes, Oprah's European-styled school she opened in South Africa is probably one of the most ignorant and backwards moves she has made. For what Africa needs is for people to help remove vultures like the USA and Britain from it, not built
schools that miseducate).
Admittedly, I agree that I may sound like a big, mean and mad Black man who may be unhappy because his dreams may have been deferred. And to this description, I sign my signature.
Fige Bornu, Chairman
Positive African Image Institute
Fige Bornu's Blog:
my Sista you may distribute and post my essay.
Fige Bornu