Black Relationships : The Truth about Black Men and fatherhood

FAMILIES 62% of Black families (up from 23% in 1967) are now headed by single women. 67% of Black children (up from 17% in 1967) are born out of wedlock. The percentage of Black women who are married declined from 62% to 37% between 1950 and 1998. Unstable families are often less than optimum environments for good education, and positive outlooks on life.

EDUCATION 69% of Black children cannot read in the 4th grade, compared with 29% among white children. Only 12% of Black high-school seniors are "proficient" readers, while 54% have "below basic" reading skills. Poor education contributes to an inability to compete in the workplace which results in low paying jobs.

EMPLOYMENT Black adult unemployment has remained twice as high as white unemployment for more than 30 years; 3 times as high among young people. Black women make 89% of what white women make; Black men make 67% of what white men make. Low paying jobs lead to poverty.

POVERTY While constituting roughly 13% of the total population, Black America represents nearly 30% of America's poor. Poverty often times breeds crime and discontentment.

DRUGS & CRIME Drugs are a major contributing factor to the on average, 6342 black on black murders that occur annually. This total of all U.S. soldiers killed during the 2 Gulf wars, across 2 countries, and over the 5 combined years is 4646. We kill 1696 more of our own per year than the gulf war has killed of all U.S. citizens in all combined years. Discontentment oftentimes breeds drug use and the disire for the fast track to prosperity.


Just as no one held a gun to the females head. She was the 1st to fall

My Mommie made her Transition @ 1:43 pm today.
She raised five children as a "single parent".
WE, her children, revere and recognize that SHE did the BEST SHE could with what SHE had.



I'm am awaiting the presence of MY husband.....who WILL BE here for

my father.....

Well...... HE will answer and give account for HIS ****.

thats all I can say .....NOW....

OH MA...ME....did a BLACKTASTIC JOB....with US.....

thanks for listening......


My Mommie made her Transition @ 1:43 pm today.
She raised five children as a "single parent".
WE, her children, revere and recognize that SHE did the BEST SHE could with what SHE had.



I'm am awaiting the presence of MY husband.....who WILL BE here for

my father.....

Well...... HE will answer and give account for HIS ****.

thats all I can say .....NOW....

OH MA...ME....did a BLACKTASTIC JOB....with US.....

thanks for listening......




May her new transition be heightened with love and peace!
And you my Dear Sister, may your heart and mind be cleansed
with forever sweet memories of Momma!

Rest Peacefully Momma!:hearts1:

You dont even want to be with one. I would think that fits you more than I.

"jamesfrmphilly said:
brother, you display a pathological hatred of black women.

My Mommie made her Transition @ 1:43 pm today.
She raised five children as a "single parent".
WE, her children, revere and recognize that SHE did the BEST SHE could with what SHE had.



I'm am awaiting the presence of MY husband.....who WILL BE here for

my father.....

Well...... HE will answer and give account for HIS ****.

thats all I can say .....NOW....

OH MA...ME....did a BLACKTASTIC JOB....with US.....

thanks for listening......



Greetings Kemestry
I needed to come back and clarify a few things here.
First, my Mother had none of her children oow. She raised us single handling after my father decided he was within his bounds to do some fowl ish. After they separated, and many many more black men left the home for various reasons...the next generation of Sistren learned to do without. They learned "I can do bad by myself" kind of thing. Most of that "bad" meant surviving in economic poverty and beating up on self.... putting self down without any help.
I know this is a major factor in the things you reference. The attitudes of Women of Afreekan Descent has clearly progressed in a way which may be hurtful at times...and men did and do the same.
As I thought of my father during this time....I thought of this thread and I posted as I did.
That's all for now.


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